Sunday 3 November 2013

The 6 Surprising Secrets To A Happy Relationship

Turn on the television or read the news, and all you hear are the negatives about relationships. This celebrity is leaving that one; this person cheated with that person. If the recent studies and articles are to be believed, more and more couples are delaying divorce because of the economy, prompting hundreds of tips from reporters and bloggers on how to live with your estranged spouse. Is anyone happy in their relationship? In a word, yes. There are many couples that are happy being together. But the headline, “thousands of couples achieve happiness,” doesn’t have the same ring as “divorce rates are climbing.” HERE ARE WAYS TO HAVE A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP 1. communicate. Every therapist, counselor and relationship self-help book says the same thing, “you have to communicate.” Merriam Webster defines “communication” as “the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.” Sorry, but this definition of communication is largely misunderstood because, to many people, it means talking to your spouse so that he/she knows you are right. In successful, happy relationships, people listen and empathize. They don’t necessarily agree, but they do make the effort to really hear the information, and then see it from their significant other’s point of view. 2. DONT Go to bed angry sometimes. The golden rule is to never go to bed angry. But, sometimes things cannot be worked out without a brief break. You both might need time to consider things, evaluate, and think. So long as the discussion hasn’t caused someone to scream and storm out the door, going to bed without completely working out a situation might allow for perspective overnight and a more connected, intelligent conversation in the morning. 3. Watch what you say. In today’s social media driven world, words and statements fly without a care. Couples driven to stay happy and connected are careful with what they say, not only to each other, but also about each other. Often, relationships can be defined by what you say about your partner to others when they are not in the room. 4. Forget date nights. It’s all about hotel s*x. Date nights are a great attempt to rekindle romance. But, after working all week, diapers and homework assistance, it might not be feasible to downshift over a of couple of hours at dinner. A better solution is hotel s*x. No more, “Shhhhh! The kids!” “Are they asleep yet?” Or the inevitable knock at the door. Want happiness? Get a trusted overnight sitter and head out for an adult night. Get a meal and then head back to the hotel for dessert. 5. The little things count. Small actions can take many forms, such as calling for no reason, offering to help clean a house, love letters, lipstick notes on the mirror, pulling out a chair or washing a car. It is all rooted back into the old maxim, “it’s the thought that counts.” 6. Disconnect. Nothing says indifference more than texting away on your phone when your significant other is talking. Keep the connection and look them in the eye when they are speaking. It speaks to your level of engagement with them, which is interpreted as their level of importance to you. YOURTANGO


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