Wednesday 26 March 2014

For men: Foods that can Boost Fertility

Infertility is one of the most common marital problems this current days. It heart breaking to be waiting for longer time after all the wedding party before the naming. Major all this infertility problem have it major root from low sperm count. This implies that the number of sperm cells are not enough or up to the required concentration of about 12-18 million. So fellow brothers, do you want to improve the quality of your sperms? Here are 3 amazing foods you should add your meal intake….
1. Fresh fruits Fruits are great thanks to the high levels of Vitamin C which ensures the potency and quality of your sperm. If you want to be a daddy, we would recommend at least two portions of fruits like lemon, sweet lime, oranges and mangoes. They’re all rich packed with nutrients and antioxidants and won’t hit your wallet as hard.

2. Garlic Garlic’s health benefits are well-known but various studies have shown that it has aphrodisiac properties and also helps improve blood circulation. No wonder that Twilight fellow looked so peakish and pale!
3. Fish Rich in fatty acids, many kinds of fish can help you become fit and fertile and get your little ones swimming! Fish contains Essential Fatty Acids which helps improve circulation around the reproductive system and boosts sperm quality in the process!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Improving Communication Between Partners

Communication is a vital part in a relationship which must be considered if a relationship is to be successful. It is so essential that even these days most relationship are no longer working because of the lack of communication.
Improved communication between partners create love, passion, affection and complete sense of involving. Communication in a relationship keeps partner close and ease to let out any emerging problem, create an avenue to provide solution. Most especially the female partners only feel comfortable if they can air their views, afterall a problem shared, is problem solved.
So in this article are amazing tips to improve communication in a relationship. Learn this tips and see your marital life blossom.
1. Listen To Each Other
Taking time to listen to your partner means more than just nodding and smiling as they talk. Drop what you’re doing, make eye contact and give the other person your full attention. You can’t fully concentrate on what someone else is saying if you are texting or checking email at the same time.
2. Create Special Time To Talk
It’s so easy to get so caught up in the stress of everyday life that you never actually sit down and talk to your significant other. Rather than let too much time lapse between real conversations, set aside some time each day to talk. This will create a sense of belonging and been cared for; take your partner out to somewhere private, this will create freedom and a fresh environment; a fresh setting often stimulates conversation.
3. Ask Questions
Good communication means your conversations aren’t one-sided. Really engage with your partner by asking questions that will help you understand how they’re feeling or what they’re trying to get across to you.
Don't know how to start or what to ask? Check out these conversation sparking Questions:
What was the biggest challenge you faced this week?
What are you most proud of doing this year?
If you could give your 16-year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
If you could trade lives with any celebrity for a day who would it be and why?
What would the perfect day consist of for you?
If you could go anywhere in the world for an all expenses paid dream vacation where would you go and why?
4. Don’t be a know-it-all
It can be frustrating to talk to someone who thinks they know everything about whatever it is you’re telling them. Good communication means listening and asking questions without taking over the conversation with your own opinions. It’s okay to offer advice, but it’s counterproductive to do all the talking.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Easy Ways to Show That You Appreciate Her

One key to successful relationships is the man's continuous effort in showering lovely and passionate expressions to your female partner, telling her much she means and how much you appreciate and value her. Every woman love truly and needs affection from her partner to see that her love is reciprocated because that is the way their heart is wired, they value instant feedback, and therefore it is important for you to think of romantic ways to show her you love her.
We are all different from one another, and so defining ways in which we can please different women is not a simple task. However, generally speaking, most women want to see a certain level of romance in order to be reassured of their partner’s love for them. Indeed, if you know your woman well enough, then you would know what level and type of romance she prefers. But for those who need a bit of help when it comes to romancing their partner, help is at hand.
Show her that you make an effort to make her happy She will always appreciate that you have made an effort to show her you love her. Therefore, the more personal input the better. It is important for you to be simple but creative. Try and do something original that will take her by surprise. Bringing her flowers every once in a while is very pleasant, but if you make the effort to think of something new, then she will appreciate it that much more, and know that you have tried hard to show her you love her. For example, if she likes surprises, then you can plan a random outing for the weekend. Or for her upcoming birthday, you can make her a card instead of buying her one, and write a more personal message. She will value the personal touch in what you give her.
Don’t stop showing her that you care about her Besides giving her presents, you can show her you love her on a daily basis with more hands on romantic gestures. Show her you are actively listening to her when she speaks to you, and make sure to remember what she tells you, in case she refers back to it in the future. Also, make sure that that you are giving her some intimate physical contact each day, even if you are tired or preoccupied, as this will really show her you love her.
Finally, never forget to give compliments – we all enjoy them and she is no exception!

Monday 10 March 2014

Easy ways of Escaping An Abusive Relationship

Abusive relationships can be so depressing and make life seems to be coming to an end. But it's something you can overcome, although It is not an easy thing to do, but you escape and leave an abusive partner. In doing this you must have first gain control over your own emotions.
This abusive relationships mostly, the female partners are always affected. So ladies You loved him once and have had some good years together, but over the years he has insulted you and abused you and you no longer feel the same about him. Your feelings are bruised. He is jealous and insecure and monitors every of your movement, He tells you what to wear, when to eat, and who you can go out with. If you don’t do as he says, he stays out the whole night. Especially for ladies if your man, No matter what you say, he always manages to convince you that you are wrong. You need to leave that relationship. Here are various way out and escape plans.
How to Prepare an Escape
1. Feel confident and worthy, and never stop valuing yourself. You must be strong and reflect independence, otherwise he will take advantage of you. The battle is a psychological one and must be won in the head first.
Remember to always validate yourself, and stick to the plan.
2.Tell your man that you have become unhappy over the years and would like to know if he is interested in repairing what you had once had. Discuss the prospect of counseling. He may laugh at you, or dare you to leave, or tells you that counseling is a waste of time. In such a case, be prepared to tell him that if there is nothing more between you. He needs to realize that it is pointless to remain together, and that you are going to leave.
3. If he tries to persuade you by getting fresh, don’t be fooled. Some men use s*x to manipulate a woman to gain control in a relationship. Be sure to stick to your guns about your wishes – that if he is not prepared to go for counseling, you are going to leave.
4. Have a plan. Put a bag of clothes in the boot of the car. Call your mother and tell her that you might need a place to stay that night. Make a list of everything to be discussed, and in the right order. Don’t deviate from what has to be said, no matter how painful.
5.If he refuses to take you seriously, or strikes you, take care of yourself by leaving the house immediately. Don’t tell him where you are going. It will be hard to do but this is the step you need to take to get you on the road to a health recovery from this abusive relationship.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Important Reasons of Eating Together As A Family

Most family these days have forgotten the way it was in the old days when all member of a family are all united and do things together. Now let start with this; When was the last time your family sat down and enjoyed a meal together?
With days highly occupied with schedules and work, it can be tough to satisfy all th family requirement as a man or woman, and rounding up the tasks for an evening meal can be almost impossible! However, recently research has begin to show that eating as a family has great benefits for the children and teenagers. It helps to create a unique bond and sense of acceptance between family members. Thus, it will be beneficial if you can start the process today and create the love your family requires.
Below are 8 reasons why you should try to sit down together for at least 4-5 times a week, for either breakfast, lunch or dinner.
1. Communication and Well-Being
Conversations during the meal provide opportunities for the family to bond, plan, connect, and learn from one another. It’s a chance to share information and news of the day, as well as give extra attention to your children and teens. Family meals foster warmth, security and love, as well as feelings of belonging. It can be a unifying experience for all.
2. Model Manners
Family mealtime is the perfect opportunity to display appropriate table manners, meal etiquette, and social skills. Keep the mood light, relaxed, and loving. Try not to instruct or criticize—lead by example.
3. Expand Their World…One Food at a Time
Encourage your children to try new foods, without forcing, coercing, or bribing. Introduce a new food along with some of the stand-by favorites. Remember that it can take 8-10 exposures to a new food before it is accepted, so be patient. Trying a new food is like starting a new hobby. It expands your child’s knowledge, experience, and skill. Include foods from other cultures and countries. Select a new vegetable from a local farmer’s market. Have your child select a new recipe from a cookbook, web site, newspaper or magazine.
4. Nourish
Meals prepared and eaten at home are usually more nutritious and healthy. They contain more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products along with additional nutrients such as fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C, and folate. Home cooked meals are usually not fried or highly salted, plus soda and sweetened beverage consumption is usually lower at the dinner table.
5. Become Self-Sufficient
Children today are missing out on the importance of knowing how to plan and prepare meals. Basic cooking, baking, and food preparation are necessities for being self-sufficient. Involve your family in menu planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation. Preschoolers can tear lettuce, cut bananas, and set the table. Older children can pour milk, peel vegetables, and mix batter. Teenagers can dice, chop, bake, and grill. Working as a team puts the meal on the table faster, as well as makes everyone more responsible and accepting of the outcome. Improved eating habits come with “ownership” of a meal.
6. Prevent Destructive Behaviors
Research shows that frequent family dinners (five or more a week), are associated with lower rates of smoking, drinking, and illegal drug use in pre-teens and teenagers when compared to families that eat together two or fewer times per week. Even as older children’s schedules get more complicated, it is important to make an effort to eat meals together. Scheduling is a must.
7. Improve Grades
Children do better in school when they eat more meals with their parents and family. Teenagers who eat dinner four or more times per week with their families have higher academic performance compared with teenagers who eat with their families two or fewer times per week.
8. Save Money
Meals purchased away from home cost two to four times more than meals prepared at home. At present time the restaurant industry’s share of the total food dollar is more than 46%. Due to scheduling, commitments, and activities, families eat out several times each week.It is time to bring the “family” back to the dinner table. Sharing dinner together gives everyone a sense of identity. It can help ease day-to-day conflicts, as well as establish traditions and memories that can last a lifetime.
Part Adapted from: