Friday 28 February 2014

Foods That Can Enhance Your Sleep

Certain foods are conducive to sound sleep and you should start considering including more of these healthy foods in your diet for a good night’s slumber.
Turkey is rich in the amino acid tryptophan which helps promote a restful, deep sleep. Tryptophan itself doesn’t make you sleepy. It helps the brain make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is necessary for sleep and relaxation, and melatonin, a neurohormone that has recently become popular as a supplemental sleep aid.
2. Mashed potatoes
Potatoes have low Glycemic Index, i.e. a ranking of carbohydrates and their effect on blood glucose levels making it a good food for diabetic. Sweet potatoes and potatoes are a root vegetables that won’t spike your blood sugar too high and can even help eliminate acids that block tryptophan. Make mashed potatoes with low-fat milk or buttermilk for a healthy sleep-inducing meal.
3. Bananas
Bananas are a natural sleeping aid in that they contain melatonin and tryptophan (which converts to serotonin) to help you fall asleep. Melatonin is a hormone that signals the brain that it’s time for the body to shut down for the night . Plus, these creamy-fleshed fruits also contain magnesium, which is a known muscle relaxer to help you ease away physical tension and stress.
4. Milk
Mothers have been giving kids warm milk before bed for years. Warm milk is another rich source of tryptophan, which is soothing and will help your body relax. Be warned, however, the combination of turkey and milk together can turn you into a bit of a gassy lassie.
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal not only warms your belly, it’s full of fiber, which can make you feel satisfied before heading to bed. A steamy bowl of cooked oats is also a good source of melatonin. Drizzle your bowl of oatmeal with warm milk for an extra dose of sleep-inducing nutrition.
Supplements to help you sleep If all else fails, you can take mineral supplements that will help ease you to sleep without the negative side effects of prescription sleeping aids. Horn recommends these supplements as a natural way to get your Z’s:
Calcium 500mg-800mg
Magnesium 400mg
Inositol 2000mg
Taking an Epsom salt bath before bed is another wonderful source of magnesium — some of which gets absorbed via the skin. Dump two cups of salts into a warm bath and soak for 15 minutes. Gorgeous you!
Changing your diet, taking supplements and soaking in a bath are easy and natural ways to ensure you get the sleep you need.

7 Signs A Girl Is Not Interestted In You

Have you ever been in a conversation with a lady and you just feel something wasn't right? And you just felt you are wasting your time trying to get to know a lady?
Here are 7 signs that shows she might not be interested in you.
1. She complains that she’s tired
When we meet someone we might be interested in, our energy levels tend to spike. We get a second wind that lifts us up and makes us completely forget the fact that we’re tired, hungover, or in a bad mood. And even if we’re feeling any of those things, we do our best to hide it. If a woman continues to point out that she’s tired or in a bad mood, it is probably just her way of hinting to you that she doesn’t want to keep talking to you. Women who complain about anything have a way of sucking the energy out of a conversation and should be avoided if possible.
2. The Rule Of Thumb
Here is a rule of thumb, if a woman is interested in you at some point she’ll ask you your name. Simple as that. Women are very conscious of avoiding awkward situations, and if she is really interested in you the last thing she wants is a potential situation later on where she has to admit that she doesn’t even know your name. Because of this, if a woman is hoping to talk to you for awhile, she’ll go out of her way to find out your name. If it’s more than 10 minutes into a conversation and you haven’t told a woman your name and she hasn’t asked, it’s a pretty good sign that she is waiting for the conversation to end.
3. She brings up her boyfriend soon into the conversation
A lot of guys would think this is obvious. But it’s not. If a girl is enjoying your company and likes you, she will avoid telling you she has a boyfriend as long as humanly possible.
In fact, if a girl waits until you’ve asked for her number to tell you she has a boyfriend, it’s probably because she liked you too much to admit she had a boyfriend sooner. But if she starts talking about her boyfriend early into a conversation, it’s her way of not-so-subtly letting you know that nothing is going to happen between you. So stop wasting your time.
4. She tries not to make eye contact
What do you do when you’re walking down the street and you see a beggar with his hand out looking for money? Well, if you don’t want to give him any, you avoid eye contact at all costs. Eye contact acts as encouragement for the other person to talk to you. It invites them in and says “I’m interested…” So a woman who is deliberately avoiding eye contact is doing everything in her power to prevent you from continuing to talk to her. She is basically saying “I refuse to give you permission to continue”
5. She has closed off body language
If a girl is enjoying her conversation with you she’ll tend to loosen up. You’ll notice that she follows your lead and begin mirroring your actions and energy level. However, if a girl continues to display closed off body language even after you’ve begun to really open up to her, there is a good chance that she just isn’t as invested in the interaction as you are. Similar to avoiding eye contact, keeping your body language closed off is another way of saying “I refuse to give you permission to continue.”
6. She gives short one word answers
In the first couple of minutes of a conversation, before a woman has had a chance to get warmed up, it’s acceptable for her to be giving you short answers and not talking too much. But if it’s more than ten minutes into a conversation and she is still just giving you short one word answers to your questions and not prying you for more information about yourself, she probably isn’t interested in you. If a woman wants to continue the conversation she will keep talking to prevent you from leaving. If she isn’t offering much to the conversation after ten minutes, she probably isn’t worried about you leaving. Which is a good sign you should leave.
7. She is giving her friend the “help me” eyes
Women have a way of communicating “help me” to their friends. Many of them are actually pretty blatant about begging to be saved. Yet, I’m amazed at how many guys miss these clues. If you’re talking to a woman and her friends are around, pay attention to the subtle signals they are giving each other. If they are rolling their eyes or giving the “help me” eyes as demonstrated here, you should probably find a better prospect.
These are seven of the biggest indicators of disinterest. Just because you’re getting one of these does not confirm she is not interested. But if you’re getting more than one of these, it is a pretty good sign things are not going anywhere.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Making Long Distance Relationship Work

Love overcome huddle, distances and all obstacles. Finding that special someone is a wonderful experience, but it can also be challenging when you live far apart. Does that mean your long-distance relationship is doomed? Not at all! There are several ways to stay emotionally close, even when you’re physically far apart from each other.
1. Communicate Daily
You don’t have to chat on the phone day after day, but it’s important to find some way to reach out to each other on a daily basis. This will keep your relationship alive and well, especially if you don’t get to see each other in person that often. Sending heartfelt text messages or emails isn’t always necessary either. Just sharing something interesting that happened to you that day can be enough to keep you both feeling connected. Plan on talking on the phone once or twice a week, so you can at least hear each other’s voices. If you have access to a video chat service, such as Skype, that’s even better. That way, you’ll be able to actually see your significant other on a fairly regular basis.
2. Focus on Common Interests
Even if you’re not physically together, you can still enjoy sharing common interests, such as books, games or movies. Plan on reading a book at the same time and discussing it on a regular basis or watching a TV show and sharing your thoughts on it. You can even watch shows “together” by chatting on the phone or doing a video chat while they’re on. If you both like playing certain video games, you can play against each other or team up online to take down enemies. If food is your common interest, come up with new recipes for both of you to try, then compare the results.
3. Trust and Remain Trustworthy
One of the challenges of maintaining a long-distance relationship is the worry that your partner won’t stay faithful since you’re not together often. It also doesn’t help that it’s hard to know what your partner’s up to when they’re in a different city, state or part of the country. Trust is a key part of a healthy relationship, though, so avoid being controlling or giving in to distrust or jealousy. Otherwise, you can almost guarantee that you won’t have a stable relationship. Being pushy or overly suspicious is a definitely one way to drive your partner away emotionally.
4. Plan on Visiting Often
This might be easier said than done, but plan on going to visit your significant other or have your partner visit you as often as possible. Physical contact helps keep your relationship strong, and don’t underestimate the power of all those pheromones you and your partner will be giving off. When you don’t get to see each other in person that frequently, the times that you’re actually with each other will be even more exciting. Make the most of these visits, especially if you only get to be together every once in a while.
5. Discuss Your Future as a Couple
If you’ve been together for awhile, start talking about where you see your relationship headed. This involves discussing commitment and your views on marriage, finances, a family, etc. Another major discussion you’ll need to have is what happens if you do get married or decide to move in together. Which one of you will relocate, or will you move to a new area together? The partner who relocates will need to think about their career as well and make sure that they’ll be able to continue pursuing their career goals in a new place.
6. Focus on the Positive
Long-distance relationships can be trying, but they also offer several advantages. Focus on the positive aspects of your relationship, such as having plenty of time for yourself and your friends, not getting into fights over day-to-day stresses and the excitement and anticipation of being together again as your next visit approaches. Dwelling on the good things about long-distance relationships makes it easier for you to appreciate the one you’re in, which can help keep it strong.
Enjoy your relationship

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Thirdhand Smoke: What Are The Dangers To Nonsmokers?

Thirdhand smoke is generally considered to be residual nicotine and other chemicals left on a variety of indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. This residue is thought to react with common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix. This toxic mix of thirdhand smoke contains cancer-causing substances, posing a potential health hazard to nonsmokers who are exposed to it, especially children.
Studies show that thirdhand smoke clings to hair, skin, clothes, furniture, drapes, walls, bedding, carpets, dust, vehicles and other surfaces, even long after smoking has stopped. Infants, children and nonsmoking adults may be at risk of tobacco-related health problems when they inhale, ingest or touch substances containing thirdhand smoke. Thirdhand smoke is a relatively new concept, and researchers are still studying its possible dangers.
Thirdhand smoke residue builds up on surfaces over time and resists normal cleaning. Thirdhand smoke can’t be eliminated by airing out rooms, opening windows, using fans or air conditioners, or confining smoking to only certain areas of a home. Thirdhand smoke remains long after smoking has stopped. In contrast, secondhand smoke is the smoke and other airborne products that come from being close to burning tobacco products, such as cigarettes.
The only way to protect nonsmokers from thirdhand smoke is to create a smoke-free environment, whether that’s your private home or vehicle, or in public places, such as hotels and restaurants.


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Foods High in Nutrients and Low In Calorie

A dietary mineral is defined as a chemical element required in small quantity by a living organism, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen common in organic molecules. In order for your body to flourish and feel well nourished, it is important to eat foods that contains minerals and other nutrients. Many people like to call them superfoods because they do such a wonderful job in boosting the body temple. Many of these foods listed below are superfoods that have been known to be used in traditional societies and by health experts because they are low in calories but yet high in nutrient content. Let’s take a look three nutrient packed superfoods.
Wheat Germ
Very Low in calories. This food is very high in vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids and several B-vitamins. The interesting part about wheat germ that many people don’t know is that the majority of the nutrients in wheat are found in the germ portion. What happens is we like to remove the germ and bleach the remainder of the flour and we are left with a food that has next to zero nutritional benefit. Be sure to do your due diligence when purchasing wheat germ because often times there are different flavorings added to it to enhance the taste. It is recommended that you consume it fresh so that you can determine whether or not you are eating spoiled wheat germ or not.
If there are too many flavorings you may mistake the “good taste” for a nutritional superfood.
Many Native societies consider this superfood to be one of the most healthiest foods that you could eat if not the healthiest. It is unique in that it is said to be higher in antioxidants and enzymes than almost any other food. Aside from being low in calories it also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The best way to consume raw honey is to buy it unheated and extracted directly from the honey comb. If you eat your honey like most people in America then you will be eating honey that has been heated up and void of enzymes because of the heating process. Remember it is called RAW HONEY so it is best to consume it as close to raw as possible.
The fungi that everyone loves to eat. This superfood has hardly any calories but is loaded with B-Vitamins, which is very rare for a food that does not come from an animal source. The mineral content in mushrooms is also very high. Mushrooms are fungi, which means that they have anti-bacterial properties. The best part about mushrooms is that they are easy to find and buy.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Ladies: 5 Compliments You Should Give Your Man To Blossom Your Relationship

This one is for all the Ladies out there. One way you can put your relationship back on track is through compliment… everyone enjoys compliments. Here are 5 compliments you can start using today....
1. Boy, you can work it!
Tell your man how awesome he is in the bedroom – this one definitely ranks at the top of his list! A guy dies to hear how good he is at the skills he works so hard to perfect.
2. What would I do without you?
Guys love to feel needed. Whether it is to help you understand bank work or simply open a jam jar — it is one of the greatest feelings for a man that you can’t live without them. Cuddle him and tell him it would have been impossible for you to do anything without him.
3. Crave to spend more time with you
Sometimes you need to connect with his inner being as well. No matter how much you compliment on his looks or his skills – your efforts will go waste if you don’t let him know how much you love him and want to be with him. Tell him that it is his innate characteristics that draw you closer to him.
4. You are excellent at your job!
Praising your guy’s brain power is a must! Every guy wants to know that he is awesome at his task. Go that extra mile and tell him how much you admire him for the way he shows his dedication and loyalty towards his work. This one will touch him….really!
5. You’re so freaking hot!
This is one compliment that will instantly lift his spirits.
Complimenting a guy on his good looks is okay, but it is a different thing altogether to tell him what makes him so desirable – serve up his accolade, gently touch his body parts to add an extra sizzle to it.
Try this tips today and watch your relationship with your man blossom.

Friday 21 February 2014

Why Women Should Pay For Dates

Here are some interesting reasons why ladies should pay for dates, relax, read and enjoy….
1. Because it’s considerate: At least offering to pay shows a guy that you are not “on the take.” If you are thoughtful about his financial situation now, then you will be even more considerate as the relationship progresses. Many men won’t accept the offer, especially not in the beginning, but it’s an honorable gesture. Men like to feel valuable, desired, important, respected and loved.
2. Because it is the opposite of gold diggin’ behavior: Women always complain about being labeled as “gold diggers,” then turn around and take a page from the ol’ gold diggers’ wine me and dine me manual. If you show a man you are in it for him not the perks, then he shouldn’t doubt your intentions.
3. Because you’re not simply entitled: A man doesn’t owe you anything simply because you are female. While I do believe in allowing men to earn your affections, that should not be limited to paying the tab.
4. When you don’t have a sincere interest: If you know this guy falls in the “something to do” category, don’t make him pay for that lesson. Stop giving him false hope that he can earn your affections when you know you already have designs on another potential boo.
5. When it costs too much: When you choose a date location that you know is well above his pay grade, simply because you want the experience, then you should foot the bill. Don’t make him feel like a failure because he can’t finance your escapade.
6. It sets the tone: Nothing says “partnership” more than a woman willing to pay her dues. And, I don’t know about you, but I have no intention of being anything less than an equal partner in my relationship.
7. Cause you’re a grown woman: These days many women earn more than their male counterparts, yet still want to be less financially accountable. Yep, I believe a man should be a provider to the best of his ability. But that does not excuse you from being a contributor to your own well being.
Now let me be very clear about one thing: Under no circumstances am I instructing or condoning paying a man’s bills, ever! This post is not meant to be an invitation to put gas in his car, loan him money for his cell phone bill or help him with child support. All I’m saying is, giving a little will get you a lot. Think about it.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Are You Familiar with the 7 Rings of Marriage?

What ring of marriage are you wearing right now? If it is a tough fit, how can you make it through to the next rings? 1. Engagement RING: This is the beginning. You have found that special someone and you are wide open! You see happily ever after in your future, and don’t see anything else. Your vision is nothing but love. The engagement ring of marriage is full of love, hope, and possibility. 2. Wedding RING: You finally did it! You said “I do” to the girl or guy of your dreams. You two have become one. You get to see each other every day and night without any guilt. What’s yours is his/hers, what’s his/hers is yours. This is the ‘walking around the house with nothing on… feeling good’ stage. Life and marriage is the B.O.M.B. 3. DiscoveRING: Uh oh! Now the smoke is cleared. You see him/her every day, but some of the stuff you wish you didn’t see. Can he pick his socks up off the floor at least one time? Was she always late to everything? Being honest with yourself, had you known what you know now, you might not have gotten to the wedding ring stage. This ring is an eye opener. 4. PerseveRING: You are now at the down and dirty part of marriage. The part that makes couples say, marriage takes “work!” The Bible says if you don’t work, you don’t eat. I think this applies to marriage first. Because if you don’t work in your marriage you will not eat the fruit. 5. RestoRING: If you said “I’m all in” through the first four rings, believed in the vision you had with the engagement ring, and didn’t let anything take down your marriage, then you can begin to put back some broken pieces. You’ve learned your spouse is not perfect and vice versa, but you love anyway. And you ain’t going nowhere! As a matter of fact, you plan to do everything you can to not just stay together, but to enjoy staying together. 6. ProspeRING: This is the stage that you were so excited, and blinded by, early on. Now it is a reality. You’ve enjoyed ups, downs, issues, haters, and everything else. But it didn’t kill your marriage, it strengthened your marriage. You have one of those Still Standing marriages. Your marriage isn’t issue free, but those issues no longer impact you like they used to. You are loving being married to your spouse, and it shows. 7. The MentoRING: You have made it through six rings of marriage. Half of marriages don’t make it at all, and even fewer get to witness the prospering in their marriage. When this stage comes you recognize this, and you begin to teach others what you’ve experienced in marriage. Your mentoring may be just with your kids, it may be through some couples you know, or, like Lamar and Ronnie, it may be a full-fledged online movement to help marriages. At this stage, you help everyone you can wear the prospeRING.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Signs a Guy Has Never Had a Girlfriend

Whether you’re asking seemingly innocent questions on a first date or checking out his place for the first time, here are some tips to help you tell if your new guy has never had a girlfriend before. 1. None of his furniture seats more than one person. Most single guys don’t have the greatest furniture collections (really, who in their 20s does?), but if his living room setup includes a video game chair, a recliner, a papasan, and the odd camping chair or folding chair, then he’s obviously never needed to share his TV-viewing space with another person. He probably didn’t realize that he needed a loveseat until he met someone he wanted to snuggle up and watch a movie with. 2. He brags that he can shoot pool both right- and left-handed. If he’s had the time, energy, and dedication to make himself ambidextrous and to study the physics and geometry involved in shooting pool, then odds are, he wasn’t devoted much time, energy, or dedication to a girl. 3. He’s not on Facebook. We all know that our time spent on Facebook is 49% looking at pictures of cute baby animals and 51% stalking our exes. No exes to stalk = no need for Facebook. 4. He doesn’t know what a Cosmopolitan or a Lemon Drop is. Fact: girls drink girly drinks. If he has no idea what any of the girliest of girly drinks are, then he probably hasn’t spent much time in the company of girls and drinks. Unless he’s in AA, of course. 5. He orders the spiciest, stinkiest, most fibrous item on the menu. Black bean burrito with garlic and onion? The curry so hot even the waiter winces? Clearly, he hasn’t considered the consequences of his actions if he orders food that comes a glass of milk and a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. He might have great taste in curries, but ordering that risky of a food on an early date shows that he isn’t in the habit of considering how his food choices might affect people within a 50-foot radius. 6. He has lots of female friends—but they’re all online. It’s always great to find a guy who can sustain friendships with girls. But if all of his female friends live in his computer and in another state or country, that’s a sign he probably doesn’t deal well with girls in real life. Sure, he can talk to them online for hours while playing World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, but he doesn’t have much experience asking a girl about her day, her family, or what kind of ice cream she likes. Those topics don’t usually come up when you’re fighting other planeswalkers 7. He literally doesn’t know how to cook anything. Even the grossest of bachelors who live on frozen pizza and waffles usually know how to cook at least one decent thing. Most guys know that one good way to get a girl into your apartment is to offer to cook for her, and you have to know how to make at least one passable thing in order to make that happen. 8. None of his hobbies involve much interaction with women. Hobbies are great. Most of us took up a hobby in the first place so that we could meet people to date. But if his hobbies are almost entirely male-dominated (think motorsports, fishing, and astronomy), he probably didn’t get into them to meet girls and he probably hasn’t met too many girls doing them 9. There’s a single role of toilet paper in his bathroom, and it only has three squares left. Chicks pee. A lot. Most people who spend time around girls know that. If he’d girls over at his place with any regularity, he’d know how much they pee and have more than a scrap of toilet paper at the ready. buzzlamp

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Guys: 5 Ways to Make Your Woman Feel Secure in Your Relationship

Guys Making her feel secure must be your first objective. Make her feel secure in your relationship and she will move mountains for you!” As I began to think, I realized that as men we might have a slight disconnect between making our women feel secure vs. making her feel secure in our relationships or marriages. Sometimes as men, we believe that making our woman feel secure is about being willing to defend her from a guy that disrespects her, or being able to shield her from harm. While jumping in front of cars, rescuing her from a burning building, or getting up at night to see “what that noise was” does make her feel protected there are still some things we can do to make her feel secure in the relationship or marriage. Let’s talk about some of those things… 1. Make Love to Her Like It Matters One of the safest feelings a woman gets is when you are making passionate love to her. The key term there is PASSIONATE. She needs to know that it matters to you, not that you are just going through the motions. Passion creates a feeling of security…just watch how safe she feels when you hold her in your arms when you are done. 2. Don’t Gawk at Other Women When You Are Together Okay I’m a guy… so I understand that we are visual creatures. But we all know there is a difference between looking at a woman and gawking at a woman. Part of making your woman feel secure comes out of how you respect her in public and gawking at other women is an easy way to not only hurt her feelings, but it won’t make her feel secure in your relationship. If you react like a teenage boy to an attractive woman when you are with her, she can only imagine what you do when she isn’t around. 3. Invest in the Family and the Children Your family and children are of the utmost importance to your wife, thus the more vested you are in them…the more secure she will feel about your relationship. Watching you invest not just your money, but your time and energy into the family and children will make your wife smile with her heart. It will also speak to the strength of your relationship because of the team effort. 4. Don’t Make Her Compete! When you asked her to be your woman, she obliged under the assumption that she wouldn’t be in competition for you with other women anymore. Now let me preface this by saying we should all continue to do the same things we did in order to get our mates.So, “falling off” is not acceptable. But she doesn’t want to feel the pressure from you. Always flirting with other women, not knowing what kind of boundaries to establish, and not protecting your relationship from the advances of other women won’t make her feel secure IN the relationship. It will make her feel like you always have one foot out the door, thus making it harder for her to go ALL IN! 5. Show and Tell Her! Just like men want to feel appreciated, women do as well. Letting her know that you appreciate her work, her nurturing, her “domestic goddess” skills, and her mothering makes her feel secure in that she knows it’s not being taken for granted. I know as men we sometimes just want to SHOW, but sometimes she needs to hear you SAY it. Source: blackandmarri

Friday 14 February 2014

Foods and Drinks This Valentine’s Day

                                         Happy Valentine

Eat and drink your way to better s*x. If you’re planning a romp for Valentine’s Day, make sure you find the oomph factor by including some aphrodisiac fare in your diet in the run-up to romance. 
 Porridge and honey: As well as giving you plenty of energy, oats help testosterone production and contain B vitamins linked with boosting s*xual performance. Squeeze some honey on top too – it contains boron, which regulates s*x hormones. Slice of wholemeal toast with peanut butter:The high levels of monounsaturated fats in peanut butter increase feel good dopamine in the body and are known to increase s*xual arousal in women. Peanuts also contain a substance called L-arginine that helps men get turned on. Scrambled eggs and salmon:Packed with protein and zinc, eggs will help boost libido while salmon is stuffed with omega-3 essential fatty acids to maintain healthy circulation.


Bananas:Not only do they look er*tic, they have minerals and vitamins to perk up passion, from muscle strengthening potassium to vitamin B6, which is associated with better orgasms. Chocolate:Chocolate contains chemicals that naturally feed our feelings of happiness. In a 2004 study in Italy, researchers found that women who ate more chocolate felt more sexually fulfilled. 


Cheese and cucumber sandwich: A 2006 study discovered that the smell of cucumber was one of the most arousing for women while cheeses, especially potent ones, imitate human pheromones, the scent signals that arouse our partners. Avocado Salad:The folic acid in avocados increases stamina. 


Doughnuts: Blokes get turned on just by the smell, according to research by the US Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Liquorice:Used as an aphrodisiac since ancient times, in China it’s thought to stimulate the female s*x glands and boosts hormone production. 


Pistachios: These are the perfect pre-dinner nibbles as a Turkish study showed they could boost blood flow. 
Popcorn: Settling down to a movie later? Get in some popcorn. It’s another food that contains L-arginine which can increase sperm count. 


Starters Celery and dips: The green stuff is a bite of all right as it contains androsterone, a hormone that attracts women when men perspire. Asparagus tips:The posh food is believed to have properties that lead to better orgasms in both men and women. Main course 
A curry: Contains a range of libido-lifting ingredients. Chillies stimulate nerve endings for heightened sensation. Ginger is linked to increased s*xual desire while the allicin in garlic increases blood flow to the s*xual organs. 
A steak: Another food that’s full of zinc, while the protein also tops up the feel-good chemicals in your brain. Put mustard on the side – it’s believed to stimulate s*x glands. Seafood platter:We all know oysters are an aphrodisiac thanks to their testosterone-boosting zinc. But other seafood, like prawns, do the same job. Desserts Vanilla ice cream and strawberries:The smell of vanilla has been found to be extremely er*tic and the minerals in it are thought to boost endurance in the sack. Add fresh strawberries for another dose of zinc. 
Watermelon: It has a magic ingredient called citrulline. This speeds up the amount of nitric oxide in the body and means you get aroused more quickly. 


Coffee: A US study found that those who drink coffee daily have more s*x than those who don’t. 
Glass of wine: An Italian study found that this was the best drink to help women get in the mood. Red wine contains resveratrol that can help blood flow during s*x.
Champagne: While too much alcohol will sap your energy, champagne is a good choice to lift your spirits as the bubbles mean you feel the effects a lot quicker than with other drinks. 
Beer: Hops contain the female hormone oestrogen, meaning a pint could do wonders for the female libido, but is sadly more likely to sap a bloke’s ability.

Perfect Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Guy

Gifting something special to your guy on Valentine’s Day can be a little tricky. Guys are usually not so forthcoming or particular about what they want as gifts. But that does not mean they don’t love them. So what to get for them? Well, let us make your task easy by telling you about the gifts your guy secretly desires. Chocolates, roses or soft toys are a complete no-no; they only prove that you have not put too much thought into what to gift him. If you want to give him the perfect gift, get something which is really thoughtful. Here are few ideas for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your guy. 
1. Sports memorabilia Is your boyfriend a sports freak? We know when it comes to guys you might feel this question should not be asked, but we still want you to think hard and answer. We want you to recollect what sport he actually likes and what teams or players are his favourites 
2. You can gift him the sports memorabilia of his favourite team. His favourite team’s jersey or an autograph of his favourite player will definitely make him go over the moon. You can easily find sports memorabilia from various auction sites. So, start bidding in advance. If this is out of your reach, then you can gift him match tickets or an annual subscription to his favourite sports magazine. If nothing else works, it is easy to find a jersey or jacket with his favourite player’s number on it. 
3. Perfume Guys love to be pampered just like girls. This is something we know they would never accept! So, gift him a high-end perfume that he has been lusting after for ages. Try to figure out his taste, the perfume notes he prefers, look for his favourite brand and make your choice accordingly. If you don’t like his choice of perfume then you gift him something that you think will make him smell good. Ask a buddy of his to tag along, so that he can help you make a good choice. 
4. Gadgets Guys love gadgets and they secretly desire for them always. You don’t need to break your bank account by gifting your boyfriend a high priced gadget; you can give him something quirky and fun. A water-based alarm clock, a USB drive in the shape of his favourite super hero or a new set of stylish noise-cancelling headphones will definitely make him happy. You can also get some colourful Bluetooth speakers, to add a colourful spark to his room. 
5. Fun things Try for things that are a little different and fun. Colourful shot glasses with crazy captions, stylish bottle openers and even stoppers, a Kamasutra card set, a Swiss knife, darts game or a poker chip set are some of the fun things which will make your guy’s face light up with delight. Well, such a gift would also show your man, what a “cool” girlfriend you are! 
6. Chocolates By chocolates we don’t mean those gifts packs that are available in supermarkets. Your chocolates need to be a little hatke. After all, they are for the most hatke person in your life! Premium dark chocolates stuffed with paan, chilly or saunf can really tingle his taste buds. If your guy is not too adventurous with his food, you can gift the traditional chocolates with praline and nuts filling. 
7. Dig into his likes This one depends on how well you really know your man. Think about what he likes, it can be something completely nerdy or totally luxurious. If comics are all that your man talks about, get hold of a vintage comic to surprise him this V-day. If he is obsessed with a music band or a movie character (does Rocky or Family Guy ring a bell?), gift him a graffiti tee with his favourite picture or a quote. And, if your sweetheart is into music, gift him a guitar or a set of drums or limited edition vinyl records that he has been saving up for.If your man is obsessed with his work, this is a perfect opportunity for you to get him a luxurious pen, which would remind him of you even when he is at work. High-end pens like Mont Blanc and Pierre Cardin can make any guy swoon. And, fountain pens are really fashionable and are symbolic of good taste and sophistication. 
8. Homemade goodies If you really cannot afford to gift your guy something expensive, then whip up something for him at home. Show him that you can be a domestic goddess by making some chocolate chip cookies. Put them in a tin and write a cute note for him. You can also create personalised gift cards for him with ‘gifts’ such as giving him the TV remote for an hour, breakfast in bed, not making annoying noises when his favourite match is on, giving him a kiss whenever he demands and so on. He can redeem these gift cards whenever he likes and you can surprise him all through the year. This Valentine’s Day is going to be a pleasant surprise for your guy, we are sure. What have you decided to gift him? Share your ideas with us in the comments section below. 

Tips For Kissable Lips Especially On This Valentine

One of the best qualities somebody can have is soft, beautiful lips. With the cold, windy weather approaching, you might find yourself suffering from chapped or dry lips. So this Valentine’s Day, after you’ve found a babysitter and are getting ready for a romantic date with your significant other, use these tips for kissable lips that they won’t be able to resist! Brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash: Because foul breath is never sexy!
Exfoliate and moisturize: Begin by rubbing your lips down with a lip scrub like Sugar Lip Treatment Lip Ornament, made from sugar, antioxidant-rich oils, and vitamins C and E. You can even make your own brown sugar scrub if there’s no time to pick one up! Quick application will really nourish your lips and remove dead skin cells, making them silky smooth and kissable for up to six hours.
Line your lips: Lining your lips is a great way to make sure your lipstick doesn’t run outside the lip lines and will help define them, so choose a color close to the shade of lipstick you’re going to be wearing for your big night.
Tint: Before you apply lipstick, stain your lips with a lipstain close to the color of your lipstick. That way if you’re going to be eating or drinking (or kissing) your lipstick might rub off, but this will insure the lips stay stained underneath.
Lipstick: Last but not least, apply your favorite lipstick. Be aware that the creamier the lipstick the quicker it fades, so opting for a matte formula is better if you’re looking for long lasting lips.
Clean up: Using your foundation brush, clean up the edges around your lips for perfectly lined, flawless looking lips.

Single or Coupled, It’s Up To You To Make This Valentine's Day Rock

Sixty two percent of adults say they celebrate Valentine’s Day, both single and coupled adults. The holiday comes with added stress if you are single and want to live up to the hype of romance and love. Suggestion for you single moms, don’t allow yourself to be victimized by on over-commercialized “holiday.” As an aside, did you know that 50% of women surveyed would leave their boyfriends if they didn’t get them anything for Valentine’s Day? At first I thought that shallow but then I remembered the Valentine card my ex gave me when we were dating. “Happy ‘VD’ Day” should have sent a loud and clear message about what direction that relationship needed to take. We live and learn! Make it a great day and do so without inventing a Valentine or, sending yourself flowers from your faux love. Seriously!!

Thursday 13 February 2014

How To Win Your Crush Over by Valentines Day: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you have a crush? Me too! I will tell you mine if you will tell me yours, mine is Loading.,. Wait! Damn! Anyway, Valentine’s Day fast approaching and, as you know, if you don’t win the heart of your crush by Valentine’s Day, you will be doomed to spend the whole year alone, crying and eating peanut butter from the jar.
Don’t worry, all is not lost. If you follow this step-by-step guide to winning over your crush, you can spend a romantic Valentine’s Day with any human you choose. Ignore our advice, however, and your only choice may be smooth or crunchy.
1. Be your best self You’ve heard people say “Be yourself.” That’s nice, and all, but kind of useless advice. If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a whole bunch of selves, and some of them are jerks. No one is perfect, not even your crush. You don’t have to be ashamed of your flaws, but it’s not dishonest to put your best self forward when you want to make a good impression, it’s just good sense.
2. Hang out They can’t fall in love with you if they don’t know you. The best thing to do here is to hang out in groups, at least to start with. For one thing, there’s less pressure. For another, you’re probably much more fun when you’re around your friends. Nothing can stop growing affection in its tracks faster than an awkward one-on-one before you know each other well enough. “Um, so do you like cheese? What kind of cheese do you like best? I prefer American cheese, is that boring?” It is. Sorry, but it really is.
3. Presents! Everyone likes presents! Get your crush a present, duh! It’s hard to go too wrong here, but there are a few guidelines. Since our readers are the smart, awesome, book-reading kind, you may be tempted to give your crush a book. Don’t. Not yet, anyway. I know that if they read it they would see into your deepest, most beautiful soul, etc., but it’s more likely that it will go in a pile with all the other homework they don’t want to do. Then, instead of being excited about seeing you again they’ll be all “Oh, man, she’s going to ask me if I’ve read the book yet. Ugh!” No books, no homework. Stick with something simple and thoughtful like: Popcorn Necklace Fluorescent green shoelaces One of those giant Reece’s things they sell in toy stores A mix tape A tape deck

4. Seal the deal This is the hard part. Stop and think for a minute. You’ve been hanging out with your crush for a while. You’ve given them a thoughtful gift. How do they act around you? Does it seem like they might like you back? Be honest. If you’re pretty sure the answer is no, it might be best to shelve your crush for a while. Rejection wouldn’t be the end of the world—and it is “character-building”—but it does create awkwardness between people. Leaving your undying love unspoken for a bit longer will give your crush a chance to have a change of heart. If you think your crush might like you back, it’s time to be brave. Be honest, but try not to scare them. “You’re probably the most awesome person I know right now” is good. “I’ll die if we can’t be together” is not. That’s about all you need to know. Best of luck in all your romantic endeavors. We’ll have the Smuckers ready, but we hope you won’t need it.

Universal Love Quotes To Share On Valentine’s Day

There are so many wonderful love quotes you can find for anyone you love in your life from parents to children to romantic partners. Here are some of the sweetest, wisest love quotes that you might consider sharing with those extra special people in your life. Your Significant Other If you are looking for a way to show your lover how much you truly and deeply care for them, here is a list of wonderful quotes you could put in a card for them. Or you could have the saying placed on vinyl and placed in your home somewhere. “My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.” — Ibn Abbad “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle “In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of the night, you rescue me, you save my life.” — The Renaissance “I love you — not only for what you are — but for what I am when I am with you.” — Roy Croft “The only true gift is a portion of yourself.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.” — John Keats Your Children Gifts don’t just have to be for your significant other on Valentine’s Day. You can show your children your love as well with a quote either on a card or simply by writing on a slip of paper. Consider giving your children a box of candy with a quote for the ultimate gift! “I love you right up to the moon and back.” — Sam McBratney “You’re nothing short of my everything.” — Ralph Block “Without my kids, tomorrow wouldn’t be worth the wait, and yesterday wouldn’t be worth remembering.” — Anonymous “I love you in the morning, and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon.” — “Skidamarink” “A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.” — Anonymous “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray.” — Jimmie Davis Your Parents Giving your parents a love quote is a great Valentine’s Day gift because it will truly come from the heart. After all, parents usually only want the love of their children and that is the best gift ever. “A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.” — Cardinal Mermillod “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” — Elizabeth Stone “When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.” — Mitch Albom Using these love quotes listed above is a great way to show your loved ones how you feel on this very special holiday. Even if you just write this in a card, your loved ones will be able to see that you do love them and appreciate them as well. Source: yourtango

Secrets to A Perfect Valentine’s Day Outfit

Box chocolates and stuffed teddy bears may be a little cheesy, but there’s no reason we shouldn’t make room for love in our lives this Valentine’s Day – and look good doing it! Whether you’re wifed up or single and mingling, February 14 is about celebrating romance and being open to new possibilities. Follow these five secrets to the perfect Valentine’s look, and Cupid’s arrow is sure to strike!
1. Wear red
 This might seem obvious, but Valentine’s Day is all about the color of love. Red dresses are fabulous, but you can also wear red as an accent piece. A little black dress with some red pumps or handbag is a knockout combo.
2. Show some skin – but not too much Be sexy without giving it all away! If you’re wearing a low-cut top, go longer on the hemlines. If your dress or skirt is tight, make sure it isn’t too short. Skanky isn’t chic! And if it’s chilly outside, sheer black tights will keep you feeling warm and looking sexy.
3. Choose simple jewelry A beautiful pair of pearl earrings, silver bangles, a delicate gold chain – wear it, but be minimalist. This night is about you; you don’t want jewelry that takes away from your beauty. A helpful rule is if you’re wearing earrings that aren’t studs, you don’t need a necklace. Since it’s Valentine’s Day, try something heart-shaped!
4. Make your lips pop If you’re planning – or hoping – to do some smooching this Valentine’s Day, you’ll want your lips to be the center of attention. A red or bright pink shade will do the trick! Just be sure your lips don’t clash with your dress.
5. Rock heels you love Valentine’s day is about confidence in yourself, and nothing makes you feel more like a goddess than your favorite heels. Make sure you can walk in them, though! Source:

Expert Makeup Tips to Get Your Man Back This Valentine!!!

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and we are sure you have made big plans for the special day. Whether you intend to spend the day out with your sweetheart, or go for a candle-light dinner, we have some great makeup tips that will make him go weak in the knees. If you want him to fall head over heels in love with you all over again, here are three looks for you to try. A Mushy, Day Look If you are not planning on a fancy restaurant dinner, and simple going to spend a fun day in the outdoors with your boyfriend or husband, you obviously cannot wear too much makeup. A natural look would go best for a day out. But you can still look your glamorous best! Here is how: No matter what makeup you use, remember that a healthy and natural glow is what you must aim for. For this, keep it to basic minimum. Do not overdo your makeup at any point. Use a tinted moisturiser that is absorbed well by the skin to give you an even base. Conceal the imperfections with a foundation that matches your complexion perfectly. Simply swipe coral, petal pink or buttercup coloured eyeshadows defined with a contrast coloured liner. Go for a light blush for the flushed cheeks look, and wear a super shiny subtle coloured lip gloss in pinks or coral. For the hair, you can have soft curls that will go very well with this simple and romantic look. Or you could also try a fish plait with heart-shaped clips and rubber bands. Experiment with nail extensions and nail art like hearts, flowers, or even your partner’s name. A Dream Dinner Date Look If he is planning to take you out for a dreamy candle-light dinner date, make sure you look enchanting and ultra-glamorous. Go for smokey eyes with lots of kohl, mascara, a thick liner and strong, filled-in brows. Balance off the heavily played eyes with neutral lips in bronze, bubble gum or peach. Use a highlighter to make sure your face shines dewy-fresh. For a sophisticated look go for hair tied up or let loose in romantic curls. Make sure your hair is well dried to get the best look. A sleek pony tail can also look very classy with a great wet-look hair gel. For your nails, choose a white base with red graffiti- mix of hearts, kisses or even “mwah” written over it. A “Shall We Dance” Look If you are partying with your friends, choose a young, vibrant, feminine and sexy look to shine in the crowd and make him dance to your tunes. With this playful look, you can invite him for a quick shake-a-leg session anytime! Get a doe-eyed look by using two eye shadows, not contrasting but shades of the same colour. Apply the lighter shade on top of the eyelid and deep set the eyes with the darker colour. Define your eyes well with a thin liner in the front and thicker in the end. Add some glitter on it for an enticing shine. Bright lips go perfectly well with this bold look. With the nail-art too, you can experiment a lot in this look! Get Swarovski crystals studded on your nails, or go for photo nail-art and get his picture painted on your nails. This, in fact the ultimate trick to make him go crazy for you! To complete this look, highlight your hair in bold red and blonde. Blow-dried fringes or curls would look lovely, especially with the red streaks. Try a look depending on your V-day plans. We are absolutely sure you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Don’t forget to let us know your experience in our comments section below. 
Source: bollyw

7 Valentine’s Day Ideas To Make A Great Day

Are you letting the daily grind put a damper on your love life? Time for a refresher course! Valentine’s Day has become so laden with traditions, expectations, and marketing mania that it’s easy to slip into thought patterns like: “I have to …”, “To heck with it, I’m NOT going to …”, “He’d better do …” and/or “What on earth am I going to do?” All of which create angst and effort and resentment and, often, disappointment; the antithesis of what Valentine’s Day is all about … love! On this holiday, you should be focused on celebrating and appreciating your love for each other. Here are 7 quick attitude adjustments that can help bring your Valentine’s Day experience back around to a true celebration of love, meanwhile adding some high-octane fuel to the intimacy, passion and play in your relationship! 
1. It’s All About Them: What are you going to do to express your love for your partner? Somewhere along the way it seems that Valentine’s Day devolved into an expectation that men express their love to their woman, but not the other way around. It’s a two-way street, people, use it! 
2. Traditionally Creative: Forget the chocolates and flowers. Or include the chocolates and flowers, but get creative about how you go about it. How about a gift of flowers once a month for a year, or a pot of paint-on body chocolate, or chocolate flowers, or rose-infused chocolates or flourless chocolate cake! 
3. Give Now, Receive Later: Doing all and everything that you’d like to do on Valentine’s Day, with all its hype and materiality, can be an expensive (and crowded) proposition. Why not give on Valentine’s Day and plan to receive later? 
4. What’s Their Love Language? Do you know your partner’s primary love language? Gary Chapman’s five Love Languages (Touch, Gifts, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Words of Affirmation) are worth looking up. Showering her with gifts may be nowhere near as impactful as gifting her with a day away from all household responsibilities. Showering him with gifts may be nowhere near as impactful as gifting him with a long, slow massage. Not that you want to necessarily exclude the gifts, or the time together, or the appreciations but, do a little research and create the most impactful expression possible. 
5. Agreements Can Be Sexy: Some of the angst around Valentine’s Day arises from not having jointly understood expectations; particularly around money, and all the various hang-ups and triggers we all have on this topic. If you spend way more on me than I do on you, am I going to feel special or stingy or inadequate? Are you going to feel superior, unloved or embarrassed? And of course there are at least 15 more possibilities of how either of us could feel but it all muddies the water of your attempts to express your love. Think about creating some agreements with your partner about how much (or min-max limits) you will each spend. It will allow each of you to relax and focus on how you really want to express. And “relaxed and happy” are a big part of feeling sexy! 
6.Valentine Was A Saint — You Don’t Have To Be: Saints always get it right, change the world, glide above it all, ooze love from every pore … or something like that! Take a chance, try something different, express in uncomfortable ways (like speaking your detailed appreciation of your partner in a public setting …), risk doing it “wrong”. Be willing to laugh. Oh, and do ooze love from every pore — that’s a good one! 
7. Leave Space to Receive: Plan in place, blinders on, go, go, go. Whoa! Yes, you want to express your love vehemently, vocally and voraciously. But remember to leave space to receive as well. Receive what your partner has created for you. Receive his/her appreciation. Receive in the moment feedback and be willing to adjust course. Receive your own appreciation for yourself. Source:

Valentine’s Day Gifts that Truly Say I Love You

A day to show the people we love just how much we love them, Valentine’s Day is definitely special. It’s one of those days where you don’t really want to spend a ton on a gift, but you want to get the right gift. And that’s really what it’s all about – knowing your lover well enough to get them the right gift. And what do I mean by the right gift? I like to think of the right gift as whatever will make the recipient’s heart smile. The right gift is important because giving a gift is a chance to show someone that you love and appreciate them and all that they do for you. The best gifts can be anything from a piece of jewelry to an experience together. It’s not about how much money you spend, but rather it’s about how much time you spend selecting a gift that will make the one you love happy. Here are a few Valentine’s Day gift ideas that I think do a great job of expressing true love and appreciation. Obviously you can make your final decision based on what you know about the love in your life, but I think at least one thing on this list is guaranteed to bring a smile to their face and make your Valentine’s Day one to remember. 
1. Romantic Movie Night Fellas, this is a chance for you to make her happy. Get two of her favorite chick flicks, some popcorn, chocolate, and her favorite beverage (maybe some bubbly). Then, sit back and actually try to enjoy the movies with her. She will appreciate the gesture more than you know. 
2. Hot Air Balloon Ride Hot Air Balloon This is definitely on the pricey side. But if you are in a position to splurge, not many things are more romantic than a hot air balloon ride with your boo. You just can’t go wrong 
3. Scratch Map This is a cute gift if you both are into traveling, or you have big plans to travel together in the coming years. This scratch map is a fun way to keep track of the places you’ll go… together. 
4. A Love Letter Sometimes, the best gifts are free! In today’s age of technology, there is something so special about getting a love letter. You really can’t go wrong with this. And if writing a long letter isn’t your thing, take a shot at poetry. It’s just as romantic. And, be sure to deliver the letter creatively to add to the romance. 
5. Spa at Home Have you ever thought about replicating the spa experience in the comfort of your home? Candles, soothing music, and massage oil can get you started, but I would also add some wine, and a few unexpected spa treatments, like a pedicure. This is a great gift for him or her. 6. Dinner and Dancing Cook your honey a special dinner. And after you enjoy it, just dance the night away. And be sure to dance the night away to a few old school tunes because the feelings brought on by those songs just can be brought on by today’s music. source: blackandmarri

Perfect Valentine’s Day Ideas for Singles

The most-awaited day for those in love is just round the corner. All your friends are busy planning for fun things to do on February 14. Are you sulking in your room, consoling yourself for being single? Well, we say snap out of it right now! Valentine’s Day is a day of love and definitely not just for those in a relationship. It is also about loving yourself! We have 5 fabulous ideas for you to have a great Valentine’s Day. 1. Treat yourself! When was the last time you had an elaborate body massage? Or at least a luxurious bubble bath? In the hectic schedules today, you tend to forget to take care of yourself. why not spend this Valentine’s Day doing just that? Book an appointment and relax in your favourite spa. Go for a nice mani-pedi, facial and massage. Just feel and look beautiful. Here is another tempting option- how about gifting yourself with that expensive dress you spotted last week at the mall? Who said only your partner should gift something nice? You can save this day to spurlge to your heart’s content! 2. Make your family feel good Nothing can make you feel as good as doing something for someone special. Valentine’s Day is all about love. Who said it has to be only about your partner? This V-Day, remember all the special people in your life and the things they have done for you. Like your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. You can make them feel great by getting gifts for them, leaving thank you notes, cooking them their favourite meal, or taking them out on a picnic. Trust us, it will be a far more satisfying and fulfilling experience than anything else. 3. 3. Have a singles’ party  Do you really need to have a partner to celebrate Valentine’s Day when you have friends? Not really. Get all your single friends together and plan a fun night out. There is so much that you can do together! You can go dancing at your favourite club, have a movie marathon, or any fun ideas that you all agree upon! Or how about an “ex bashing session” with your besties? Sounds fun, right? 4. Share the love   Have you ever donated something to somebody in need? Try it this Valentine’s Day and notice the immense joy it gives you. And why something old and used? Buy something new and fun for a street child, or donate some stationary at an orphanage, buy a new outfit for your maid, or simply buy some treats for the homeless children playing on the streets. There are numerous ways in which you can share the Valentine’s love. Trust us, you won’t feel “single and lonely” one bit after this. 5. Plan a singles’ trip Get all your single friends together and plan a fun road trip! If you are short on time, you all can just hop on a flight or train to your favourite vacation destination and have a blast. If no one is free, you can always have some “me time” and travel all by yourself, exploring the places you have always wanted to see. There is no reason to feel blue and binge on ice-cream watching emotional dramas on TV this Valentine’s Day. Get off the couch, get dolled-up and have a rocking Valentine’s Day basking in the glory of being single. Source – bollyw

Wednesday 12 February 2014

7 Things You Must NEVER Do Just after s*x

Making love is not just about the s*xual intimacy but also about the actions before and after the act. Your behaviour means a lot to your partner and also is the basis of your future acts of intimacy. People often take their partner for granted and behave in a boorish manner. It surely steals the charm of your relationship and also annoys your partner. Here are some things you must never do after s*x.

1. Rushing to the bathroom Getting up and rushing to the bathroom just after making love is a terrible idea. Most people go to the bathroom to check their appearance, brush their teeth or take a shower. It is understandable that you want to be clean but sometimes just lying in the bed with your partner is much more intimate.

2. Unhygienic Body movements s*x is an act in which you share your whole privacy with your partner; still there are limits. Scratching or picking your nose or passing gas in not at all funny. One must maintain certain etiquette even in their closest moments together.

3. Checking your Mobile Almost everyone does it. Checking your Mobile phone just after s*x makes your partner feel neglected. We know your time is valuable and you need to stay connected to the world, but the intimate moment with your partner is also a precious one, respect that. Recommended Read: 6 Things that Men Find Irresistible in Women

4. Dressing to leave You are done and you are moving on, certainly it means s*x was just another task on your mind. You may be getting late for work but a minutes togetherness when you look into your partners eyes and bond goes a long way in your relationship.

5. Saying how good you were You need not toot your own horn. You may feel that you were superhuman in bed today but saying that makes it cringe worthy. It is better to compliment your partner and if she/he feels you were good they will certainly say so.

6. Turning on the TV Listening to the problems of the free world or catching the latest score just after some great s*x may seem to be a very relaxing and luxurious idea but actually it is not. It shows your insensitivity towards the intimacy you just shared. If you have to watch TV, select something both of you can watch together.

7. Not cuddling Some people just roll over and go to sleep after making love. It’s better to cuddle and show your love and affection to each other. Look into each other’s eyes and relax in your partner’s arms. This is a great moment to bond and have a romantic conversation about your love, dreams and life. bollywoodshaadis

Saturday 8 February 2014

Easy Ways To Árouse A Woman

1) Take care of some manscáping. We’re not asking you to be metro, boys, we just don’t want to be flóssing with your hair! 2) Keep an eye on your appearance. Everyone gets bad hair and blackheads sometimes, but how about you pretend to care a bit about looking séx-ay for us. 3) Nibblé our ears. There’s something super sensitive about the ears, and a gentle nibblé is sure to get us rócking and rólling. That said, please don’t stíck your tongue in there — that gives us the heébie-jeébies. 4) Talk a little dírty to her and see how she responds. It can be wicked hot to hear, “I want you,” while we’re out at the bar together. 5) Couples’ pórn is NEVER a bad thing. I’m not saying we have to bust out the hardcore stuff, but a little softcoré pórn can absolutely get us in the mood. 6) Líck her neck. Again, not like a slóbbery dog or anything, but a gentle nibblé-n-líck is damn séxy. Oh, and don’t súck — we’re too old for híckeys. 7) Get some nice scented body oil and give your lady a massage. But don’t touch her náughty bíts (not yet, at least) — just téase her a bit. 8) Get spóoning — curl up together and begin to softly kíss her neck as she lays there curled into you. You keep at it? She’s going to go crazy for you. TON

Friday 7 February 2014

Top Secrets Of Sexually Satisfied Couples

Here are the top secrets of sexually satisfied couples.
1. They Schedule s*x
Scheduling s*x tends to “take away all the very real excuses you could otherwise use, like that I’m exhausted after working and getting the kids to bed,” says Holly Jenkins. For couples in long-term relationships, planning a romantic interlude leads to a higher-quality, more enjoyable s*xual experience.
2. They’re Quick
Couples who maintain a good s*x life during challenging times, particularly when they’re new parents; have learned to perfect the quickie. If you can figure out how to use 20 minutes to your advantage, then you can avoid dry spells in your s*x life. Think of a place or time when the s*x was amazing, and use it like a meditation.
3. They Communicate
There’s no other way to understand what your partner wants, needs or enjoys other than talking. “Save those conversations for when you’re not having s*x,” says Gilchrest O’Neill. “Though, in the actual moment, speak up about small adjustments your partner can make to increase enjoyment.”
4. They Have a Lock
Even if you don’t have a physical lock, creating a sense of boundaries is key, says Sacha Mohammed, married 14 years, with 7 children. “I always made sure the children were put to bed on time when they were little so my husband and I could have our time together; the kids were also taught to always knock to announce their presence.” According to Zdrok Wilson, “each couple needs to evaluate their environment and determine the optimal conditions for great s*x.”
5. They Experiment
“Be open to different ways of expressing yourself sexually,” says Jenkins. You have to find the right balance: Don’t be so conventional that it’s boring, but don’t be so adventurous that you lose your intimacy or level of comfort.
Maybe just get out of the house. “Many couples report that they have the best s*x when they are not at home,” says Zdrok Wilson.
6. They Avoid Excuses
Don’t let excuses take on a life of their own. To use one example, the kids aren’t needy babies forever, and before you know it, s*x is so far on the back burner that it’s fallen completely off the stove. “Brainstorm solutions to the things that get in the way of having s*x,” suggests Gilchrest O’Neill. However, if the root of your excuses isn’t fixable and there are underlying problems or resentments then consider seeing a therapist.
7. They Look Good
It’s not just about pleasing your partner’s eye. Taking care of yourself makes you feel good about yourself. Not only that, but your libido is dependent on your overall health. “When you feel unhealthy, tired, ill or lacking in energy, you’re not likely to be motivated to engage in regular s*xual activity,” says Zdrok Wilson.
So, do whatever makes you feel sexy, and he’s guaranteed to notice.