Monday 13 May 2013

Teach Your Man to Treat You like A Lady

1282472148fW1aHa Do you ever wish your boyfriend would just learn to treat you like a lady, without you having to tell him to do things all the time? Try these simple steps to change your playboy into a chivalrous knight. Do you ever wish your man would just start treating you the way you want to be treated? Men seem to have evolved physically from the apes, but at times, their chivalry and manners seem to go back to the days of the primitive apes. Here are a few tips that you could use while you’re with your man to make him learn a few manners himself. Getting him to open the car door The next time the both of you go out and he parks the car and is about to step out, place your handbag on your lap and start to go through it as you continue to sit in the car. Pull out your lip gloss or check your face. Do something and pretend to be completely engrossed checking your face. He’ll probably get tired of waiting for you to come out, and he’ll just walk over to your side, and open your door for you. This is when you flash your cutest smile and say “awww… that is sooo sweet of you” or “it’s just so sweet of you to do that. Thank you…” he’ll get the hint, and do this more often, at least wherever possible. If he still doesn’t get it, you still have your handbag to do it all over again Getting him to open doors at restaurants After a good meal at a restaurant, as you walk towards the door, take his arm in yours and hold hands as you lean towards him. As you get near the door, slow your pace just a little bit and allow him to get to the door first. It’s obvious he’ll push the door open. This is when you fasten up just a bit and walk through the door first, even if it doesn’t come naturally to him to allow you to walk through first. When you step out, catch a glance at him and just smile, and look away but hold that smile on your face. He’ll be very curious to know why you’re smiling. And when you tell him how sweet he was to open the door for you, that moment will be something he’s going to remember for eternity. Buying you flowers It’s not too hard to let your guy know that you love flowers. He probably knows that already, but he might just have forgotten that special gesture of getting you flowers over the months or years. The next time you walk past a florist, take time to smell the flowers. Stop by the flowers and tell him how beautiful it looks. He’ll definitely pick them up for you. You could brush his cheek with your hands or give him a kiss, and let him know how nice and special you feel. Don’t be surprised when your guy knocks on your door the next week with a beautiful posse of flowers! dreamtime

Things Every Female In Her 20’s Should Know

19 Things Every Female In Her 20’s Should Know.
Read below
1. Love and honor your mother. Learn from her mistakes. It will save you a lot of headache in your thirties (30s) and beyond.
2. You are more talented than you’ll ever know. You don’t need to sleep with your Boss/ supervisor to get a promotion at work or better grades at school. Burn late night candles; put extra time to study and practice until you master your skill. Hard work still pays well and does not kill.
3. Women can build a strong support network. Don’t let few ladies with “Pull Her Down” {PHD} syndrome discourage you from cultivating true relationship with your female friends.
4. When a man you meet for the first time babbles about how much he earns working for an oil company and how rich he is, that is a red flag. He is either a married smooth-talker who just wants to sleep with you or he is childish. Walk away from deceit.
5. Make your own money. Start small. Maintain a stable bank account. It will keep you out of trouble.
6. When you meet your Soul mate, don’t forget to wear your most priceless ornament- submission and humility. But while waiting for him, don’t cling to any man to rescue you. Some men these days are also seeking for who will rescue them.
7. Know your body. Look at yourself in front of a full-length mirror at least once a week, Unclad and after clothed. Know your body and how it works.
8. Life is a gift. But to revel in it, you must be ready to put a lot into nurturing your gifts/ talents and skills. Start early.
9. Teenage ended at 19. Clocking 20 means doing away with childish behaviour. But it does not mean you should forget to have fun. You can catch fun and not be dirty.
10. Learn the basic skills and let yourself grow- from how to keep your underwear clean, cook, socialize, and network to how to drive a car.
11. Don’t do drugs. It kills. Read books, it fortifies. Dance as often as you can, it liberates your spirit, soul and body.
12. Partnership builds bridges. Don’t ever forget that.
13. Eat healthy. Learn to cook for yourself. Don’t rely on noodles alone. The cooking skill will be useful in future.
14. Don’t give up when you fail. Try again and again. Don’t give up on education/ learning.
15. Fear of the future. It is a state of mind you must learn to tame. Don’t let fear pull the carpet from under your feet. The Holy Books tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
16. Let go of past hurts. You cannot move forward if you keep looking back. Holding on to bitter experiences and regrets will stale your future.
17. Learn to exhale, love deeply and be kind to others, especially those of low estate, and the lowest of low.
18. You are beautiful the way you are. Don’t compare yourself to others.
19. Prayer is the master key. Have faith in God and always have the courage to use your voice wisely. Dream big today. Fear simply means False Evidence Appearing Real.
Enjoy the highs and lows that come with being in your 20s but don’t be afraid to grow older. Live life to the fullest and don’t forget to smile always!

6 Ways To Know If Your Woman Is Cheating On You

Cheating in relationships and even marriages is a very common thing and happens every now and then and as a man how do you dictate the change of pace in your relationship to know if your GIRL is unfaithful?
Well the signs may vary but there are certain facts that remains a key to dictate foul play but that’s if you’re paying attention to situations and not just LYING flat on the bed called TRUST.
1: She tells more than usual how her day went
When a woman has skeleton tied around her daily activities, she usually comes up with much stories to cover the GAPS in between. A smart man should start from day one to monitor this area in other to know when the stories starts getting too LONG.
2: She password her phone when with her man
There is no other reason as to why a woman will be with her boyfriend or husband and then password her phone… if not that she is covering her tracks. If you have nothing to hide, you wouldn’t put yourself in that position to keep entering password just to check your MISS CALLS or TEXTS.
3: Always call to check the man’s location before leaving hers
When you’re building up games in relationship this aspect becomes common because you do not want to bump into your man surprisingly. It’s good for a woman to check on her man but not always conscious of that especially at the times before she leave her own location.
4: She Pays more attention to what she’s wearing than yours when outing When a woman begins to dress for other men to notice and not her man, then that’s a clear sign something is fishing or will soon be. A woman who doesn’t pay attention to how her man looks when going out with him has high hopes elsewhere and that makes her man’s outfit less important to notice.
5: She feels uncomfortable when you grab her purse or phone
The minute a woman starts to feel unease when you grab her phone or handbag either by twinkling her hair, looking at various positions in seconds, trying to distract you with unusual topic while reaching for what’s on your hands, then be sure that she covering tracks of something you need to know about. A woman who has nothing to hide will be delighted and happy you grabbed her stuff at least to prove to you she is clean.
6: She start getting upsets at little things
When things that usually doesn’t cause problems begins to lead to daily fights, it’s a sure sign the woman is about to sign-out from the relationship. She’s beginning to get fed up about something which seems like the “man himself”. Women usually don’t break relationships up or make it a living hell when they have not got an alternative by the side. So prompting the unusual fights are just excuses to pop the bottle. She is seeing someone else and that’s possibly why.
Hower Kimoe

10 Ways To Resolve An Argument With Your Spouse

In relationships, we all have our fights, and having the occasional heated debate with your significant other is even healthy. But when these fights cross into full-blown blow-ups, the arguments can quickly get out of hand. Follow these 10 tips for effective anger management if you want to enjoy a lasting, loving relationship.
1. Know when to make an exit. Remove yourself from a situation you can’t handle. If you can’t gracefully leave the room, gracefully change the topic.
2. Exit earlier than you think you need to. Exit when your anger is at a level three on a scale up to 10. By the time you’re up over level four, exits will become increasingly difficult. Self-righteous indignation will propel you to keep trying to prove your point and will make your wants seem all-important. (As a friend of mine once put it, “My anger makes what I want feel holy and what you want is totally insignificant.”)
3. Change your focus. Phew. You’ve separated yourself from that situation you couldn’t handle. Now what? Focus on something other than what you were mad about. Avoid further thoughts about the person.
4. Evoke peace and laughter. Find something to think about that evokes calm images or even laughter. Close your eyes and picture yourself on a beach.
5. Breathe deeply. Clear the air emotionally by clearing the physical air in your lungs. The same slow, deep breathing that helps when you’re falling asleep in bed can bring cooling energy to you when you’re trying to douse your inner fire.
6. Relax your muscles. Hang your arms limply. Focus especially on relaxing the little muscles around your mouth and eyes.
7. Put on a smile. Even if you have to force yourself — just smile. Smiles soothe (even fake ones), and bring forth positive thoughts and feelings of gratitude or affection.
8. Test the waters. Before you try addressing the issue again, prepare by picturing yourself offering gestures of niceness. Plan to talk about pleasant topics before resuming the tough one. Be sure that you and your partner are securely back in an emotionally light zone before venturing again into sensitive realms.
9. Make agreements. Re-launch the tough topic by agreeing on points made by your significant other. Start the conversation by saying empathetically, “I agree that we’ve put this issue on the back burner.”
10. Talk through the problem calmly and effectively, listening to the other person’s point of view. Share your concerns on the tough issue, but keep your tone relaxed and collaborative, and look for solutions that work for both of you. This final tip has a number of subtleties to keep in mind. Transition your sentences using the phrase “and at the same time” and not the word “but.” (For example, “And at the same time, my concern is … “) The word “and” is collaborative; “but” deletes whatever was said just before and consequently could knock you both back into adversarial hostile stances.
The goal is to add your perspective by quietly explaining your concerns, not insisting on particular solutions like a child having a temper tantrum (not sexy). These tips have focused mostly on what to do, all of which involve focus on yourself, on calming distracting thoughts or on how to improve the situation. Stay clear of accusing and blaming. Focusing on what you don’t like about what the other person has done will only cause more relationship problems.
Learn these techniques of self-soothing, plus all you can about how to communicate in intimate relationships and you just might find yourself much more successful in making your relationships last. With the ability to prevent and also to fix marriage and other other relationship problems, you may even find yourself feeling increasingly secure and self-confident

7 Things Your Nails Can Tell You

You spend so much time trimming, shaping, buffing, and painting your nails (or having someone else do all of that for you), but you probably don’t spend much time looking at them bare. And that means you may be missing spots, stripes, and odd colors that could indicate that something’s up-in a bad way-with your body.
While nothing replaces a visit to your physician for a proper diagnosis, checking your fingernails for the following abnormalities can help you spot early warning signs, so wipe off that polish and take a glanc
Pale nailsPale nailsPale Nails: The problem isn’t so black and white when it comes to white nails. If your fingernail beds are looking a little ghostly, you may have anemia, a blood disorder characterized by a low red blood cell count. “Anemia resulting from low levels of iron can lead to inadequate oxygen in the blood, which causes the skin and tissues to become pale, particularly the tissues under the nails,” says Shilpi Agarwal, M.D., a board-certified family medicine and integrative and holistic medicine physician in Los Angeles. Be sure you’re consuming good sources of iron, including green leafy vegetables, beans, and red meat, to boost your levels.
More seriously, pale nails could also be a sign of early diabetes or liver disease, both of which can lead to impaired blood flow. “When diagnosed early, diabetes can often be controlled with dietary changes,” Dr. Agarwal says. Avoid processed foods with refined sugars and carbs, and eat more fiber, vegetables, and whole grains. “These will help stabilize blood sugar levels and limit circulatory damage caused by uncontrolled sugar levels,” she says. For liver disease, a trip to the doc for testing is a must-do for accurate diagnosis.
Yellowing or thickeningYellowing or thickeningYellowing or Thickening: Yellow nails certainly don’t look pretty, and what causes the hue is even grosser: “Thickened nails, with or without a yellow-ish tone, are characteristic of fungal infections that generally traverse the entire nail bed,” Dr. Agarwal says. She adds that topical medication is often no help since the infection is in the nail bed and underlying nail plate. Your doctor can prescribe an oral med, which will reach the entire breadth of the infected nail.
Dark linesDark linesDark Lines: Even if you diligently check your skin for questionable moles monthly, you likely overlook your nails, a place where dangerous melanoma often goes unnoticed. “Dark brown or black vertical lines on the nail bed should never be ignored,” Dr. Agarwal warns. “These can be a hallmark sign of melanoma, which requires early detection and treatment.”
Leave your nails bare periodically so you can examine them, then go get a mani. “Sunlight is unable to penetrate through polish, so any shade other than a clear coat will provide an adequate barrier from the sun,” Dr. Agarwal says. Smart idea since your nails’ smooth surface makes it hard for sunscreen to be absorbed into the nail.
Pitting and groovingPitting and groovingPitting and Grooves: Depressions and small cracks in your nails are known as “pitting” of the nail bed and are often associated with psoriasis, an inflammatory disease that leads to scaly or red patches all over the body. “Individuals who suffer from psoriasis develop clusters of cells along the nail bed that accumulate and disrupt the linear, smooth growth of a normal nail,” Dr. Agarwal explains. “As these cells are sloughed off, grooves or depressed areas are left behind on the surface.” A physical exam is often all you need for a diagnosis, after which your doctor may recommend topical, oral, or injected medications or light therapy.
Brittle, thin, or lifted nailsBrittle, thin, or lifted nailsBrittle, Thin, or Lifted Nails: Breaking a nail can be a bummer, but if your tips seem to crack at the slightest touch, it could mean your thyroid is amiss. This gland in your neck regulates metabolism, energy, and growth, and too little thyroid hormone often leads to hair loss, brittle and thin nails, and nails that grow slowly, Dr. Agarwal says.
Thyroid disorder also manifests itself by causing your nail plate to separate from the nail bed in a noticeable way. “Lifted nails are thought to occur because the increase in thyroid hormone can accelerate cell turnover and separate the nail from its natural linear growth pattern,” Dr. Agarwal explains.
Brittle, thin, slow-growing, or lifted, see your physician ASAP for a simple blood test that can check for thyroid disorder, which can be treated with medications.

White linesWhite linesWhite Lines: Stripes on your nails are only a good thing if they are painted on. Horizontal white lines that span the entire nail, are paired, and appear on more than one nail are called Muehrcke’s lines. These could be an indication of kidney disease, liver abnormalities, or a lack of protein and other nutrients, Dr. Agarwal says. “They are thought to be caused by a disruption in blood supply to the nail bed because of underlying disease,” she explains.
Shorter horizontal white marks or streaks, however, are likely just the result of trauma to the base of your nail. These may last from weeks to months and usually will disappear on their own.
Blue nailsBlue nailsBlue Nails: A blue face is a clear indication that someone’s lacking airflow, and blue nails mean the same thing-you’re not getting enough oxygen to your fingertips. This could be caused by respiratory disease or a vascular problem called Raynaud’s Disease, which is a rare disorder of the blood vessels, according to Dr. Agarwal. Some people just have slower blood circulation, especially when exposed to cold temperatures, she says, but have a physician check your blood and oxygenation levels if your nails are persistently blue.
Sourc:Yahoo News

3 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Fat

A man can learn a lot from observing women in a book club for five minutes. I would know because my wife is part of a one, and every time I spend a little time with those ladies I come away much wiser and more convinced that men and women could not be much more different-unless you’re talking about exercise.
You see, the exercise techniques that work best are universal to men and women. And yet most women wouldn’t dare approach the gym like a guy. How do I know? Because the 10 women at my wife’s book club told me so last night, and it’s the same thing I’ve heard for the last 10 years in the fitness industry. The reality is that training “like a man” will actually make you leaner, sexier, and have your friends dying to know your secret.

So forget gender differences for a moment. Here are three tips that are part of the foundation of my New York Times best-selling book, Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha. They work well for men, but like most things in life, by following these simple rules, the end result will look even better on a woman.

Rule 1: Stick to the Basics

Everyone loves to create exercises that make working out more fun. And that’s fine; your workout should be enjoyable. But thinking that Bosu ball balancing acts or one-legged pliĂ© jumps while holding a kettlebell will get you fitter faster just isn’t accurate. If you want results, you have to stick with what we know works. And that’s classic, multi-muscle exercises like squats and deadlifts. These exercises work because they force you to use multiple muscle groups at once. And the more muscles you activate, the more fat you’ll slash.
These may seem like exercises for guys, but not all squats are done with a barbell loaded with lots of weight. (Although women shouldn’t fear heavier weights; they don’t make you bulky.) Variations of these exercises are timeless and extremely effective. Grab a pair of dumbbells and try Bulgarian split squats . Your legs and b*tt will thank you.

Rule 2: Less Cardio

More women perform cardio as a means to lose weight than men. This is not a stereotype-it’s reality. That’s not to say men aren’t equally guilty. (We spent part of an entire chapter in Engineering the Alpha busting the cardio-fat loss myth.) It’s true cardio helps you burn calories… but so does eating. So that’s not the issue; you want to find the most efficient ways to burn calories and more importantly fat. And you want to build a body that makes it easier for you to enjoy the foods you love, right?
That’s why cardio isn’t the answer. Or, at least, it’s not the primary solution. Cardio will burn calories, and weight training is more likely to burn fat. If you’re going to do cardio, make it secondary to weight training. That means either doing cardio on separate days (if you have the time) or after a weight training workout. The best thing about lifting weights is that your body adapts to the new muscle mass you’ll build, which means your metabolism will be higher, you’ll burn more calories, and you’ll change your hormones (like insulin) to be able to handle the foods you love.
Rule 3: More Intensity
I’ve spent enough time in the gym to know that making fitness social is a great idea. Few things are better than going to gym with friends or being part of group fitness, whether it’s bootcamp, Crossfit, or Zumba. What’s not okay is focusing on the social aspect more than the workout itself. Most guys go in with a “go big or go home” mentality. While this can lead to injuries, it’s closer to the right mindset in terms of getting results.
When you go to the gym, you want to get in and get out. Longer workouts are not better workouts. Intense workouts are what works. Your heart rate should be elevated and you should be sweating and feeling your muscles work. Completely transforming your body does not take a lot of time-but it does take a lot of effort. If you want an idea of what all out effort feels like, try this simple two-exercise sequence. It’s called a countdown. It might only take 10 minutes, but it might feel like the hardest workout you’ve ever performed. Use this as a baseline for how hard you should be pushing to get the body you want.

Countdown Workout

Perform 10 reps of a kettlebell (or dumbbell) swing
Without rest, do 10 reps of burpees
Still without resting, do 9 reps of the swings
Now do 9 reps of burpees

8 Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship.

Love is perhaps our most powerful emotion, and the need to be in a loving relationship may be one of the strongest needs we have. Being in an intimate relationship makes us feel connected, not only to our partner, but also to the world at large. When our hearts are filled with love, we feel profoundly content and satisfied. We become more patient, more empathetic, kinder, gentler.
But personal intimacy doesn’t merely affect our emotional well-being. According to numerous scientific studies, the power of love directly affects our physical health, too, by boosting our immune system, improving our cardiovascular functioning, and increasing our life expectancy. “Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well,” says Dean Ornish, M.D., who explores the connections between love and health in his book Love & Survival (HarperCollins). “When you look at the scientific data, the need for love and intimacy is as important and basic as eating, breathing, and sleeping.”
On Valentine’s Day, we celebrate our love for each other over candlelit dinners or through exchanges of chocolates, flowers, and slinky lingerie. But a box of bon-bons only lasts so long. Experts agree that the key to a vitalized, long-lasting relationship is what you and your partner do the other 364 days of the year. Indeed, keeping your love alive requires continual time and effort. Following are eight steps you can take to keep the flame burning.
1. Be Friends
Any healthy relationship must be based on a solid underlying friendship. Remember to treat your partner with the same kindness, respect, and appreciation as you would a close friend. Support, listen to, and laugh with each other. Don’t allow yourselves to be rude or disrespectful.
2. Stay Connected
“Couples need to spend a lot of time with each other,” advises David Kaplan, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Counselor Education and Rehabilitation programs at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. “There is no substitute for quantity of time.” Kaplan encourages couples to take a half-day a week to go out on a date. In addition, devote at least 15 minutes of your day to meaningful, one-on-one conversation — no television or kids allowed.
3. Get Physical
Physical intimacy is a natural, and healthy, extension of a relationship. Our best s*xual intentions are often put to rest, however, as we collapse into an exhausted heap at the end of the day. Instead, you and your partner need to consciously commit to turning up the heat. Leave the dishes in the sink, turn the laptop off, and just do it! Set the mood with the sensual music, and light some calming aromatherapy candles or incense. Learn to communicate your loving energy through touch.
4. Celebrate Each Other
Saying something kind and affectionate to your partner should be a daily habit. The expression of loving thoughts nourishes your relationship by helping you both remember what it is you treasure about each other. Let your partner know how much you appreciate him or her, and be generous with compliments and expressions of affection.
5. Fight Well
Since disagreements and arguments are inevitable, what’s important is not whether you fight but how you fight. When disagreements surface, keep them short. “No more than 10 minutes,” says Kaplan. “After 10 minutes, it gets nasty and repetitive.” Also, keep boundaries on the subject matter. Don’t dredge up issues from last week or last month-keep your dispute focused on the matter at hand.
6. Take a Class
Feeling like your relationship could benefit from professional advice? Why not take a class on communications skills, attend a seminar on loving kindness, or read a book on relationship-building together? Your efforts will likely spark important discussions about your relationship and, ultimately, enhance it. A good starting point is Phillip McGraw, Ph.D.’s straight-talking tome Relationship Rescue (Hyperion, 2000).
7. Listen Carefully
Being an attentive listener lets your partner know that his or her thoughts and feelings are important to you. Moreover, good listening encourages partners “to open up and be willing to share,” say Richard and Kristine Carlson, authors of Don’t Sweat the Small Things in Love (Hyperion, 1999). The secret, say the Carlsons, is not just to “hear” what your partner is saying, but to be truly “present,” having a heartfelt desire to understand what is being said and listening without being judgmental.
8. Maintain Your Sense of Self
Partners must learn to balance their needs as individuals with their needs as a couple. “On one hand, you don’t want people to be too far apart emotionally. If you don’t spend time together, you become disengaged emotionally,” says Kaplan. “The other end of the spectrum is couples that become too dependent on each other and their individual identity gets lost.” Ideally, the two of you should be close enough to have intimacy, yet “far enough away to have individual identity,” says Kaplan. Don’t be afraid to develop some friendships and interests separate from your partner.
Source:Gaiam life

How to Impress a Guy in 13 Awesome Ways!

What makes a girl attractive and irresistible? Use these 13 tips on how to impress a guy and you’ll be on his mind long after you walk away from him. By Layla Quinn
To a guy, physical attraction may be important.
But it’s not everything.
An attractive face could hold a guy’s attention for a few seconds.
But to actually impress a guy and make him fall for you, you definitely need more than that.
Ever wondered why some girls draw more guys than other girls?
Ever wondered why a girl who’s not that great looking still manages to get every guy to fall for her?
How to impress a guy and make him want you
Great guys love a chase to win a girl, because they love a good competition.
The alpha male wants to be the best, and wants to be surrounded by the best of everything.
It’s an evolutionary trait of the alphas, while the lower men settle with what’s left of the best.
The great guys always want what all others guys desire, be it success, wealth, cars or anything else.
They want to pursue a great girl who gets the attention of other guys, and steal her away from right under their noses.
So if you want to impress a guy, you need to learn to get attention of great guys no matter where you are.
And once you’ve got the attention of the great guys, it’s only a matter of time before every other guy starts to fall for you and desire you.
Impressing a guy and the finer traits you need
If you want to impress a guy and make him addicted to you, the first lesson you need to learn is this. You need to play nice and sweet with him, and yet you need to seem unavailable at the same time.
Reciprocate to a guy’s flirting, but don’t initiate it. Always make it seem like he’s the one who’s doing all the flirting. That’s the key to impressing any guy and making him fall for you.
When you laugh at his joke, or blush at his compliment, it shows him that he’s able to impress you. But at the same time, when you don’t initiate anything to please him, he’d work harder because he knows he hasn’t pleased you enough to win you over completely just yet.
You need to show him the door to your heart, but make him work hard to find his way through the door. By doing that, he’ll respect you more, get more crazy about you and be in awe of you.
How to impress a guy in 13 ways
A great girl who’s desired by great guys is high maintenance, but she’s not cocky or arrogant. She’s pleasant to be with, but she never tries to impress any guy.
Want to be that girl and impress a guy you like? Keep these 13 traits in mind, and you’ll be awed and desired by the guy you like.
#1 Don’t be judgmental. But at the same time, don’t be a pushover. If you don’t like something, say it but don’t make a big deal about it. The guy you like may be passionate about a few things that you don’t appreciate, but that doesn’t mean you should insult him for it. Show an interest in what he has to say, share your truthful opinions about it but don’t get rude or judgmental.
#2 Punish him when he’s cocky. Are you the girl who forgives a guy if he keeps her waiting for over half an hour before he turns up? Change that attitude. Don’t ever let a guy take you for granted or take it easy around you.
At the start of a relationship, or when you just get to know the guy, it’s very important to ensure that he takes you seriously. Ignore him or walk away if he throws his weight around you, speak curtly to him when he gives more attention to someone else, and don’t think twice about scolding him if he mistreats you.
If you do this right at the beginning of the relationship, he’ll respect you more. But at the same time, this should be used only when he takes you for granted. The rest of the time, be the sweetest girl in the world around him!
#3 Smile and laugh a lot around him. Guys are mesmerized by a girl’s laughter. Laugh at his jokes if you find him funny, and give him all your attention when you’re with him. You don’t need to initiate too many conversations, just sit back and let him know that you’re enjoying his company. He’ll do the rest, and get impressed by you too.
#4 Debate with him. And win it. Men are awed by a woman’s emotional intelligence. Never let any guy behave like he’s more intelligent than you. Be aware of what’s going on in your world, and talk about it with him. A dumb bimbette could seem attractive for a few hours, but she’ll be the b*tt of his jokes after that.
When a guy thinks you’re unintelligent, he’ll think of you only as his arm candy, not as his partner for life.
#5 Be naughty. A naughty side is a huge turn on to every guy. Sit really close to him and watch him feel awkward around you. Brush his body, but make it seem like an accident. Behave like a coy girl, but tempt him innocently.
#6 Don’t give in too easily. Remember this if you want him to go crazy for you. Even if you like a guy a lot, don’t give in too easily and try to please him from the very beginning. When you try to please a guy too soon, he’ll start taking it easy because he’d know that he’s already won you over. And if he’s a regular guy, he’ll stop trying to woo you or impress you.
Even though you like him already, don’t express your mushy thoughts to him for several weeks. Date him or spend hours talking to him, but make sure he’s completely in love with you before you tell him that you’re crazy about him. Understanding how to make a guy chase you the right way is very important if you want to have a serious relationship with the guy you like.
#7 Tempt him with your appearance. Dress well and look good all the time when he’s around. You may assume that people who like you won’t judge you, but that’s not always the truth. If you were dating the guy and he dresses shabbily while going out with you, wouldn’t you feel a small twinge of disappointment when you’re walking down the street with him?
Look your best, awe everyone around you, and the guy you like will feel lucky to have a conversation with you.
#8 Smell great. Let your fragrance linger when you hug him goodbye or walk past him. Guys are suckers for good perfume, especially when the girl they’re interested in leaves behind a waft of perfume in the air. Try several perfumes and pick the ones that best suit your personality.
Spray the perfume on your wrists, behind your ears and around your neck or just under the collarbone. And a spray in your hair will ensure that you leave your fragrance behind whenever you walk past a guy. Just remember not to rub your perfume with your hands through because that just kills the fragrance.
#9 Be kind to everyone. Guys are instinctively drawn towards kinder girls who seem pleasant and approachable. Be warm when you speak to guys, even if you aren’t interested in dating them. Don’t insult a guy who tries to talk to you just because he’s not a great conversationalist. But at the same time, don’t put up with guys that treat you disrespectfully.
#10 Be spontaneous and alive. Don’t be a bore who doesn’t like talking much. Even when you’re with friends, play an active part and be involved with them. Guys may love a shy girl, but no one appreciates someone who’s just a part of the furniture.
Participate in activities, have fun, and even when you’re with the guy you like, don’t be too predictable. Cut him in the middle of the conversation, and ask him to accompany you somewhere because you feel like it. When you’re spontaneous and unpredictable, the guy would try harder to please you because he just can’t understand your likes and dislikes.
#11 Show the guy the competition. Don’t ignore all other guys when one guy gives you the attention. When you let a guy know that you’re only interested in talking to him, he’ll assume he’s already won you over. Talk sweetly to other cute guys, flirt casually and have fun even if the guy you like is around.
Remember, you’re not dating him yet, so let him see that he has a lot of competition to deal with if he wants to date exclusively with you. The more the competition, the more respectful he’ll be towards you and the harder he’ll try to woo you.
#12 Don’t use him. Just because he’s sweet enough to offer his help doesn’t mean you need to use him all the time to run your errands. Ask his help so he feels like a chivalrous gentleman when he’s around you. But do it the right way.
#13 Leave in a memorable manner. The best way to impress a guy is by leaving him with exciting and memorable memories of you. Flirt with the guy you like now and then without making it obvious that you’re outrageously flirting with him or trying to impress him. When you subtly flirt with him in a not-so-obvious manner, he can’t help but constantly remember you and wonder if you actually flirted with him or it was just his imagination.
This stage where you impress a guy is not the same as the dating stage. When both of you are dating, it’s about helping each other understand the other person better.
These 13 tips should be used to impress a guy you aren’t dating yet.
But when you’re still trying to impress him or evaluating him as a dating potential, use these 13 tips on how to impress a guy. It’ll make him take you more seriously, fall harder for you, and respect you a lot more!

See Which Fruit Helps You Ward Off Cancer, Obesity, AND Hypertension

Another season of mangoes is here again and most people relish this seasonal fruit but how many of these people know the health benefits of eating mangoes? Mango fruit is known as the king of fruits and one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavour, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities making it a common ingredient in new functional foods often called “super fruits”.
Mangoes are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy after physical exercise.
The enzymes of the mango, such as magneferin, katechol oxidase and lactase, clean the bowel of the “filth” within and are an ideal antidote for all toxic effects inside the body. They provide also sufficient resistance to fight any germs and afflictions.
Hartwell claims in his book “Plants Against Cancer,” that the phenols in mangoes, such as quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes, have healing and cancer-preventing capacities. In gall bladder cancer a protective effect of mango consume has been proven.
Mangoes contain also a lot of tryptophan, precursor of the “happiness-hormone” serotonin. It meets the vitamin and energy requirements of children of 6-24 months of age at three servings a day.
The bark of the mango tree contains 16 – 20 percent vitamin and also mangiferine. It acts as stringent and is believed to possess a tonic action on the mucous membrane. It is anathematic, useful in hemoptysis, hemorrhage, nasal catarrh, diarrhea, ulcers, diphtheria, rheumatism and for lumbrici. It is also used in diphtheria and rheumatism.
Mango is said to be an excellent natural source for pro-vitamin A; the content rises even after being picked before ripening.
Improving the consumption of mangoes would cover the needs of the population in third world countries like Nigeria. The content of carotenes is very high also in the dried fruit, and retains high levels over at least six months after harvest.
Further investigations have shown that eating mango slices with the skin on could help keep the weight off.   A study by Australian researchers showed that mangoes could help you lose weight and stay slim – but only if you eat the skin you would normally throw away, a study suggests.
Experts find that in tests, extracts from mango skin appeared to “inhibit development of human fat cells.”  According to them, the secret is in phytochemicals that act as natural fat busters and are found only on the outside of the fruit.
Mangoes have many excellent nutritional properties but more work needs to be done to understand the complex natural compounds.
A similar study also found that eating mangoes may help lower blood sugar and cancer risk.  Consumption of mangoes may potentially have positive effect on blood sugar in obese individuals and help limit inflammation, according to research at Oklahoma State University.

7 Reasons Women Lose Respect For Men

I just thought I should share this with NL dudes…If a woman loses respect for you as a man, she will also lose attraction and begin to fall out of love with you. It might’ve taken you a long time to find “the one” that you’re now in love with, but unless you’re careful about avoiding the following mistakes, she’ll soon be thinking about backing out of the relationship for good. Let’s have some clues…
1. Belittling Her in Public
Playful teasing each other in private can be a fun aspect to your relationship, especially if it’s kept light and you both have understand each other’s sense of humor. Too often though, some men will belittle their woman in front of their friends or family in a way that she feels is cruel and sincerely harmful to her confidence and sense of pride and comfort in front of others.
In an effort to “show off” to his friends or because he believes that some “habit” his girl has is silly, some guys will say hurtful things about their girlfriend/wife. Even if it’s done when she’s not there, what the man says about his woman is probably going to get back to her eventually and she will feel betrayed and lose respect for him when it does.
2. Being Too Bossy
Women like to have their man be the head of the relationship, but when he starts getting too bossy and treating her like a slave or a servant, that’s when she will begin to lose respect for him.
Being bossy sets in when it has to do with house chores. If you want your relationship to last, you should let your girl do much of the housework, while you spontaneously help out with the housework, but focus mainly on doing the “manly” jobs around the house, making the big decisions and basically leading the relationship. However, when the man decides that he’s the “boss” and his woman has to do whatever he demands of her as if he “owns” her, she will lose respect for him and want out; especially if their s*x life isn’t that fulfilling for her either.
3. Always Letting Her “Win”
On the opposite side of being too bossy, some guys will give in to whatever a woman wants because he is too fearful of losing her if he doesn’t yield to her every whim and desire. While it’s true that a woman will usually “test” you to see how much she can “get away with,” what she really wants is reassurance that you are in-charge of their relationship by seeing that you don’t agree to her every request.
If it gets to the point where her man agrees with her every request or “demand,” especially out of fear of her leaving him, she will walk all over him until she eventually loses all respect for him. She’ll then fall into the arms of another man who will show her who is truly “in charge” of their relationship. Girls may act like they want to be the boss in this new age of independent women who can do whatever they want, but deep down they all want a man who is a man and who can and will continually take the lead in a relationship. Any bros out there fumbling…, c’mon dude you the man, act up!
4. Being Weak or Submissive Around Other Men
This one point you must not toy with. A woman is always watching to see how much of a man a guy really is. One of the best ways a woman can see how strong (mentally and emotionally) a guy is, is to watch him interact with other men. Whether he’s chatting to men at a party or talking to a male shop attendant in a store, the woman is watching to see if he acts submissively and places the other man/men above him in terms of dominance. If he bosses her around at home, but let’s most (if not all) other guys boss him around outside of the home, she will lose respect for him instanta and won’t want to “follow his orders” at home – even akpos no go gree if na you date am!
If you want to learn how to be an alpha male who men respect and women love and lust after,please read wide about being an alpha male. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to be the alpha male in a situation and how much your life will improve, not only with women, but at work (or study) and around friends and family. I no say make you turn commando…abeg na nigeria police go carry you shine! Life is completely different when, everywhere you go, people look up to you and respect you. Good things will just start happening to you all of the time. Doors open up for you and women just naturally want to be with you. There’s no need to try to get a woman attracted – she already is because you’re alpha bravo – just saying
5. Being Suspicious of Her Every Move
Trust is essential for the health of a relationship. Without it, all sorts of problems begin to emerge. One of the fastest ways to erode and eventually destroy the trust in a relationship is to become suspicious and overly protective of your woman. Regularly accusing her of wanting to cheat or of doing things behind your back will only lead to a breakdown of trust and a halt to the flow of love in the relationship.
Whether she’s legitimately working with a male co-worker on a project, going out with her friends to the movies or to do some shopping or running errands, some guys will find it difficult, if not impossible, to trust their woman unless they are with her. In an effort to control and keep tabs on her, some guys will stay in constant contact with their woman to find out where she is and what she is doing, snoop on her e-mails and phone messages to see if any guys are saying anything that could mean she wants to be more than “just friends” with them and so on. Women find this to be a major turn-off because they aren’t attracted to men who desperately need them for their emotional security and feelings of self-worth. My advice get yourself busy looking for money.
6. Whining Like a Victim
For a variety of reasons, a man might find that his life plans are suddenly in jeopardy (e.g. he loses a job, his shares/stocks/investments plummet and lose tremendous value, he gets caught up in heated disagreements with family or friends, etc.). It’s understandable that when things go wrong like that, a man might want to talk about his problems with his woman, but when he whines and complains like a victim without looking for solutions, a woman’s respect for him will quickly dwindle not every lady though but it good you brace up. Everyone has disappointments and problems that have to be dealt with, but some men will let it destroy them by dwelling on it and acting like a “victim of life.”
When a man is in a relationship, he should sometimes seek his woman’s advice to see how she feels and what she thinks might be a good way of tackling a problem. Even if he doesn’t follow her suggestions, but instead weighs them up as a possible solution against his ideas, a woman will greatly appreciate that her opinion matters to him and that he is actively trying to find a way to resolve his problems instead of moping, whining and complaining, but not actively seeking a solution. Boys complain and whine, while men decide and act.
7. Lying
Being able to rely on you to be truthful and live with integrity is one of the most important things to a woman when in a relationship with you. It doesn’t matter if it’s a “little white lie” to “keep out of trouble with her” or a major fib that, if discovered, will have life-altering ramifications, most women won’t tolerate their man routinely being dishonest. In fact, once your woman has caught you lying, she will never be able to fully rely on you again. She will not be able to see you as her “rock” or her man of stone and her respect for you will diminish.
Personally speaking, I’ve been able to consistently win arguments with my girlfriends and consistently stop women from putting heat on me about something, simply by saying, “Hey, have I ever lied to you? I always tell you the truth, right?” and the woman then has to give in and smile. From there, she can rely on you to lead her with the integrity and strength of a true alpha male. So, as a general rule, I recommend you just tell it how it is with women. Don’t lie, don’t cheat and don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Be the straight up, cool guy that you are and everything will be fine. but some girls like lie lie sha don’t fall deep into it least you turn a pathological liar – just learn how to garnish it.