Friday 1 November 2013

4 Things That Turn Men Off

We are creatures of habit, and there’s some things girls do that we, as men just can’t stand! Whether girls know it or not, these are the top 4 things they do that are instant deal breakers. 4. Always on their phone when they’re with you. Look, if you’d rather be hanging out or talking to someone else, then why are you even with me in the first place?! 3. Always Loving to Gossip If you’re always a negative person and loving to talk bad about other people, then what are you saying about me? We don’t want to feel like we have to be perfect to be with you and this is all that it portrays about your personality. 2. Girls That Stay Out of Shape Look at this girl. She has motivation. She has drive. It’s not being shallow that we don’t like overweight girls, it’s what it says about you as a woman. Why would we go after someone we want to care about us if they don’t even have enough respect to care about themselves? Don’t get angry at this comment, there’s always a solution to being overweight. If it’s genetic, then fight back a little harder than other people. Motivation and drive for excellence is extremely sexy to men, and being out of shape shows you own none of these qualities. 1. Complaining and Being Pessimistic The WORST! Girls that can’t find joy in anything. When something goes right, they think about how things could go wrong in the future. When you have a side in an argument, she’s not even open to the fact that you may be right and when proven wrong will just make you feel bad about being right. It goes without saying that everything exactly opposite of what this is is what we look for. Girls, throw your stubbornness, pity, and selfishness out the door if you want to attract real men.


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