Thursday 30 July 2015

3 Tips that Will Enhance Your Dating Life

One of the greatest pleasures of being single is dating. It can be a lot of fun and adventure if you are willing and committed to enjoying the process. Having a good dating life boils down to a few key points. If you implement these points into your dating habits, you will find that dating doesn’t have to seem like you’re out to chase the man or woman of your dreams like you are hunting wild game. Going out and enjoying someone else’s company doesn’t have to seem like a chore, it can be fun and something to look forward to if you keep these ideas in mind:

1. Remember, You are Under No Obligation Other than the societal norms of being punctual and polite, you have no obligation to any man or woman you might be dating. You want to get to know someone, not immediately become their husband-to-be or wife-to-be. Each case is different, some will move faster than others. That said, be fully aware that you are in complete control of the situation. If it’s not fun, if it doesn’t work for you anymore, if the compatibility or attraction is lacking, you can leave the situation. Singles sometimes “settle” because it’s been a while since they have had someone and they feel they can’t “do better.” You can andwilldo better! The only obligation you have is to yourself to patiently wait to find the person who has been designed just for you.

2. Be Open to the Possibilities It turns out that the lady of my dreams was someone that I initially declined a blind date request from my friend to go out with her. I’m glad I changed my mind! If you want to date and really enjoy your dating life, be open to all it has to offer.It’s ok to date someone who doesn’t fit your normal “type.” It’s a good thing to date people who don’t bring to the table what you bring to the table. It’s cool to date someone with either a higher or lower income than you. It’s ok to date someone who has hair of a different texture or skin of a different color than yours. You never know what you could learn about someone else and what you may learn about yourself if you expand how you think in terms of who you date, what a date consists of and what the date may lead to. Being open is a huge factor in every single person’s mindset when it comes to dating.

3. Date with a Purpose I have written on this topic several times, because your intentis a priority when dating. Dating is like everything else we do in life, we want to have a vision, goals and a purpose for doing what we are doing. What this does is set some (maybe not rigid, but some) parameters around what you are doing and what you want to get out of a dating relationship. If you know you’re dating with the idea of marriage as the goal, then when you find out someone is not marriage material for you, you have the responsibility to your vision to move on. Marriage is only one purpose.
Dating can be to get to know many people and find out what you really want and need out of a mate. I know people who went from their parents’ house to a marriage and never had time to find out what they wanted in a mate before they did it. Dating can help to alleviate this. Dating will often show you what you don’t want in a person to help you figure out what you actually want in a mate.
 You owe it to yourself to be intentional about your

Sunday 19 July 2015

7 Obvious Signs He Is The One!

So you want to know if he is the one? Read on and thank me later….
1. He’s dating you with a purpose
What do men mean when they say “Oh, we’re just hanging out”? Or how about “we’re getting to know each other and see where it goes”? Okay, you can do that as friends, but if you’re going to date do it with a purpose. Is marriage your goal? If not, time is being wasted and who really has time for that?
2. Your relationship is exclusive
Are people really okay with dating multiple people at a time? Sounds pretty dumb to me. How can you fully get to know a potential life partner, if your time and attention is divided? No mam, your relationship needs to be exclusive. If he wants you, he wants only you. That’s it, that’s all.
3. Family is a priority
Is he excited about taking you around his family? He should be. When a man finds a good woman, he wants to show you off to all of his family and friends. The most important people in his life MUST meet the most important woman in his life. Also, the same applies for your family. He should want to see the foundation that helped shape and make you the woman you are today.
4. He encourages transparency in your relationship
There were so many things I was embarrassed and ashamed of, that I would try to hide from Steve. It was so dumb, because he could care less about my gray eyelash or unruly eyebrows. He wanted me to be okay in every area: mentally, physically, spiritually, etc. Once I rested in this, the floodgates opened and I felt comfortable sharing EVERYTHING with him; my insecurities, my disappointments, my pain, etc. It’s a beautiful thing to be open and transparent with the one who loves you, they help make it all better
5. He puts a ring on it
It’s an overwhelming feeling to know a man loves you to the point of purchasing you a ring and gets on one knee to ask YOU (no other woman) to be his wife. And by overwhelming, I mean mind-blowing in a good way. I mean it’s one thing to say he wants to marry you, but to prove it with a ring speaks volumes. P.S. That moment you hear Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” for the first time AFTER getting engaged is a priceless moment! Couldn’t nobody tell me nothing!
6 . He marries you
Major side eye to the couples who’ve been “engaged” for YEARS. These people have been engaged for so long that no one even cares anymore, lol. What’s the hold up homie? Some men are known for giving women a ring to take off SOME of the pressure of actually getting married. You know, just to pacify her. Shame on them. Shout out to the men who propose AND get married.
7. He makes it last forever
There’s nothing like a man who honors his vows “in good times & bad times”. Bad times will come, that’s obvious, but the one for you will weather the storm. Yep, he’ll give you that forever type love. Source: Blackand