Sunday 14 December 2014

Don't Fear Rejection

Rejection is a possibility for anyone – yes even beautiful women – no matter how much you weigh the averages and make up excuses for why it shouldn’t be this way.
Many of the reasons for rejection are as stupid as the day is long, but most of the time there is a longer explanation that goes beyond looks. Consider the traditional art of “game”, we run up on a stranger with some conversation, a little strategy and whatever we know from experience and depending on the way the dice fall we either get some feedback or she disses us and moves away.
What tends to happen on the diss for amateurs is that we sit back analyzing where we went wrong, what we lack, and what her problem is. We turn into stuck cars spinning away at our wheels trying to come up with an excuse for the rejection. Consider some of the excuses we tend to come up with:
*.Well maybe she has a man.
*.She looks like a stuck-up broad anyway.
*.It’s obvious she’s looking for a trick with money; I mean this is an expensive steak house and she’s alone. Her loss. What if you find out that she’s in a bad spot at the time and getting hooked up is the last thing on her mind? Maybe she has a firm rule about guys who approach her in clubs? What if you look way too much like her brother and she thought it was creepy? Far-fetched? Maybe, maybe not but my point in these suppositions is that we never know. This is why the hardcore wolves don’t give it a thought; she gave you a no – on to the next! While it may seem like a male problem this whole rejection and excuses thing – I swear that women take it 10 times worse than we do, especially if said woman is under the assumption that she is on her game at the time. You’ve seen it before, the try-hard chick who goes up to a guy batting her eyes, sliding him her number and overplaying her hand. Any guy should be grateful to have it fall in his lap that easily right? No, not based on the way things work – contrary to popular belief not all guys are desperate or in need of it. The only cure for rejection is acceptance There is never a time when someone is so major that anyone they talk to is an instant hook-up.
A woman can look like Adriana Lima and still be lonely, not because she isn’t beautiful but because the other person has their own reasons. So instead of making it all about you in the case of hooking up with someone, kicking game, or even in taking a relationship to the next level, consider that there is another human being involved in the decision-making. Accept rejection and move on. Source: hallo

Saturday 8 November 2014

7 Ways Being a Perfectionist is Ruining Your Relationship

Perfectionism. In my personal opinion, it’s both an asset and a weakness. It’s good because it helps you have standards in everything you do. It helps you to strive t be your best. But it’s bad because sometimes it causes you to take things a little too far and feel awful if you don’t do something the exact way you thought you would. Regardless of all the good things it can bring to your life, perfectionism can really wreak havoc on your dating life.
Here are 7 ways being a perfectionist might be ruining romance for you (and of course a couple of tips on how to prevent it). It’s making you too picky Standards are good in dating. In fact, they are mandatory. You should never allow yourself to be treated badly or settle for less than you deserve. But, often times, perfectionists take standards a little too far. If you’re looking for someone who’s perfect, you’ll never find it. People aren’t perfect. Neither are relationships. So, you might be casting someone aside for really silly reasons. Try not to limit your list to 101 things, instead just choose a few or throw out the list altogether. Stress is part of your daily routine We can’t always be carefree, but that doesn’t mean we have to worry about every single little thing either. And when you’re all caught up in how perfect everything needs to be that’s exactly what you’re doing- stressing about everything. You’ll never just get caught up in the moment and take in all the magic of a new budding romance (or love in general). Love is a beautiful thing. Let it be. The word should is a regular part of your vocabulary Guilty as charged (it’s actually one thing I’m working on this year). And while saying things like “I should exercise more” or “I shouldn’t eat four more pieces of cake” are probably OK for you, all the shoulds in dating are just plain awful. The fact is, there are no shoulds in dating. It is what it is and you have to accept whatever that is. You pick at…everything You likely pick apart yourself, your boyfriend or the new guy you just met, and your relationship as a whole. You name it and you can pick it apart. And that’s just not healthy. You’ll end up turning little issues into much bigger ones and not ever appreciating something for how simple and wonderful it is. Instead, embrace all that wonderfulness. The little bumps in the road seem like failure You might meet the perfect man for you, but instead of working at the relationship you’ll end it when things get rocky. Relationships are rocky and there will be some bumps along the way, but that doesn’t mean things aren’t working. When you’re a perfectionist, you tend to view the difficulties as failure when really it’s just the natural progression of things. So relax a little. Chances are, you’re doing just fine. The fun will start to fade Perfectionists don’t limit standards just to themselves.
Everything (and I do mean everything) must be perfect. Your significant other, your house, your car, Monday night’s dinner. And when it isn’t that way it makes you feel like a failure and it totally deflates your mood. This isn’t fun for anyone involved. And what’s the point of life and love if you can’t have fun? Sometimes dinner will burn, but you can order takeout. Your house might get messy, but you can clean it up before the in-laws come to visit. It's ok. Really!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: Natural Treatment Options That Are Ignored

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever is the disease caused by the Ebola virus. It's a serious disease that it does not even give it's patients time enough most time to survive. So let see various precautions that can help fight this deaaadly disease. Contracting the Ebola virus is a terrifying thought for most people. Regrettably, this contagious and deadly illness is a reality in our modern day world of high-speed travel and immunity-destroying chemicals. But while the mainstream media continues to exploit the situation by seizing the opportunity to push a vaccine agenda, a wealth of information is available for protecting oneself from infection — and treating it naturally if one does fall ill with the disease.
 Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, is a staunch opponent of the view that a vaccine against Ebola is a viable solution to the problem. In light of the dangers of vaccines — namely, exposure to toxins which in themselves cause serious illness, Dr. Levy believes that we have an range of treatment options which won’t cause side effects yet are exceptionally successful against the virus. Naturally destroying the Ebola virus Vitamin C in one of the best defenses against acute viral infections like Ebola. Essentially, vitamin C destroys viruses by triggering the “Fenton reaction” — a process where viral replication is compromised.
The vitamin also promotes a strong immune system, allowing for harmful invaders to be attacked and neutralized. “There is no other substance that singularly does as much to promote increased and strong immune function as vitamin C. “Among many other effects, vitamin C directly stimulates interferon and antibody production, while effectively supercharging the functions of the white blood cells by becoming very concentrated inside those cells.” Moreover, Robert F. Cathcart III, MD, proposes the idea that an Ebola infection is likened to acute induced scurvy, which causes intense internal bleeding and subsequent free radical death. Interestingly, vitamin C is considered the cure for scurvy. In his clinical experience, the high dosage of oral vitamin C (ascorbic acid) required to combat Ebola is unrealistic due to bowel intolerance.
However, intravenous sodium ascorbate (at least 180 grams per 24 hours) is an outstanding alternative. A full overview of the protocol can be found here . Another promising treatment is Garcinia kola . A medium- sized tree native to Africa, extracts of the plant are commonly used in traditional African medicine. And now, researchers have discovered that Garcinia kola destroys a wide-range of viruses , including Ebola. GreenMedInfo also reports that genistein (present in soybeans) and tyrphostin inhibit the infection of host cells by the Ebola virus. According to research published in the journal Archives of Virology: “In all, these data demonstrate that infection of host cells with the filoviruses MARV [Marburg virus] and EBOV [Ebola virus] and the arenavirus LASV [Lassa virus] is inhibited when cells are pretreated with genistein or tyrphostin AG1478. In both cases, the inhibition was found to be concentration dependent. Although the inhibition of EBOV in cells pre-treated with 100 lM genistein appeared to differ slightly, the addition of increasing concentrations of tyrphostin AG1478 led to a synergistic antiviral effect.” And don’t forget about basic nutrition. As Dr. Levy points out: “This is a disease that spreads most effectively among populations that have a substantially poorer nutritional status than is seen in the United States and other well-fed populations around the world. … “Furthermore, it has been published that there are a substantial number of individuals, often healthcare workers who treated Ebola patients, who have a symptomless infection when exposed to Ebola virus . This further supports the concept just mentioned that the nutritional status of the exposed individuals is a very important consideration in determining the likelihood of the infection proceeding to severe illness or even death.”

Monday 28 July 2014

3 Ways To Your Man Get Closer To You!

If you’ve been dating your guy for a while and things seem great, but it still feels a bit too casual, it may be time to kick things up a notch when it comes to bonding with your boyfriend.
If you’ve never been away with your guy, planning a weekend trip out of town can be a great way to get to know each other even better. With no distractions and no one else to hang out with but each other, there’s a good chance that your romantic getaway will bring you closer. After all, you learn a lot about a person when you go away with them, so hopefully your trip will do a good job at tightening your twosome. Take a road trip. Choose a destination a few hours away (so you don’t spend the whole weekend in the car) and get out on the road. Book a hotel if you want, or you can up the excitement by figuring out where to stay once you arrive. A road trip is a low key and low cost way to bust out of your routine for a few days.
Go camping. If both of you enjoy the great outdoors, think about packing up your tent, sleeping bags and camp stove and checking out a national park together. Sleeping, eating, cuddling and getting frisky under the stars is one of the most romantic things you can do as a couple. Just don’t forget the bug spray!
Book a room. If you’re short on time (and on cash), getting away doesn’t have to mean going very far. In fact, why not book yourselves into a hotel or bed and breakfast right in your own town or city? You get the benefit of being somewhere different while feeling like you’re away – without having to pack more than an overnight bag.
If your relationship has leveled out and you’re starting to wonder how to take things to the next level in terms of closeness, you may have to start asking the tough question, like where the relationship is going. We know these aren’t the easiest topics to broach, but there’s only so long you can wait before the big questions come up and need answering.
Sure, you talk all the time – about work, weekend plans, where you want to go for dinner, but do you really talk? If you find that you’ve never really opened up to each other about your fears and dreams, it might be time to start. Talking openly and honestly about things that can often feel uncomfortable to discuss can be a great way to boost your bond. Not sure what to talk about? Here are a few ideas to get your started.
Talk about goals. Tell him what you’ve always wanted to do (run a marathon, climb Kilimanjaro, live abroad) and ask him what’s been nagging him in terms of must-dos. Talk about fears. What’s been holding you back? See if you can get him to open up about his own fears and concerns.
Talk about the past. Tell him some funny, interesting stories about your childhood and teenage years. Ask him about what he was like growing up. You’ll get some great insight into each other’s.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Dating Tips That Keep You On Fit!

Most people just find themselves in an unwanted relationship and keeps regretting because they don't know what to do!....
Are you one of those who is not exactly sure how to manage your love life?
Here are some dating tips that are sure to keep you hip!
Don’t expect to meet your husband on the first date!
Many women go into their first date expecting to know right then and there if Mr. Man has potential to be their husband. Wrong!
Expecting anything more than a great time on date number one is asking too much and places a burden on a relationship that has yet to take form.
It takes several months to determine if he is “the one.” Go into your first meeting with the expectation of making a new friend. Let’s start there. If you are expecting more and he fails to meet that expectation, you will be disappointed. No one wants that!
And women often prefer their mates to be their best friend, so take some time to build that friendship. Couples who start as friends often have a more sustainable relationship than those who connect on the superficial level.
Check your attitude at the door As women, many of us have been unfairly labeled as “angry black women.” And when a woman has been worn down by bad dates, bad relationships, and overall bad experiences, it becomes harder for her to escape this label because dating can be downright frustrating!
Regardless of race, there is certainly enough to be angry about when it comes to today’s dating landscape, but it is important to remember that the sins of one man is not a reflection of all men. As hard as it may be to let your guard down, one must be willing to check their attitude at the door if real love is what they seek. It is not his fault that the last man cheated on you;give him a chance. What you look like on the outside is only a fraction of what matters to a man, and if your attitude is off, don’t count on a second date.
Dress for success Women often underestimate how much their visual presentation matters to a man. There is a saying in business that you should dress for the job you want. The same can be said for the man you hope to meet. No matter what a man will tell you, they all want the pretty picture. Embrace your femininity by wearing a flattering – but not overtly sexy – dress.
Colors are always encouraged to keep you memorable. Try reds, pinks, greens, or blues and stay as much away from black as possible. What you wear should be a reflection of your personality and black is much too serious for a first date.
Your hair should always be done to perfection and nails be perfectly manicured. Avoid heavy makeup as it often distracts more than it attracts. Accentuate your features and always wear heels! Men love women who are sexy, confident, and tall.
First dates can be awkward, but they don’t always have to be. I often suggest that singles partake in activity dates rather than your standard dinner and a movie. An activity date may involve riding bikes, hiking, indoor sky diving, boating, wine tasting, etc. Dates of this nature encourage conversation and serves as an ice breaker.
Try to find activities that you’d both enjoy and there will be plenty to discuss. Plus, there is no better way to determine if the gentleman is the kind of man you want to spend more time with. If he can’t handle the fact that you can’t ride a bike or are afraid of heights, then you will know more immediately that he is not right for you.
I have seen and experienced my share of dating no no’s, but the greatest I have witnessed to date is with a man who asked if he could shorten his date with my client because he had to get back home by a certain time to walk his dog. No wonder he is still single! If a man is unable to commit two hours for a dinner date, then he is a man who deserves to be alone.
Dating takes commitment. If you expect someone to risk falling for you, you have to be willing to take a few risks of your own. If you can’t commit your time then don’t waste someone else’s.

Friday 20 June 2014

Ladies: No One Is Ever Too Young For a Heart Attack

Heart disease, contrary to popular opinion, is not a condition confined to elderly, and chain-smoking males. Seemingly healthy women who wear pink ribbons are also surprisingly in the demographic. Heart attacks are not just happening in nursing homes. Heart attacks are happening to the women you see at your PTA meetings, favorite lunch spots, and playgroups.
In fact, heart disease is the number-one killer of women in the United States: The American Heart Association predicts that 365,000 women will have heart attacks this year, and, for those of us under 50, women’s heart attacks are twice as likely as men’s to be fatal. For chest cancer, a far more publicized illness, the latest figures from the American Cancer Society show that approximately 255,000 women will be diagnosed in that same twelve-month period. Would you be surprised to hear that cardiovascular disease kills more women over 25 than all cancers combined?
Of course, the good news is there are specific actions that you can take to protect yourself from heart disease. Tennis and eating grilled vegetables aren’t just good for keeping your figure slim and trim! Your love of sports and healthy foods can help keep you around longer for your children, spouse, and friends by preventing heart disease. However, sometimes we need a little help – and that’s OK! As well as a healthy diet and exercise, there are drugs, known as statins, that can help lower cholesterol and keep you heart-healthy.
Is your job “stressful”? Your heart knows …
It is very important to keep track of your cholesterol levels, no matter how old – or young – you are. But experts say that half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels.
Sometimes the high risk factor is caused by inherited heart problem or high-risk activities like smoking. Stress can also be a factor – according to a recent article in The Daily Mail, women with stressful jobs are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease as women who feel their jobs are manageable. Um, sound familiar? Luckily, treating patients, even when their cholesterol levels are normal, can cut the risk of heart attack or stroke in half.
A landmark study in 2008 found that rosuvastatin reduced cardiovascular episodes in women by 46 percent and in men by 42 percent. The group who took part in the research did not have heart disease but showed other signs of risk.
Experts emphasize that when prescribing statins, doctors must take into account attributes like the patient’s age, gender, race and family medical history rather than the cost of medication. Too often, experts say, the goal of saving money seems to be more important than helping at-risk patients.
Ladies, it’s never too early to be proactive about our health – and to talk to our doctors about medications that can prevent illness and even death. Too often, even the medical community doesn’t put enough emphasis on heart health for women, especially young women. But paying attention to our hearts means making sure we’ll be around for all those special moments in life … for a long, long time.

Monday 2 June 2014

5 Amazing Lessons You Must Learn From Bad Break Ups

I know one way or the other We have all had that one relationship that knocks the wind out of us. The things you thought you knew about love become all mirage in your mind because you are blinded by hurt. Bad breakups are emotionally draining. With it comes resentment and sometimes outright anger. The thing about a bad breakup is the more emphasis you put on the other person’s fault, the longer it takes for you to get over it and put the past behind. There are five powerful lessons that a bad breakup will teach you once you stop romanticizing the relationship:
1. Love is not an event. It’s a process Many relationships come to a bitter end because someone’s feelings changed. As great as it may sound, love isn’t a feeling you get when you are around that person. Love is a choice. From those choices come deliberate actions. You invest time learning about them and give yourself a chance to like the person you are dealing with. From that feeling of like grows love. You can’t rush into something and expect it to last.
2. Don't get started if your are not ready When the right person comes along, it’s natural to want to snatch them up. During Pharrell’s interview with Oprah, he explained how when he met his wife, she was dating someone else. With all his hubris, she resisted his pursuits. She didn’t immediately cut him off though. From that point, they forged ahead as friends and eventually got their happily ever after. A person will respect you more if you are honest about the level of commitment you can make. That type of transparency is hard and scary because nobody wants to have to wonder “what if…”. But it can save you from sadness and a bruised ego later. The great thing is if you two believe that you’re each other’s “right one”, you’ll stay in each other’s lives.
3) You can’t force your method of love on someone else:The Five Love Languages is a book every single should read at least once in their adult life. Knowing your significant other’s love language is the ultimate cheat code. I think that each love language essentially tells you the bare bones of keeping your significant other fulfilled in the relationship. The quality of love is far greater than how much you love them. If you don’t love a person in the way that they receive it, it’s never going to work.
4) Date longer and more deliberately:For every short courtship that led to a 30+ year marriage, there’s 50 stories of couples who wound up in divorce court within the same year. Some people don’t believe you should fall in love with potential. I tend to disagree for the reason that on occasion – for men particularly – the right kind of love is exactly what’s needed. However, many of us have been hurt because we loved someone for who we wish they were. When you date someone longer or date with your own purpose, you have the space to make a more informed decision about love.
5) No relationship is ever a waste of time:It’s hard to feel “good” about a break up. On the flip side, it’s true that a person’s presence in your life was either to be a blessing or a lesson. I look back and can unequivocally say that every serious relationship I’ve been in has taught me something about myself as a man. A relationship is only a waste of time if it a) didn’t help you see your weaknesses or b) never showed you how strong you actually are. Relationships are often the catalysts for shifts in our lives. So if you continue to come out of relationships the same exact way you went in, then the problem may be you. You owe it to yourself and your future significant other to accept responsibility, learn from your mistakes, and make the shift a positive one.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Women: 4 Traits That Turn Men On

The dream of any lady is to be the idol for her husband, what he this about, what he wants the most, but most times in relationships it never happens you keep wondering why? Becoming a woman that holds a man heart and makes you his most desired, you must possess certain characteristics. I repeat, if you want to become the kind of woman that drives men crazy, make sure you have these 4 traits. I have always said that there’s no one woman that all men desire. As you know, a woman who is one man's everything, and completely in love with, could probably turn another man off, but there are some common traits and characteristics most men desire in a woman. In fact, I’ll rephrase that.
There are several traits real men desire in a woman. First, before we proceed, there are two different types of men (real men and man-babies) and let’s just be clear on the difference between real men and “man-babies.” A real man will return your calls and texts. He’s emotionally mature. He’s not afraid to talk about his feelings, and he doesn’t panic when you talk about commitment, and does not expect you to play them either. He’s the man that will hold your hand, and cuddle with you on the couch without pushing himself on you, because he’s in control of himself sexually. He’s the kind of man most of my women readers talk about wanting to meet. Which i know that you also want that type of man.
So, what are the common traits the real man wants in a woman that you must possess? Although there are others, but these are the big 3:

1. He wants you to be playful. 
Dating should be fun, and men want to have a relationship with someone they can have a laugh with. Nothing turns men off quicker than a drama queen. There’s nothing worse than a woman who thrives on some kind of drama or crisis in her life. Real men want women to connect with them on a playful level. Remember in many ways, men are like big dogs. We love to play, and we love to embrace our inner child. So don’t take yourself too seriously, and be open to the fun life has to offer. It’s all around you. You just need to let yourself go.
2. He wants you to have emotional maturity.
Sometimes in life things don’t go right, and in every relationship, there are going to be bumps. A real man looks for a woman who doesn’t turn into an emotional wreck the second there’s a problem. I can’t stand seeing a woman throw a temper tantrum in the middle of an argument, and neither can most other men. It throws up a huge relationship red flag for us. We want to know that if there’s anything that needs to be discussed, we can sit down calmly and quietly and talk things through, without worrying whether you’re going to throw a vase at our heads!
3. He wants an independent woman.
Don’t be fooled by the myth that men don’t like modern women who have strength and power. Obviously, we don’ want a woman that’s going to bust our balls or treat us like children, but we like knowing you’re in control of your own life. We like knowing you have your own friends, and that we don’t have to take control of every tiny detail of the relationship. Just don’t make the mistake some women make, of not letting the man have the lead at all. We like to feel needed and wanted. Let us come and fix things at your house now and then. We love to play the knight in shining armor sometimes.
So there you have it…3 traits that men desire in a woman. Remember, all men are different and no one woman is ever going to be right for every man out there, but make these 4 traits part of your life, and you’ll rarely be without an eager, loving man by your side!
Thank you!!!!

Monday 12 May 2014

Great Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Jealous

Relationship break ups are no longer news, they are like household stories you here every now and then. But today i will ask you "Have you been through a recent breakup with your boyfriend? Are you still craving for his love and attention but not getting any?
Well, we are here to help! Don’t we all know how guys get all crazy jealous the moment they see you with another guy….well, it’s not all true! You see, a guy becomes crazy jealous when he spots you close to another guy only when he feels it’s GENUINE, however, if you and the new guy in your life seem to be a sham or some silly game that you’re playing, your ex won’t even bother- for he’ll know you are trying to take revenge or simply get him back. So women- play smart! Follow the following rules
1. Remain Happy
The first most important thing you should don after break up is to be happy and to look good. It’s okay to be upset for a couple of days post the breakup, but don’t get caught in self pity. But don’t let the ex boyfriend feel like he controls your life and he runs the show for you. Instead, take a good look at yourself- ask yourself when you went to the salon or the spa or shopping the last time. Go out with a friend; get a sexy haircut, manicure, pedicure, body massage! Look pretty and you will feel like you can take on the world! You must make an effort to pamper yourself. Treat yourself with a pair of brand new, super sexy, high heeled black pumps (or any other color you dig!!!), head over to the lingerie section, go pick the latest makeup!
2. Look and Feel Good
The next step is to work the magic with all the money you just blew! Well, dress to kill! Put on the new strappy dress, the gorgeous pumps, put on the new makeup and go party. For all you know, you might bump into your ex at a pub or a club. Trust me, seeing you all proper and pretty, he’ll be regretting that he ended things with you!
3. Be Matured and Dignified 
If you do happen to bump into the ex, keep your cool and look dignified. You don’t have to go and strike a conversation. Let HIM come over and be the first one to talk. When he does, be civil and polite. Trust me- it will kill him to see you being so mature and over him!!! Also, don’t come across as being overly friendly, so end the conversation short and walk off to your friends. This way, you’re sending out a signal that you’re still approachable, yet, not available!!!
 Remember-DON’T bring up the topic of your relationship. We do not want to sound needy again!
4. Make New Friends
You need to start hanging out with friends more often. Be that old friends, common friends (even better) or new friends. The more you socialize, the more you’ll keep busy. Being in a company of interesting people will help you heal, you’ll be happy and it’ll show in your personality. Start meeting new men. However, don’t get into a relationship if you’re not over our ex and you are not ready to move on. There is a possibility that when your ex sees you with a new guy, he feels you’re over him and he moves on too! And we don’t want that yet, right? So instead try this to get attention from him: Hang out with common friends, people who know both you & him. These are the people who will probably tell your ex that you’ve been good lately. Even if they don’t, these are the people your EX will ask when he wants to know how you’re doing, where you are and if you’re with someone else!!
5. Drop The Awful Habits!
Everyone has their weird habits! I’m sure you have yours. Is there anything that your ex didn’t quite like about you? It could be your habit of chewing your nails, or being lazy and messy, or you being too loud! Whatever it is, shake the habit! Work at yourself and bring out theNEWyou. Keep your nails neatly trimmed, a French manicure looks great BTW! Look good, hit the gym, and lose some weight. Be polite and courteous, come across as polished, and upgrade yourself, read more! Trust me, when he sees you, he’ll realize you’ve changed for the better and maybe he then remembers all the wonderful times you two shared.
6. Take To Social Networks!
Let the internet be your new best civil when you bump into him, keep in touch with common friends and keep updating your Twitter, MySpace and facebook accounts! Upload photos from all your road trips and girls night outs! Casually flirt a little with other men online. Even if you’ve deleted him, the common buddies come handy once again!!! They’ll for sure pass on news to him. If he’s still on your list, act mature, don’t ever bring up the breakup, and don’t post sad sorry posts!
7. Sound Busy!
Well, after all this has been going on, I’m sure he’ll try to get in touch with you. Whenever he does, be it a text or a call; sit on it for some days. Yes, I mean IGNORE!!! It’s obvious that if he’s calling you or texting you or poking you on facebook, he wants you BACK. This is where you need to look busy! Don’t be available, keep the upper hand and let him check his phone or messages every hour to see if you’ve replied! Give him time to think & worry. After a few days, casually message back to say that you’ve been caught up with work or a road trip with buddies and ask him how he’s doing.
Part adapted from:

Wednesday 7 May 2014

5 Signs He Is Just Playing You

Today i will be discussing ho to know if your man doesn't love you and just playing you.
Most people these days keep believing is he doesn't love me now, he would come to love me later, but please stop deceiving yourself and starting seeing the possibilities. Is he doesn't love you now you don't have to stay, welcome someone who will completely appreciate you for who you are.
Love and s*x expert Dr Jane Greer says there are five signs to tell if he’s FAKING IT in the love department:
1. If he says to you ‘I only want to be with you,” pay attention. The question that should come to your mind is, ‘
Well, who else?
Who else would you want to be with?
Why am I the only one?’
What does that even mean?
2. He says, ‘I want you to have my baby.’ Trust me, that very often is said in the passion of the moment and he means it in the moment but it’s not going to be the way he feels the next day.
3. He’s NOT affectionate and/or if you are kissing and he’s kissing you back but you find his eyes are open and he’s looking around, you should know that’s a sign to consider he is not interested in you.
4. He makes AND breaks promises.
If he’s always promising you, ‘We’re going to go out’ or ‘We’re going to meet my family’, but it doesn’t happen, there’s a reason he’s not keeping the promises.
5. He always talks about the future, but the future never comes. It’s about what’s going to happen, what’s always ahead…but you’re left dealing with what DIDN’T happen.
Bottom line: If you find you are waiting for something more to happen between the two of you and the only thing that seems to be happening is that you are having great s*x, he may be faking the LOVING PART. You may want to start paying attention to that so that you don’t wind up feeling left out of the rest of his life and not being able to bring him into your life in a more complete way. Cored:

Friday 2 May 2014

10 Signs He's A Real Man

Having a real man is a real desire for any lady. A man  that is completely independent and does not take others from parents or anyother person before he can attend to her woman.
A real man doesn’t live with his parents or a couple annoying roommates who are constantly interrupting your love sessions — a real man has his OWN little warm, private place where you can hole up together during the cold, lonely winter. Tired of this conversation? “What do you want to do?” “Ionknow, what do YOU want to do?” A real man won’t waffle around and shrug — when he sets his eyes on something he wants, he’s just gonna go get it, no discussion, no second-guessing. A real man acts on i`nstinct and knows how to take charge. There’s nothing worse than a needy, clingy man-child to quickly snuff the romance out of a once-promising relationship. A real man knows that you need your space and he needs his, so he’ll abruptly sprint away from you if you get too close to him. You’re pushing 30. Do you really still have the time and patience to be with a man who doesn’t have a long-term plan? If your man doesn’t know how to stash enough food for the long, cold northeastern winter purely out of instinct, then he’s not gonna be there come next Spring. Pets have a sixth sense when it comes to men, and if you’ve got a real man on your hands, any dogs in the vicinity will take an instant, almost violent interest in him, often pulling towards him and barking at him out of pure hunting instinct. A real man has his own interests and stays self-motivated; when he’s not stashing away nuts for the winter, sometimes he’s out living it up by skiing on tiny waterskiis behind a tiny motorboat in a wading pool. The last thing any grown woman needs in a relationship is someone who whines and complains constantly until he gets what he wants; a real man, on the other hand, won’t ever complain, or speak out loud for any reason. He’ll just silently go about his manly, woodland business. A real man isn’t intimidated by your ambitions, he SUPPORTS your ambitions, provided your ambitions consist of gathering an ample stockpile of acorns and nuts to store inside a tree for the duration of winter. You gotta RESPECT yourself! If he’s running around lying, cheating, or literally running on all fours towards foxes and owls and other known predators of small-to-medium sized rodents, then you know he’s not a real man, and you better do yourself a favor and cut him loose N-O-W. Jet-black man-eyes. Little furry man-ears. Cute puffy man-cheeks. Big bushy man-tail. Doing his manly man-scampering up his man-tree. OOOOOOH GUUUUUURRRLLL – you better believeyou got yourself a real man!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Dating Tips For Single Mothers

It can be a daunting time getting back on the singles’ scene when you’re used to your children being your top priority. It probably feels like there’s no time to sit down and read the newspapers, let alone think about dating! Fear not though, as we’re here to help.
Here are 10 top dating tips for single mothers.
 1) Spruce Up Your Wardrobe You may be used to walking around the house in an oversized hoodie with your hair tied back and no makeup on, but now is the time for a new lease of life; a time to unleash your inner goddess and be a proud hot Mama! Use your newly single status as an excuse to pamper yourself and go shopping – buy a sexy new little black dress and get a new hairstyle to make you feel extra confident.
2) Do New Things to Meet New Men To get something you’ve never had before, you need to do something you’ve never done before, and this applies to the dating world too! Never been on a dating site? Well get on one immediately and start browsing! If dating sites seem a bit too time-consuming for you, and little Billy is pulling your hair and tapping the keys every time you try to log on, why not have some “you time” each week to go to a local dance, fitness or foreign language class? You deserve a break and these sort of clubs are a great way to meet new people and potentially new romantic partners too! Meeting someone in a bar on a night out is always very hit and miss, so start participating in new hobbies and activities and who knows who you will meet!
3) Be Upfront and Don’t Hide Anything Revealing you’ve got kids may make you feel nervous; you’re probably worried about scaring your new man off, but don’t worry. The new man in your life is dating you for who you are, not because of your kids, so it shouldn’t matter. If he wants to, he will, and if he likes you, it won’t be an issue. If you lie, the truth will have to come out eventually, so be truthful from the onset otherwise you’ll risk losing that person when the truth comes out later. Also be honest about what you’re looking for – if that’s something serious, don’t pretend you’re happy with a casual fling just because that’s what you think the guy you’re dating wants.
4) Don’t Slate Your Ex He may have cheated on you, walked out on you and your kids, or perhaps you two just can’t stand the sight of each other! The likelihood is that you and your ex aren’t on the best of terms, but before you start slating him, remember, you’re on a date for a reason! The more you lay into your ex, the more your new guy will wonder if you’re on the rebound/fully over your ex yet, so stay focused on your mind and don’t dredge up bad memories.
5) Choose A Reliable Babysitter When it comes to the night of your hot date, the last thing you want is to be worrying about is your kids all night, so choose a reliable babysitter. Whether that’s your parents, a good friend, or a babysitter you’ve used before, make sure that date night isn’t the first time you’re trying a new babysitter, otherwise you could spend more time worrying about your kids than enjoying the date!
6) Take It Slow Your time may be precious because you give so much of it to your children, but that doesn’t mean you need to rush and skip the “getting to know each other” stages. It’s vital that you give your new relationship time to grow and that you spend time getting to know each other and developing your trust. So take it slow, and don’t rush into being exclusive too soon.
7) Share Ideas Online There’s a wealth of information, ideas and stories online just waiting to be found! If all of your friends are hooked up and enjoying married life, don’t feel low and left-out. Join single parenting support groups and interact with other single Mums on online forums to share about how to meet people and embrace life as a single Mum on the dating scene.
8) Steer the Conversation Away from Your Kids Your kids may be the centre of your world, but before you know it, your date could be snoozing in his bowl of bolognese if all you can talk about is the funny things your offspring say and do. Don’t let them be the main topic of conversation, instead only talk about them when your date asks. Use the time to have some timulating adult conversation – find out about your new man and his work, hobbies and interests. Talk about your favourite things and places you’d like to visit, rather than just your children.
9) Get the Timing Right for Introducing Your Children You want your kids to love your new man, and you want your new man to love your kids, but it’s very important to keep dates private until things are serious. Remember – kids can get attached very quickly and you risk upsetting them if the new friend in their life suddenly disappears. Your kids don’t need to meet every man you date. The chances are that you’ll probably date several different guys before you find the one who is worthy of you and your children. Concentrate on building the foundations of your relationships before the introduction. When you do decide to let them meet, plan a casual daytime date where your kids can spend time with your “new friend”. See how it goes and work from there. Your kids are the most important thing to you, so you want a man who is good with children. If your new man doesn’t gel with your kids, the relationship can’t progress, so don’t wait until you’re already engaged to introduce them, but at the same time, don’t invite the kids on the first date! A couple of months is usually best.
10) Trust Your Instinct You may feel like you’ve been swept off your feet in a whirlwind romance, but the most important thing is to always listen to your gut feeling and to watch out for any red flags. If there are signs that your new man has a bad temper, he seems possessive, he mentions unpaid debts or he’s is in a rush to get married – these are all warning signs for you to step back and reassess. Don’t let the rose tinted glasses fool you! Never forget how important your children are – so if this guy doesn’t like kids or specifically your kids, it’s time to wave goodbye. It will never be a succssful relationship if your new man isn’t comfortable around your children. He needs to understand that you’re a Mother first and foremost, so your kids will always be your top priority.
So with all of these tips, you’re now ready to rock the dating world! Just remember to dress to impress, be confident, enjoy life and most importantly, have fun!

Monday 14 April 2014

Men: 7 Rarest Qualities of a True Gentleman

These days, it’s hard to meet a man with qualities of a true gentleman. But every woman still hopes to find a true gentleman, chivalry is surely not dead. Times are changing, and the way in which we perceive perfection is changing as well. Sure, you don’t have to dwell on perfection, since there is no perfect man. But still, here are seven rarest qualities of a true gentleman that women would love their men to have.
1. Calmness
Everybody is allowed to become angry, however, a true gentleman keeps calm and collected in any situation. He always knows how to cope with his temper and he doesn’t allow his frustration to alter his personality. Moreover, he will never vent his anger on you.
2. Manly manners 
I’m sure lots of women will agree that manly manners are lacking in modern men. When a true gentleman meets your parents, you don’t worry about what he will do or say. He is never inappropriate, and he will do traditional things such as pulling out the chair for you or holding open doors. A true gentleman will treat her woman like she deserves to be treated.
3. Little sweetness 
‘Thank you’ and ‘please’ are small words with a great impact. It is very important for a person to show appreciation. Even the smallest comment can make someone’s day. After all, don’t you like when your hairstyle is complimented? You want your man to smile at passersby and to be polite to sellers and waiters. He will be a true gentleman they wish they knew, and you are lucky enough to be a woman he loves.

4. Patience
Patience is one of the rarest qualities of a true gentleman. Sometimes men, without realizing it, push women to be physical. Maybe it’s not a terrible thing for you, but it can make a woman uncomfortable, especially if she is not ready to move forward in a relationship. If your man is a true gentleman, he will understand your desire to wait, and he will support whatever decision you take.
5. He never makes you feel uncomfortable
A real gentleman will never tell inappropriate jokes and he will never push you to discuss a subject that you don’t want to talk about. He will never make anything that would make you feel bad and uncomfortable. When you are around a true gentleman, you are absolutely at ease.
6. He never uses swear words
A true gentleman acts a bit differently than a prince in Disney movies does. Sure, he is not going to go around dancing and singing to declare his love for you. Your relationship’s going to be real and cursing can happen sometimes. But there’s a huge difference between cursing in anger or excitement and curses which are aimed at you. A true gentleman will never use swear words, which will be aimed at you.

7. Strong morals
A true gentleman will never take advantage of a woman. He will never steal and drink and drive. He will never do anything that he thinks is wrong or bad. He possesses strong morals, and he knows which things are good. I believe that true gentlemen do exist but in reality it a scarce commodity to come by. You should also believe that some day you will meet one of them. Stop thinking that there are only bad guys. What other qualities do you believe define a man as a real gentleman? Please share your thoughts with us.

Monday 7 April 2014

Ten Tips to Manage Anger and Reduce Conflict in Relationships

Conflict and disagreement are inevitable in relationships. Anger is a natural emotion, anddisagreements can be healthy sign of difference.Conflict usually occurs because certain needsare not beingmet – either within the relationship or outside or it. The object of conflict managementis to ask for those needs to be met in a way that does not damage yourrelationship. Here are some tips that may be useful to manage anger and reduce conflict in relationships.
Disagreements are best dealt with when both parties are ina non-aroused state. Whenever possible, take a time-out to calm your body down. Techniques include breathing, relaxation & visualisation (see separateself-help guide). Strong emotions of anger, grief or anxiety donot make it easy for us to access ourrational faculties and so there is little benefit of trying to address disagreements in this condition – itoften just escalates into insults and unintentional dagger-throwing. Both of you should respect each other’s need for a time-out; it’s not running away from the issue, butpreparing yourself to deal with it in more receptive mode.
Check in on yourself and ask yourself what you think the issue is about. Ask yourself what part you are playing in this – are youmisinterpreting what your partner has said? Areyou in a bad mood from something else? Are youbeing reasonable here? Ask yourself if you think it is an issue that is important enough to stand your ground on – can you let this go without resentment or do you need to ask your partner for something? Sometimes we argue outof habit and because it connects us (even thoughit is negative,at least we both get attention). Ask yourself whether you really need to take up this issue. If so, think about what exactly you need to ask for.
Avoid presuming that your partner should knowwhat is wrong. Empathy is an elusive concept – it is nearly impossible for another person to truly know what you areexperiencingand to give you what you want. It useful if you can ask for what you need.
There is sometimes great temptation to elevate the stakes in an argument.Threats and ultimatums are damaging to the ego and chip away at the whole of the relationship. Thus, try andkeep the argument to the specific issue rather than make the whole relationship at risk. Avoid‘if you do this one more time…’ ‘I can’t take this any more, I’m leaving’… Each of you should knowthat however unpleasant this disagreement is, it will not touch therelationship. If the relationship is to end, it should be decided separately to a heated argument.
The conversationis best approached from a personal angle, rather than blamingyour partner.If your partner hears criticism he/she will want to defend himself/herself rather than address the issue. Try and use ‘I feel…’, ‘It hurts me when…’, ‘I would really like it if…’, rather than ‘you make me feel…’, ‘when you do that….’. Try also to avoid generalization such as ‘you always do that..’, ‘you never think…’ – it iscertainly hurtful and isusually inaccurate.
It is not a weakness to accept that you have acted out of line. Owning up to faults and mistakesis helpful to both parties, so long as it is not done out of martyrdom or for manipulativeeffect. Apologising early can save a lot of unnecessary conflict.
When putting your point across, it brings good results if you can refer to something positive as well. The discussion is unlikely to be rosy, but if you can draw on aspects that you do like, it will make your partner less tense and combative. Putting across negative points in a humorous way can also work. Humour doesn’t mean your partner is trivialising the issue, rather it makes it easier for him/her to confront an issue.
By clinging to the painful memory of a past event (no matter how distressing it was) you are impeded from living in the present. You are entitled to a period of grieving and are allowed to make your needs clear to your partner. Long-held resentment will tarnish arelationship. Try not to use past events as ammunition. Even though it might be a recurring issue, the current disagreement should address the here and now.
The purpose of approaching conflict is to get to maximum results for both of you. When you argue to win (by point-scoring), the gain is short-term and mostly leaves you feeling worse. Whenyou argue to ask for your needs to be met, it is still unpleasant, but you are working to building better conditions for both of you.
You are entitled to ask your partner to help meet your needs, but you are not in the business of getting your partner to come aroundto seeing theworld as youdo. It is fruitless to try to convert themto your philosophy of life. Differences should be embraced – including different setsof interests and activities. Finally, it is not up to your partner to fulfil all ofyour needs, they also have to be met internally and with other people (family, friends).
 Source: Harley Therapy And Conselling

Saturday 5 April 2014

Sitting risks: How Harmful Is Too Much Sitting?

Researchers have linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns, including obesity and metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions that includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels.
Too much sitting also seems to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. One recent study compared adults who spent less than two hours a day in front of the TV or other screen-based entertainment with those who logged more than four hours a day of recreational screen time. Those with greater screen time had: A nearly 50 percent increased risk of death from any cause About a 125 percent increased risk of events associated with cardiovascular disease, such as chest pain (angina) or heart attack The increased risk was separate from other traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as smoking or high blood pressure. Sitting in front of the TV isn’t the only concern. Any extended sitting — such as behind a desk at work or behind the wheel — can be harmful. What’s more, spending a few hours a week at the gym or otherwise engaged in moderate or vigorous activity doesn’t seem to significantly offset the risk. Rather, the solution seems to be less sitting and more moving overall. You might start by simply standing rather than sitting whenever you have the chance. For example: Stand while talking on the phone or eating lunch. If you work at a desk for long periods of time, try a standing desk — or improvise with a high table or counter. Better yet, think about ways to walk while you work: Walk laps with your colleagues rather than gathering in a conference room for meetings. Position your work surface above a treadmill — with a computer screen and keyboard on a stand or a specialized treadmill-ready vertical desk — so that you can be in motion throughout the day. The impact of movement — even leisurely movement — can be profound. For starters, you’ll burn more calories. This might lead to weight loss and increased energy. Even better, the muscle activity needed for standing and other movement seems to trigger important processes related to the breakdown of fats and sugars within the body. When you sit, these processes stall — and your health risks increase. When you’re standing or actively moving, you kick the processes back into action.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

For men: Foods that can Boost Fertility

Infertility is one of the most common marital problems this current days. It heart breaking to be waiting for longer time after all the wedding party before the naming. Major all this infertility problem have it major root from low sperm count. This implies that the number of sperm cells are not enough or up to the required concentration of about 12-18 million. So fellow brothers, do you want to improve the quality of your sperms? Here are 3 amazing foods you should add your meal intake….
1. Fresh fruits Fruits are great thanks to the high levels of Vitamin C which ensures the potency and quality of your sperm. If you want to be a daddy, we would recommend at least two portions of fruits like lemon, sweet lime, oranges and mangoes. They’re all rich packed with nutrients and antioxidants and won’t hit your wallet as hard.

2. Garlic Garlic’s health benefits are well-known but various studies have shown that it has aphrodisiac properties and also helps improve blood circulation. No wonder that Twilight fellow looked so peakish and pale!
3. Fish Rich in fatty acids, many kinds of fish can help you become fit and fertile and get your little ones swimming! Fish contains Essential Fatty Acids which helps improve circulation around the reproductive system and boosts sperm quality in the process!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Improving Communication Between Partners

Communication is a vital part in a relationship which must be considered if a relationship is to be successful. It is so essential that even these days most relationship are no longer working because of the lack of communication.
Improved communication between partners create love, passion, affection and complete sense of involving. Communication in a relationship keeps partner close and ease to let out any emerging problem, create an avenue to provide solution. Most especially the female partners only feel comfortable if they can air their views, afterall a problem shared, is problem solved.
So in this article are amazing tips to improve communication in a relationship. Learn this tips and see your marital life blossom.
1. Listen To Each Other
Taking time to listen to your partner means more than just nodding and smiling as they talk. Drop what you’re doing, make eye contact and give the other person your full attention. You can’t fully concentrate on what someone else is saying if you are texting or checking email at the same time.
2. Create Special Time To Talk
It’s so easy to get so caught up in the stress of everyday life that you never actually sit down and talk to your significant other. Rather than let too much time lapse between real conversations, set aside some time each day to talk. This will create a sense of belonging and been cared for; take your partner out to somewhere private, this will create freedom and a fresh environment; a fresh setting often stimulates conversation.
3. Ask Questions
Good communication means your conversations aren’t one-sided. Really engage with your partner by asking questions that will help you understand how they’re feeling or what they’re trying to get across to you.
Don't know how to start or what to ask? Check out these conversation sparking Questions:
What was the biggest challenge you faced this week?
What are you most proud of doing this year?
If you could give your 16-year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
If you could trade lives with any celebrity for a day who would it be and why?
What would the perfect day consist of for you?
If you could go anywhere in the world for an all expenses paid dream vacation where would you go and why?
4. Don’t be a know-it-all
It can be frustrating to talk to someone who thinks they know everything about whatever it is you’re telling them. Good communication means listening and asking questions without taking over the conversation with your own opinions. It’s okay to offer advice, but it’s counterproductive to do all the talking.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Easy Ways to Show That You Appreciate Her

One key to successful relationships is the man's continuous effort in showering lovely and passionate expressions to your female partner, telling her much she means and how much you appreciate and value her. Every woman love truly and needs affection from her partner to see that her love is reciprocated because that is the way their heart is wired, they value instant feedback, and therefore it is important for you to think of romantic ways to show her you love her.
We are all different from one another, and so defining ways in which we can please different women is not a simple task. However, generally speaking, most women want to see a certain level of romance in order to be reassured of their partner’s love for them. Indeed, if you know your woman well enough, then you would know what level and type of romance she prefers. But for those who need a bit of help when it comes to romancing their partner, help is at hand.
Show her that you make an effort to make her happy She will always appreciate that you have made an effort to show her you love her. Therefore, the more personal input the better. It is important for you to be simple but creative. Try and do something original that will take her by surprise. Bringing her flowers every once in a while is very pleasant, but if you make the effort to think of something new, then she will appreciate it that much more, and know that you have tried hard to show her you love her. For example, if she likes surprises, then you can plan a random outing for the weekend. Or for her upcoming birthday, you can make her a card instead of buying her one, and write a more personal message. She will value the personal touch in what you give her.
Don’t stop showing her that you care about her Besides giving her presents, you can show her you love her on a daily basis with more hands on romantic gestures. Show her you are actively listening to her when she speaks to you, and make sure to remember what she tells you, in case she refers back to it in the future. Also, make sure that that you are giving her some intimate physical contact each day, even if you are tired or preoccupied, as this will really show her you love her.
Finally, never forget to give compliments – we all enjoy them and she is no exception!

Monday 10 March 2014

Easy ways of Escaping An Abusive Relationship

Abusive relationships can be so depressing and make life seems to be coming to an end. But it's something you can overcome, although It is not an easy thing to do, but you escape and leave an abusive partner. In doing this you must have first gain control over your own emotions.
This abusive relationships mostly, the female partners are always affected. So ladies You loved him once and have had some good years together, but over the years he has insulted you and abused you and you no longer feel the same about him. Your feelings are bruised. He is jealous and insecure and monitors every of your movement, He tells you what to wear, when to eat, and who you can go out with. If you don’t do as he says, he stays out the whole night. Especially for ladies if your man, No matter what you say, he always manages to convince you that you are wrong. You need to leave that relationship. Here are various way out and escape plans.
How to Prepare an Escape
1. Feel confident and worthy, and never stop valuing yourself. You must be strong and reflect independence, otherwise he will take advantage of you. The battle is a psychological one and must be won in the head first.
Remember to always validate yourself, and stick to the plan.
2.Tell your man that you have become unhappy over the years and would like to know if he is interested in repairing what you had once had. Discuss the prospect of counseling. He may laugh at you, or dare you to leave, or tells you that counseling is a waste of time. In such a case, be prepared to tell him that if there is nothing more between you. He needs to realize that it is pointless to remain together, and that you are going to leave.
3. If he tries to persuade you by getting fresh, don’t be fooled. Some men use s*x to manipulate a woman to gain control in a relationship. Be sure to stick to your guns about your wishes – that if he is not prepared to go for counseling, you are going to leave.
4. Have a plan. Put a bag of clothes in the boot of the car. Call your mother and tell her that you might need a place to stay that night. Make a list of everything to be discussed, and in the right order. Don’t deviate from what has to be said, no matter how painful.
5.If he refuses to take you seriously, or strikes you, take care of yourself by leaving the house immediately. Don’t tell him where you are going. It will be hard to do but this is the step you need to take to get you on the road to a health recovery from this abusive relationship.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Important Reasons of Eating Together As A Family

Most family these days have forgotten the way it was in the old days when all member of a family are all united and do things together. Now let start with this; When was the last time your family sat down and enjoyed a meal together?
With days highly occupied with schedules and work, it can be tough to satisfy all th family requirement as a man or woman, and rounding up the tasks for an evening meal can be almost impossible! However, recently research has begin to show that eating as a family has great benefits for the children and teenagers. It helps to create a unique bond and sense of acceptance between family members. Thus, it will be beneficial if you can start the process today and create the love your family requires.
Below are 8 reasons why you should try to sit down together for at least 4-5 times a week, for either breakfast, lunch or dinner.
1. Communication and Well-Being
Conversations during the meal provide opportunities for the family to bond, plan, connect, and learn from one another. It’s a chance to share information and news of the day, as well as give extra attention to your children and teens. Family meals foster warmth, security and love, as well as feelings of belonging. It can be a unifying experience for all.
2. Model Manners
Family mealtime is the perfect opportunity to display appropriate table manners, meal etiquette, and social skills. Keep the mood light, relaxed, and loving. Try not to instruct or criticize—lead by example.
3. Expand Their World…One Food at a Time
Encourage your children to try new foods, without forcing, coercing, or bribing. Introduce a new food along with some of the stand-by favorites. Remember that it can take 8-10 exposures to a new food before it is accepted, so be patient. Trying a new food is like starting a new hobby. It expands your child’s knowledge, experience, and skill. Include foods from other cultures and countries. Select a new vegetable from a local farmer’s market. Have your child select a new recipe from a cookbook, web site, newspaper or magazine.
4. Nourish
Meals prepared and eaten at home are usually more nutritious and healthy. They contain more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products along with additional nutrients such as fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C, and folate. Home cooked meals are usually not fried or highly salted, plus soda and sweetened beverage consumption is usually lower at the dinner table.
5. Become Self-Sufficient
Children today are missing out on the importance of knowing how to plan and prepare meals. Basic cooking, baking, and food preparation are necessities for being self-sufficient. Involve your family in menu planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation. Preschoolers can tear lettuce, cut bananas, and set the table. Older children can pour milk, peel vegetables, and mix batter. Teenagers can dice, chop, bake, and grill. Working as a team puts the meal on the table faster, as well as makes everyone more responsible and accepting of the outcome. Improved eating habits come with “ownership” of a meal.
6. Prevent Destructive Behaviors
Research shows that frequent family dinners (five or more a week), are associated with lower rates of smoking, drinking, and illegal drug use in pre-teens and teenagers when compared to families that eat together two or fewer times per week. Even as older children’s schedules get more complicated, it is important to make an effort to eat meals together. Scheduling is a must.
7. Improve Grades
Children do better in school when they eat more meals with their parents and family. Teenagers who eat dinner four or more times per week with their families have higher academic performance compared with teenagers who eat with their families two or fewer times per week.
8. Save Money
Meals purchased away from home cost two to four times more than meals prepared at home. At present time the restaurant industry’s share of the total food dollar is more than 46%. Due to scheduling, commitments, and activities, families eat out several times each week.It is time to bring the “family” back to the dinner table. Sharing dinner together gives everyone a sense of identity. It can help ease day-to-day conflicts, as well as establish traditions and memories that can last a lifetime.
Part Adapted from:

Friday 28 February 2014

Foods That Can Enhance Your Sleep

Certain foods are conducive to sound sleep and you should start considering including more of these healthy foods in your diet for a good night’s slumber.
Turkey is rich in the amino acid tryptophan which helps promote a restful, deep sleep. Tryptophan itself doesn’t make you sleepy. It helps the brain make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is necessary for sleep and relaxation, and melatonin, a neurohormone that has recently become popular as a supplemental sleep aid.
2. Mashed potatoes
Potatoes have low Glycemic Index, i.e. a ranking of carbohydrates and their effect on blood glucose levels making it a good food for diabetic. Sweet potatoes and potatoes are a root vegetables that won’t spike your blood sugar too high and can even help eliminate acids that block tryptophan. Make mashed potatoes with low-fat milk or buttermilk for a healthy sleep-inducing meal.
3. Bananas
Bananas are a natural sleeping aid in that they contain melatonin and tryptophan (which converts to serotonin) to help you fall asleep. Melatonin is a hormone that signals the brain that it’s time for the body to shut down for the night . Plus, these creamy-fleshed fruits also contain magnesium, which is a known muscle relaxer to help you ease away physical tension and stress.
4. Milk
Mothers have been giving kids warm milk before bed for years. Warm milk is another rich source of tryptophan, which is soothing and will help your body relax. Be warned, however, the combination of turkey and milk together can turn you into a bit of a gassy lassie.
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal not only warms your belly, it’s full of fiber, which can make you feel satisfied before heading to bed. A steamy bowl of cooked oats is also a good source of melatonin. Drizzle your bowl of oatmeal with warm milk for an extra dose of sleep-inducing nutrition.
Supplements to help you sleep If all else fails, you can take mineral supplements that will help ease you to sleep without the negative side effects of prescription sleeping aids. Horn recommends these supplements as a natural way to get your Z’s:
Calcium 500mg-800mg
Magnesium 400mg
Inositol 2000mg
Taking an Epsom salt bath before bed is another wonderful source of magnesium — some of which gets absorbed via the skin. Dump two cups of salts into a warm bath and soak for 15 minutes. Gorgeous you!
Changing your diet, taking supplements and soaking in a bath are easy and natural ways to ensure you get the sleep you need.

7 Signs A Girl Is Not Interestted In You

Have you ever been in a conversation with a lady and you just feel something wasn't right? And you just felt you are wasting your time trying to get to know a lady?
Here are 7 signs that shows she might not be interested in you.
1. She complains that she’s tired
When we meet someone we might be interested in, our energy levels tend to spike. We get a second wind that lifts us up and makes us completely forget the fact that we’re tired, hungover, or in a bad mood. And even if we’re feeling any of those things, we do our best to hide it. If a woman continues to point out that she’s tired or in a bad mood, it is probably just her way of hinting to you that she doesn’t want to keep talking to you. Women who complain about anything have a way of sucking the energy out of a conversation and should be avoided if possible.
2. The Rule Of Thumb
Here is a rule of thumb, if a woman is interested in you at some point she’ll ask you your name. Simple as that. Women are very conscious of avoiding awkward situations, and if she is really interested in you the last thing she wants is a potential situation later on where she has to admit that she doesn’t even know your name. Because of this, if a woman is hoping to talk to you for awhile, she’ll go out of her way to find out your name. If it’s more than 10 minutes into a conversation and you haven’t told a woman your name and she hasn’t asked, it’s a pretty good sign that she is waiting for the conversation to end.
3. She brings up her boyfriend soon into the conversation
A lot of guys would think this is obvious. But it’s not. If a girl is enjoying your company and likes you, she will avoid telling you she has a boyfriend as long as humanly possible.
In fact, if a girl waits until you’ve asked for her number to tell you she has a boyfriend, it’s probably because she liked you too much to admit she had a boyfriend sooner. But if she starts talking about her boyfriend early into a conversation, it’s her way of not-so-subtly letting you know that nothing is going to happen between you. So stop wasting your time.
4. She tries not to make eye contact
What do you do when you’re walking down the street and you see a beggar with his hand out looking for money? Well, if you don’t want to give him any, you avoid eye contact at all costs. Eye contact acts as encouragement for the other person to talk to you. It invites them in and says “I’m interested…” So a woman who is deliberately avoiding eye contact is doing everything in her power to prevent you from continuing to talk to her. She is basically saying “I refuse to give you permission to continue”
5. She has closed off body language
If a girl is enjoying her conversation with you she’ll tend to loosen up. You’ll notice that she follows your lead and begin mirroring your actions and energy level. However, if a girl continues to display closed off body language even after you’ve begun to really open up to her, there is a good chance that she just isn’t as invested in the interaction as you are. Similar to avoiding eye contact, keeping your body language closed off is another way of saying “I refuse to give you permission to continue.”
6. She gives short one word answers
In the first couple of minutes of a conversation, before a woman has had a chance to get warmed up, it’s acceptable for her to be giving you short answers and not talking too much. But if it’s more than ten minutes into a conversation and she is still just giving you short one word answers to your questions and not prying you for more information about yourself, she probably isn’t interested in you. If a woman wants to continue the conversation she will keep talking to prevent you from leaving. If she isn’t offering much to the conversation after ten minutes, she probably isn’t worried about you leaving. Which is a good sign you should leave.
7. She is giving her friend the “help me” eyes
Women have a way of communicating “help me” to their friends. Many of them are actually pretty blatant about begging to be saved. Yet, I’m amazed at how many guys miss these clues. If you’re talking to a woman and her friends are around, pay attention to the subtle signals they are giving each other. If they are rolling their eyes or giving the “help me” eyes as demonstrated here, you should probably find a better prospect.
These are seven of the biggest indicators of disinterest. Just because you’re getting one of these does not confirm she is not interested. But if you’re getting more than one of these, it is a pretty good sign things are not going anywhere.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Making Long Distance Relationship Work

Love overcome huddle, distances and all obstacles. Finding that special someone is a wonderful experience, but it can also be challenging when you live far apart. Does that mean your long-distance relationship is doomed? Not at all! There are several ways to stay emotionally close, even when you’re physically far apart from each other.
1. Communicate Daily
You don’t have to chat on the phone day after day, but it’s important to find some way to reach out to each other on a daily basis. This will keep your relationship alive and well, especially if you don’t get to see each other in person that often. Sending heartfelt text messages or emails isn’t always necessary either. Just sharing something interesting that happened to you that day can be enough to keep you both feeling connected. Plan on talking on the phone once or twice a week, so you can at least hear each other’s voices. If you have access to a video chat service, such as Skype, that’s even better. That way, you’ll be able to actually see your significant other on a fairly regular basis.
2. Focus on Common Interests
Even if you’re not physically together, you can still enjoy sharing common interests, such as books, games or movies. Plan on reading a book at the same time and discussing it on a regular basis or watching a TV show and sharing your thoughts on it. You can even watch shows “together” by chatting on the phone or doing a video chat while they’re on. If you both like playing certain video games, you can play against each other or team up online to take down enemies. If food is your common interest, come up with new recipes for both of you to try, then compare the results.
3. Trust and Remain Trustworthy
One of the challenges of maintaining a long-distance relationship is the worry that your partner won’t stay faithful since you’re not together often. It also doesn’t help that it’s hard to know what your partner’s up to when they’re in a different city, state or part of the country. Trust is a key part of a healthy relationship, though, so avoid being controlling or giving in to distrust or jealousy. Otherwise, you can almost guarantee that you won’t have a stable relationship. Being pushy or overly suspicious is a definitely one way to drive your partner away emotionally.
4. Plan on Visiting Often
This might be easier said than done, but plan on going to visit your significant other or have your partner visit you as often as possible. Physical contact helps keep your relationship strong, and don’t underestimate the power of all those pheromones you and your partner will be giving off. When you don’t get to see each other in person that frequently, the times that you’re actually with each other will be even more exciting. Make the most of these visits, especially if you only get to be together every once in a while.
5. Discuss Your Future as a Couple
If you’ve been together for awhile, start talking about where you see your relationship headed. This involves discussing commitment and your views on marriage, finances, a family, etc. Another major discussion you’ll need to have is what happens if you do get married or decide to move in together. Which one of you will relocate, or will you move to a new area together? The partner who relocates will need to think about their career as well and make sure that they’ll be able to continue pursuing their career goals in a new place.
6. Focus on the Positive
Long-distance relationships can be trying, but they also offer several advantages. Focus on the positive aspects of your relationship, such as having plenty of time for yourself and your friends, not getting into fights over day-to-day stresses and the excitement and anticipation of being together again as your next visit approaches. Dwelling on the good things about long-distance relationships makes it easier for you to appreciate the one you’re in, which can help keep it strong.
Enjoy your relationship

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Thirdhand Smoke: What Are The Dangers To Nonsmokers?

Thirdhand smoke is generally considered to be residual nicotine and other chemicals left on a variety of indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. This residue is thought to react with common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix. This toxic mix of thirdhand smoke contains cancer-causing substances, posing a potential health hazard to nonsmokers who are exposed to it, especially children.
Studies show that thirdhand smoke clings to hair, skin, clothes, furniture, drapes, walls, bedding, carpets, dust, vehicles and other surfaces, even long after smoking has stopped. Infants, children and nonsmoking adults may be at risk of tobacco-related health problems when they inhale, ingest or touch substances containing thirdhand smoke. Thirdhand smoke is a relatively new concept, and researchers are still studying its possible dangers.
Thirdhand smoke residue builds up on surfaces over time and resists normal cleaning. Thirdhand smoke can’t be eliminated by airing out rooms, opening windows, using fans or air conditioners, or confining smoking to only certain areas of a home. Thirdhand smoke remains long after smoking has stopped. In contrast, secondhand smoke is the smoke and other airborne products that come from being close to burning tobacco products, such as cigarettes.
The only way to protect nonsmokers from thirdhand smoke is to create a smoke-free environment, whether that’s your private home or vehicle, or in public places, such as hotels and restaurants.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Foods High in Nutrients and Low In Calorie

A dietary mineral is defined as a chemical element required in small quantity by a living organism, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen common in organic molecules. In order for your body to flourish and feel well nourished, it is important to eat foods that contains minerals and other nutrients. Many people like to call them superfoods because they do such a wonderful job in boosting the body temple. Many of these foods listed below are superfoods that have been known to be used in traditional societies and by health experts because they are low in calories but yet high in nutrient content. Let’s take a look three nutrient packed superfoods.
Wheat Germ
Very Low in calories. This food is very high in vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids and several B-vitamins. The interesting part about wheat germ that many people don’t know is that the majority of the nutrients in wheat are found in the germ portion. What happens is we like to remove the germ and bleach the remainder of the flour and we are left with a food that has next to zero nutritional benefit. Be sure to do your due diligence when purchasing wheat germ because often times there are different flavorings added to it to enhance the taste. It is recommended that you consume it fresh so that you can determine whether or not you are eating spoiled wheat germ or not.
If there are too many flavorings you may mistake the “good taste” for a nutritional superfood.
Many Native societies consider this superfood to be one of the most healthiest foods that you could eat if not the healthiest. It is unique in that it is said to be higher in antioxidants and enzymes than almost any other food. Aside from being low in calories it also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The best way to consume raw honey is to buy it unheated and extracted directly from the honey comb. If you eat your honey like most people in America then you will be eating honey that has been heated up and void of enzymes because of the heating process. Remember it is called RAW HONEY so it is best to consume it as close to raw as possible.
The fungi that everyone loves to eat. This superfood has hardly any calories but is loaded with B-Vitamins, which is very rare for a food that does not come from an animal source. The mineral content in mushrooms is also very high. Mushrooms are fungi, which means that they have anti-bacterial properties. The best part about mushrooms is that they are easy to find and buy.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Ladies: 5 Compliments You Should Give Your Man To Blossom Your Relationship

This one is for all the Ladies out there. One way you can put your relationship back on track is through compliment… everyone enjoys compliments. Here are 5 compliments you can start using today....
1. Boy, you can work it!
Tell your man how awesome he is in the bedroom – this one definitely ranks at the top of his list! A guy dies to hear how good he is at the skills he works so hard to perfect.
2. What would I do without you?
Guys love to feel needed. Whether it is to help you understand bank work or simply open a jam jar — it is one of the greatest feelings for a man that you can’t live without them. Cuddle him and tell him it would have been impossible for you to do anything without him.
3. Crave to spend more time with you
Sometimes you need to connect with his inner being as well. No matter how much you compliment on his looks or his skills – your efforts will go waste if you don’t let him know how much you love him and want to be with him. Tell him that it is his innate characteristics that draw you closer to him.
4. You are excellent at your job!
Praising your guy’s brain power is a must! Every guy wants to know that he is awesome at his task. Go that extra mile and tell him how much you admire him for the way he shows his dedication and loyalty towards his work. This one will touch him….really!
5. You’re so freaking hot!
This is one compliment that will instantly lift his spirits.
Complimenting a guy on his good looks is okay, but it is a different thing altogether to tell him what makes him so desirable – serve up his accolade, gently touch his body parts to add an extra sizzle to it.
Try this tips today and watch your relationship with your man blossom.

Friday 21 February 2014

Why Women Should Pay For Dates

Here are some interesting reasons why ladies should pay for dates, relax, read and enjoy….
1. Because it’s considerate: At least offering to pay shows a guy that you are not “on the take.” If you are thoughtful about his financial situation now, then you will be even more considerate as the relationship progresses. Many men won’t accept the offer, especially not in the beginning, but it’s an honorable gesture. Men like to feel valuable, desired, important, respected and loved.
2. Because it is the opposite of gold diggin’ behavior: Women always complain about being labeled as “gold diggers,” then turn around and take a page from the ol’ gold diggers’ wine me and dine me manual. If you show a man you are in it for him not the perks, then he shouldn’t doubt your intentions.
3. Because you’re not simply entitled: A man doesn’t owe you anything simply because you are female. While I do believe in allowing men to earn your affections, that should not be limited to paying the tab.
4. When you don’t have a sincere interest: If you know this guy falls in the “something to do” category, don’t make him pay for that lesson. Stop giving him false hope that he can earn your affections when you know you already have designs on another potential boo.
5. When it costs too much: When you choose a date location that you know is well above his pay grade, simply because you want the experience, then you should foot the bill. Don’t make him feel like a failure because he can’t finance your escapade.
6. It sets the tone: Nothing says “partnership” more than a woman willing to pay her dues. And, I don’t know about you, but I have no intention of being anything less than an equal partner in my relationship.
7. Cause you’re a grown woman: These days many women earn more than their male counterparts, yet still want to be less financially accountable. Yep, I believe a man should be a provider to the best of his ability. But that does not excuse you from being a contributor to your own well being.
Now let me be very clear about one thing: Under no circumstances am I instructing or condoning paying a man’s bills, ever! This post is not meant to be an invitation to put gas in his car, loan him money for his cell phone bill or help him with child support. All I’m saying is, giving a little will get you a lot. Think about it.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Are You Familiar with the 7 Rings of Marriage?

What ring of marriage are you wearing right now? If it is a tough fit, how can you make it through to the next rings? 1. Engagement RING: This is the beginning. You have found that special someone and you are wide open! You see happily ever after in your future, and don’t see anything else. Your vision is nothing but love. The engagement ring of marriage is full of love, hope, and possibility. 2. Wedding RING: You finally did it! You said “I do” to the girl or guy of your dreams. You two have become one. You get to see each other every day and night without any guilt. What’s yours is his/hers, what’s his/hers is yours. This is the ‘walking around the house with nothing on… feeling good’ stage. Life and marriage is the B.O.M.B. 3. DiscoveRING: Uh oh! Now the smoke is cleared. You see him/her every day, but some of the stuff you wish you didn’t see. Can he pick his socks up off the floor at least one time? Was she always late to everything? Being honest with yourself, had you known what you know now, you might not have gotten to the wedding ring stage. This ring is an eye opener. 4. PerseveRING: You are now at the down and dirty part of marriage. The part that makes couples say, marriage takes “work!” The Bible says if you don’t work, you don’t eat. I think this applies to marriage first. Because if you don’t work in your marriage you will not eat the fruit. 5. RestoRING: If you said “I’m all in” through the first four rings, believed in the vision you had with the engagement ring, and didn’t let anything take down your marriage, then you can begin to put back some broken pieces. You’ve learned your spouse is not perfect and vice versa, but you love anyway. And you ain’t going nowhere! As a matter of fact, you plan to do everything you can to not just stay together, but to enjoy staying together. 6. ProspeRING: This is the stage that you were so excited, and blinded by, early on. Now it is a reality. You’ve enjoyed ups, downs, issues, haters, and everything else. But it didn’t kill your marriage, it strengthened your marriage. You have one of those Still Standing marriages. Your marriage isn’t issue free, but those issues no longer impact you like they used to. You are loving being married to your spouse, and it shows. 7. The MentoRING: You have made it through six rings of marriage. Half of marriages don’t make it at all, and even fewer get to witness the prospering in their marriage. When this stage comes you recognize this, and you begin to teach others what you’ve experienced in marriage. Your mentoring may be just with your kids, it may be through some couples you know, or, like Lamar and Ronnie, it may be a full-fledged online movement to help marriages. At this stage, you help everyone you can wear the prospeRING.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Signs a Guy Has Never Had a Girlfriend

Whether you’re asking seemingly innocent questions on a first date or checking out his place for the first time, here are some tips to help you tell if your new guy has never had a girlfriend before. 1. None of his furniture seats more than one person. Most single guys don’t have the greatest furniture collections (really, who in their 20s does?), but if his living room setup includes a video game chair, a recliner, a papasan, and the odd camping chair or folding chair, then he’s obviously never needed to share his TV-viewing space with another person. He probably didn’t realize that he needed a loveseat until he met someone he wanted to snuggle up and watch a movie with. 2. He brags that he can shoot pool both right- and left-handed. If he’s had the time, energy, and dedication to make himself ambidextrous and to study the physics and geometry involved in shooting pool, then odds are, he wasn’t devoted much time, energy, or dedication to a girl. 3. He’s not on Facebook. We all know that our time spent on Facebook is 49% looking at pictures of cute baby animals and 51% stalking our exes. No exes to stalk = no need for Facebook. 4. He doesn’t know what a Cosmopolitan or a Lemon Drop is. Fact: girls drink girly drinks. If he has no idea what any of the girliest of girly drinks are, then he probably hasn’t spent much time in the company of girls and drinks. Unless he’s in AA, of course. 5. He orders the spiciest, stinkiest, most fibrous item on the menu. Black bean burrito with garlic and onion? The curry so hot even the waiter winces? Clearly, he hasn’t considered the consequences of his actions if he orders food that comes a glass of milk and a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. He might have great taste in curries, but ordering that risky of a food on an early date shows that he isn’t in the habit of considering how his food choices might affect people within a 50-foot radius. 6. He has lots of female friends—but they’re all online. It’s always great to find a guy who can sustain friendships with girls. But if all of his female friends live in his computer and in another state or country, that’s a sign he probably doesn’t deal well with girls in real life. Sure, he can talk to them online for hours while playing World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, but he doesn’t have much experience asking a girl about her day, her family, or what kind of ice cream she likes. Those topics don’t usually come up when you’re fighting other planeswalkers 7. He literally doesn’t know how to cook anything. Even the grossest of bachelors who live on frozen pizza and waffles usually know how to cook at least one decent thing. Most guys know that one good way to get a girl into your apartment is to offer to cook for her, and you have to know how to make at least one passable thing in order to make that happen. 8. None of his hobbies involve much interaction with women. Hobbies are great. Most of us took up a hobby in the first place so that we could meet people to date. But if his hobbies are almost entirely male-dominated (think motorsports, fishing, and astronomy), he probably didn’t get into them to meet girls and he probably hasn’t met too many girls doing them 9. There’s a single role of toilet paper in his bathroom, and it only has three squares left. Chicks pee. A lot. Most people who spend time around girls know that. If he’d girls over at his place with any regularity, he’d know how much they pee and have more than a scrap of toilet paper at the ready. buzzlamp

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Guys: 5 Ways to Make Your Woman Feel Secure in Your Relationship

Guys Making her feel secure must be your first objective. Make her feel secure in your relationship and she will move mountains for you!” As I began to think, I realized that as men we might have a slight disconnect between making our women feel secure vs. making her feel secure in our relationships or marriages. Sometimes as men, we believe that making our woman feel secure is about being willing to defend her from a guy that disrespects her, or being able to shield her from harm. While jumping in front of cars, rescuing her from a burning building, or getting up at night to see “what that noise was” does make her feel protected there are still some things we can do to make her feel secure in the relationship or marriage. Let’s talk about some of those things… 1. Make Love to Her Like It Matters One of the safest feelings a woman gets is when you are making passionate love to her. The key term there is PASSIONATE. She needs to know that it matters to you, not that you are just going through the motions. Passion creates a feeling of security…just watch how safe she feels when you hold her in your arms when you are done. 2. Don’t Gawk at Other Women When You Are Together Okay I’m a guy… so I understand that we are visual creatures. But we all know there is a difference between looking at a woman and gawking at a woman. Part of making your woman feel secure comes out of how you respect her in public and gawking at other women is an easy way to not only hurt her feelings, but it won’t make her feel secure in your relationship. If you react like a teenage boy to an attractive woman when you are with her, she can only imagine what you do when she isn’t around. 3. Invest in the Family and the Children Your family and children are of the utmost importance to your wife, thus the more vested you are in them…the more secure she will feel about your relationship. Watching you invest not just your money, but your time and energy into the family and children will make your wife smile with her heart. It will also speak to the strength of your relationship because of the team effort. 4. Don’t Make Her Compete! When you asked her to be your woman, she obliged under the assumption that she wouldn’t be in competition for you with other women anymore. Now let me preface this by saying we should all continue to do the same things we did in order to get our mates.So, “falling off” is not acceptable. But she doesn’t want to feel the pressure from you. Always flirting with other women, not knowing what kind of boundaries to establish, and not protecting your relationship from the advances of other women won’t make her feel secure IN the relationship. It will make her feel like you always have one foot out the door, thus making it harder for her to go ALL IN! 5. Show and Tell Her! Just like men want to feel appreciated, women do as well. Letting her know that you appreciate her work, her nurturing, her “domestic goddess” skills, and her mothering makes her feel secure in that she knows it’s not being taken for granted. I know as men we sometimes just want to SHOW, but sometimes she needs to hear you SAY it. Source: blackandmarri

Friday 14 February 2014

Foods and Drinks This Valentine’s Day

                                         Happy Valentine

Eat and drink your way to better s*x. If you’re planning a romp for Valentine’s Day, make sure you find the oomph factor by including some aphrodisiac fare in your diet in the run-up to romance. 
 Porridge and honey: As well as giving you plenty of energy, oats help testosterone production and contain B vitamins linked with boosting s*xual performance. Squeeze some honey on top too – it contains boron, which regulates s*x hormones. Slice of wholemeal toast with peanut butter:The high levels of monounsaturated fats in peanut butter increase feel good dopamine in the body and are known to increase s*xual arousal in women. Peanuts also contain a substance called L-arginine that helps men get turned on. Scrambled eggs and salmon:Packed with protein and zinc, eggs will help boost libido while salmon is stuffed with omega-3 essential fatty acids to maintain healthy circulation.


Bananas:Not only do they look er*tic, they have minerals and vitamins to perk up passion, from muscle strengthening potassium to vitamin B6, which is associated with better orgasms. Chocolate:Chocolate contains chemicals that naturally feed our feelings of happiness. In a 2004 study in Italy, researchers found that women who ate more chocolate felt more sexually fulfilled. 


Cheese and cucumber sandwich: A 2006 study discovered that the smell of cucumber was one of the most arousing for women while cheeses, especially potent ones, imitate human pheromones, the scent signals that arouse our partners. Avocado Salad:The folic acid in avocados increases stamina. 


Doughnuts: Blokes get turned on just by the smell, according to research by the US Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Liquorice:Used as an aphrodisiac since ancient times, in China it’s thought to stimulate the female s*x glands and boosts hormone production. 


Pistachios: These are the perfect pre-dinner nibbles as a Turkish study showed they could boost blood flow. 
Popcorn: Settling down to a movie later? Get in some popcorn. It’s another food that contains L-arginine which can increase sperm count. 


Starters Celery and dips: The green stuff is a bite of all right as it contains androsterone, a hormone that attracts women when men perspire. Asparagus tips:The posh food is believed to have properties that lead to better orgasms in both men and women. Main course 
A curry: Contains a range of libido-lifting ingredients. Chillies stimulate nerve endings for heightened sensation. Ginger is linked to increased s*xual desire while the allicin in garlic increases blood flow to the s*xual organs. 
A steak: Another food that’s full of zinc, while the protein also tops up the feel-good chemicals in your brain. Put mustard on the side – it’s believed to stimulate s*x glands. Seafood platter:We all know oysters are an aphrodisiac thanks to their testosterone-boosting zinc. But other seafood, like prawns, do the same job. Desserts Vanilla ice cream and strawberries:The smell of vanilla has been found to be extremely er*tic and the minerals in it are thought to boost endurance in the sack. Add fresh strawberries for another dose of zinc. 
Watermelon: It has a magic ingredient called citrulline. This speeds up the amount of nitric oxide in the body and means you get aroused more quickly. 


Coffee: A US study found that those who drink coffee daily have more s*x than those who don’t. 
Glass of wine: An Italian study found that this was the best drink to help women get in the mood. Red wine contains resveratrol that can help blood flow during s*x.
Champagne: While too much alcohol will sap your energy, champagne is a good choice to lift your spirits as the bubbles mean you feel the effects a lot quicker than with other drinks. 
Beer: Hops contain the female hormone oestrogen, meaning a pint could do wonders for the female libido, but is sadly more likely to sap a bloke’s ability.