Thursday 31 October 2013

7 Advice From Ladies That Put Men Off

Just like i said in my previous post The things women can say that will encourage their men now These are things women should just avoid offering up, no matter how helpful she believes she’s being because in all likelihood, she’s probably throwing gasoline on the fire. 1. Let me show you how… This one is all about ego. You know how you’ve always believed that your guy just HATES to admit that he’s not able to do something? Well you were right. Just don’t say anything. Do what you’ve already been doing: let him do it wrong then you come through and do it your way – errr I mean – the RIGHT way. 2. Size doesn’t matter. I mean come on. This one is downright insulting. You know this is a lie. The guy knows it’s a lie. Suuuuuuuuure, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it. But if he aint got it, he probably won’t be using it. 3. Ask for directions/It’s faster if you go this way… Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But you know what? He’s already embarrassed and ashamed because he’s gotten you lost. Now you want to compound the problem with your logic? How dare you! We’ll get there when we get there! 4. How to manage his money. – Of course no one NEEDS an 80 inch television. But we’re getting it any way! Bad credit be damned! 5. It’s just a game. – Is it? Is it really? You know what? If your guy is upset over a big loss the WORST thing to say is this. Because it is so NOT just a game. He’s not a fool. He knows that a win or loss by his favorite team isn’t going to cure cancer – but that knowledge doesn’t make that last second loss to a hated rival go down any easier. 6. You should just … – Ugh. This is one of the WORST ways to start any kind of advisory statement. Because that opening phrase implies that something is easy. Solutions are generally pretty simple…execution of those solutions….not really as easy as that. You should just lose weight. You should just root for another team. You should just stop watching P0*n. If it was that easy everyone would do it! 7.You shouldn’t be eating… – This is another insulting one. Again implying that the guy is completely unaware. Hey, by a certain age, most people in general know that consuming more calories than you burn will lead to a few medical problems. But he still wants every artery-clogging morsel of that steak. Back off!

The 5 Things Your Husband Needs to Hear When Things Just Aren’t Going His Way

Here are five things that he may need to hear from you when he is down for the count: 1. “I believe in you.” Sweet words like this, whispered or yelled, can help your husband know that, despite any self-doubt, there is someone that sees his worth and has bought into his long term vision and mission for himself and the family. 2. “I love you.” Your husband may need to hear these words when things are not going his way to center him and remind him that your love is unconditional and anchored in something larger than immediate challenges or (perceived) failures. 3. “I am here if you need to talk.” Some say that men aren’t wired to be the best communicators in general, And when their emotions are all up in a knot because of a current problem they are trying to solve in their lives—forget about it—you need a crow bar to get the man in your life to emote or express his feelings. Well, maybe the truth of the matter is that instead of getting them to open up, we give them permission to be themselves and be ready when they want to share. 4. “You sexy as ….” s*x sells but it also heals. I’ve polled a few men informally about this statement and they agree that reminding your husband that he is sexy and wanted is something that brightens their day and infuses them with a little more courage to persevere. CAVEAT: It is best that this statement is said as a prelude to a love session and you are already unclad. You gotta deliver on this statement. Don’t be starting nothing that you can’t finish. 5. “This too shall pass.” If your husband has identified himself as the leader of the family, Mr. Protector, and Mr. Provider, and somehow his current obstacles are keeping him from fulfilling these roles, it might be helpful to remind him that whatever is going on is temporary and it shall pass. When he hears this and knows that you believe this, it may give him the patience and peace of mind to ride out the tide without beating himself up for what he thinks he ought to be doing for himself and the family. BMWK

Guys The Best Places To Meet Women

Most guys seem to have no idea where to meet women, which is odd considering they are everywhere you go. Depending on the kind of girl you’re looking for, however, certain environments will be more suitable than others. Here’s a list of the best places to meet women and the types you can find there. 1. The Gym – Although it’s a common place that most people already think of, the gym can be a decent place to find women. Just don’t be one of those guys that stares at them in their spandex all day. 2. Yoga Class – This is fast becoming one of the most popular places to meet women. The only problem is that some of these classes are starting to have more men than women in them due to this very fact. 3. Bookstore – A bookstore, or alternatively the library, can be a great place to meet women with a more intellectual side to them. 4. Weddings – Probably more suited for a quick one night fling, weddings can be the perfect place to take advantage of the high emotions most women will be feeling during the proceedings. 5. The Workplace – This can get you into a sticky situation if things go wrong, but the capacity to get to know a girl over a longer period of time can be a boon to those who lack the game required for other environments. 6. Online – When all else fails, simply create an account at one of the many popular online dating sites. It will be a game of numbers but then again the art of picking up women already is. You can find anything from long term relationships to short term hookups here. So guys best of luck in your search for your life partner.

11 Differences Between Dating A Girl And A Woman

A boy is attracted to girls. A man is attracted to women. Now, this has nothing to do with the actual age of a person. I’m referring to maturity, life vision and stage of life. In fact, some people regardless of their age, will never really grow up. Also, this isn’t to say that a woman won’t ever have “girlish” or immature tendencies or vice versa. This post refers to one’s maturity and most points would also apply if you switch the genders as well. If you are a boy, then expect that you will attract only girls. However, if you are a man (independent, knows your worth and value, has a strong moral compass, is considerate and an able communicator and doesn’t let insecurity dominate your psyche), then you should be dating a woman. And if you can’t spot the difference just yet, here are some pointers: 1. A girl throws tantrums. When displeased, upset or angry, she reacts just as she did as a child when she didn’t get her way with her parents. This often consists of screaming, pouting, giving the silent treatment, being passive, aggressive and/or punishing. A woman still feels the emotions of being upset/displeased, but has cultivated the skill of responding versus reacting. She comes to the table as an adult, and communicates clearly what is bothering her. 2. A girl perceives herself as a princess and believes people should treat her like so. She is entitled and feels that she is owed and therefore expects more than she appreciates. A woman, has standards (what she holds herself to) not expectations (what she projects on to others). 3. A girl uses her physical beauty as her currency and basis of value. A girl may be so used to feeling validated through her looks and se*uality, that she uses this as her primary tool to get what she wants in life. A woman, knows her worth is beyond her physicality. A woman bases her value on her intelligence, her strength, her integrity, her values, her contributions, her humanity. 4. A girl banks on a man to be her financial strategy. A woman plans to be financially independent — she banks on… herself. And if she so happens to enter a relationship dynamic where it makes sense for her partner to be the primary breadwinner, it’s considered a bonus, not the expected life line. 5. A girl sees the world from a place of lack and scarcity. She competes and will even tear down another in order to secure resources or a mate. A woman helps other women. She knows that there’s plenty enough to go around and takes the high road of integrity to get what she wants. 6. A girl cannot be bothered with anything domestic and is proud of the fact that she cannot cook or clean. A woman understands that being domestic is not a duty, but understands that it is one way of taking care of herself and others. She also understands that in the event she wants to create a family, having a person in the household who can contribute domestically is important. 7. “A girl wants attention, a woman wants respect. A girl wants to be adored by many. A woman wants to be adored by one.” -anonymous 8. A girl does not respect her body. She has not yet understood that her body and heart are sacred, and that it’s important to be mindful of how she treats it and who she shares it with. 9. A woman takes the time to reflect on the type of human she wants to be, the example she wants to leave and the vision for her life. She has put thought into her values and what she stands for. A girl has not established her moral compass or values and consequently, is often inconsistent. 10. A girl has a checklist that prioritizes superficial qualities above anything else. Here is an example of how this checklist may look: Hot, popular, wears skinny jeans, over six feet tall, rich.. This is the checklist of what a woman may look for: High integrity, intelligent, kind, good communicator, emotionally available… Now, a lot of these differences require taking the time to know someone to figure out if the apple of your eye is indeed a mature woman, or someone with an immature mindset. However, one of the quickest filters that you can notice from the beginning is this: 11. A girl plays games. A woman doesn’t.

3 Types Of Girls Men HATE To Date

We LOVE girls. It’s in our DNA. However, past your looks and past your image you TRY to portray of yourself, these are the three types of girls we can’t stand! 3. The Debater. This is the girl that is never wrong. Ever. Ask her who is right and who is wrong in the argument? She is. You beat her with proof and examples or even took her to court and beat her through the legal process and still ask her who is right? She is. Girls, this is the side of you or the few of you who refuse to be wrong. No matter if the relationship is on the line, it’s a debate about sports, or we’re asking you if you’ll let us go to the bar with our friends, this is the girl who has it her way or the highway. Definitely not the kind of girl ANY guy wants to consider putting a ring on. 2. The “Perfect” Girl. This is the girl who realized in Middle School that all the boys liked her and it was because she was prettier than other girls and has ridden it her whole life. College was her way of finding the richest man she could to take care of her for the rest of her life. First of all these types of girls are impossible to please as well as they will always think they’re better than you. Giving a girl the kind of power to know she can leave you and date any other guy is horrible when she abuses it. Girls who have these kinds of looks and are humble are hard to find, but if you have one, don’t let go of her. 1. Miss Negative. Want to hear a sad story? They have one. Want to hear how bad someone else’s life is? They would LOVE to sit you down and tell you about theirs. These are the girls that find the bad side to everything. You win a million dollars in the lottery? She’s thinking about taxes and will instantly tell you about the stories of people who ruin their lives after they win the lottery. There’s just no happiness in them. Not only are they impossible to date, they’re impossible to enjoy. causeweremen

4 Reasons A Lady NEED a Guy Friend

When gals are having issues with their boyfriends, fiancĂ©s, husbands, boy-toys or one night stands… who do they turn to? Women seek out advice from their best girl friends or their best gay friends. Not a bad move, but perhaps not the best move. Why? Because your girlfriends don’t know what they’re talking about and your gay friends, in all likelihood, don’t have the same experiences as their straight counterparts Reasons You NEED A Guy Friend 1. We know what we’re talking about. I’m always amazed at how much awful advice is served up to women by other women. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with a female friend who followed the council of one of their girlfriends regarding a relationship with a guy, only to have the whole thing blow up in her face. Let me say this in no uncertain terms: SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’S TALKING ABOUT. In much the same way guys need to admit that they don’t know women the way they think they do, women should do the same. Problems with your guy? Talk to another guy. 2. It’s an easy friendship. Your relationship with your guy friend will be much less dramatic than one with with your lady friends. I’m aware of the incredible bond between female best friends and the sisterhood of women. But I’m ALSO aware of the myriad pitfalls inherent in those relationships. Feelings get hurt or someone gets offended by a perceived slight, which then turns into a far bigger deal than it needed to be. With guys, even when there’s a big disagreement, it usually flares up and gets resolved quickly. Listen, there’s a reason there’s no show on Bravo called “The Real House Husbands.” Think about it. 3. You learn about men. It’s like watching an animal in its natural habitat. Many times you can simply watch and learn more about guys buy simply hanging out and being “one of the guys.” Those of you who have already experienced this know that we’re not always the most mature creatures, but you also come to understand and appreciate the straightforward simplicity of the way most guys communicate just by being a part of the gang. Understanding how guys deal with each other will absolutely help you with your other experiences with men. 4. It’s a great way to meet guys. If you’re a single woman, there’s no better way to meet men than through your guy friends. Your guy friend is going to be one tough screener. He’ll be happy to hook you up with one of his buddies if he believes the dude is decent enough for you. straight

4 Reasons A Lady NEED a Guy Friend

When gals are having issues with their boyfriends, fiancĂ©s, husbands, boy-toys or one night stands… who do they turn to? Women seek out advice from their best girl friends or their best gay friends. Not a bad move, but perhaps not the best move. Why? Because your girlfriends don’t know what they’re talking about and your gay friends, in all likelihood, don’t have the same experiences as their straight counterparts Reasons You NEED A Guy Friend 1. We know what we’re talking about. I’m always amazed at how much awful advice is served up to women by other women. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with a female friend who followed the council of one of their girlfriends regarding a relationship with a guy, only to have the whole thing blow up in her face. Let me say this in no uncertain terms: SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’S TALKING ABOUT. In much the same way guys need to admit that they don’t know women the way they think they do, women should do the same. Problems with your guy? Talk to another guy. 2. It’s an easy friendship. Your relationship with your guy friend will be much less dramatic than one with with your lady friends. I’m aware of the incredible bond between female best friends and the sisterhood of women. But I’m ALSO aware of the myriad pitfalls inherent in those relationships. Feelings get hurt or someone gets offended by a perceived slight, which then turns into a far bigger deal than it needed to be. With guys, even when there’s a big disagreement, it usually flares up and gets resolved quickly. Listen, there’s a reason there’s no show on Bravo called “The Real House Husbands.” Think about it. 3. You learn about men. It’s like watching an animal in its natural habitat. Many times you can simply watch and learn more about guys buy simply hanging out and being “one of the guys.” Those of you who have already experienced this know that we’re not always the most mature creatures, but you also come to understand and appreciate the straightforward simplicity of the way most guys communicate just by being a part of the gang. Understanding how guys deal with each other will absolutely help you with your other experiences with men. 4. It’s a great way to meet guys. If you’re a single woman, there’s no better way to meet men than through your guy friends. Your guy friend is going to be one tough screener. He’ll be happy to hook you up with one of his buddies if he believes the dude is decent enough for you. straight

4 Reasons A Lady NEED a Guy Friend

When gals are having issues with their boyfriends, fiancĂ©s, husbands, boy-toys or one night stands… who do they turn to? Women seek out advice from their best girl friends or their best gay friends. Not a bad move, but perhaps not the best move. Why? Because your girlfriends don’t know what they’re talking about and your gay friends, in all likelihood, don’t have the same experiences as their straight counterparts Reasons You NEED A Guy Friend 1. We know what we’re talking about. I’m always amazed at how much awful advice is served up to women by other women. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with a female friend who followed the council of one of their girlfriends regarding a relationship with a guy, only to have the whole thing blow up in her face. Let me say this in no uncertain terms: SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’S TALKING ABOUT. In much the same way guys need to admit that they don’t know women the way they think they do, women should do the same. Problems with your guy? Talk to another guy. 2. It’s an easy friendship. Your relationship with your guy friend will be much less dramatic than one with with your lady friends. I’m aware of the incredible bond between female best friends and the sisterhood of women. But I’m ALSO aware of the myriad pitfalls inherent in those relationships. Feelings get hurt or someone gets offended by a perceived slight, which then turns into a far bigger deal than it needed to be. With guys, even when there’s a big disagreement, it usually flares up and gets resolved quickly. Listen, there’s a reason there’s no show on Bravo called “The Real House Husbands.” Think about it. 3. You learn about men. It’s like watching an animal in its natural habitat. Many times you can simply watch and learn more about guys buy simply hanging out and being “one of the guys.” Those of you who have already experienced this know that we’re not always the most mature creatures, but you also come to understand and appreciate the straightforward simplicity of the way most guys communicate just by being a part of the gang. Understanding how guys deal with each other will absolutely help you with your other experiences with men. 4. It’s a great way to meet guys. If you’re a single woman, there’s no better way to meet men than through your guy friends. Your guy friend is going to be one tough screener. He’ll be happy to hook you up with one of his buddies if he believes the dude is decent enough for you. straight

Do You Know That Brain Cells Use Sleep Time To ‘Flush Out’ Toxins, Restoring Healthy Brain Function

A healthy brain requires plenty of restful sleep, not only to support proper memory retention but also for physical maintenance and detoxification purposes. And new research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health further reinforces these latter points, having found that getting a good night’s rest is absolutely vital for brain cells to fully relax, allowing special fluid to rush in the brain and literally flush out material toxins during the night. It is a whole new area of brain research that scientists from the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York are pioneering, but it has the potential to revolutionize how the medical community views degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. If simple rest is really the missing ingredient for many people currently suffering the early stages of dementia, then the cure is pretty straight forward. According to a recent announcement by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc., and her colleagues were not expecting the results they eventually arrived at as part of their sleep study. Though it has been hypothesized that sleep somehow helps clear the brain and prepare it for each new day, little is understood about the mechanisms that drive this important process — that is, until now. As published in the journal Science, the new research identified glia, a type of brain cell, as the controlling mechanism that allows cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to flow through special channels in the brain and scavenge waste. And it is only while a person sleeps, says Dr. Nedergaard and her team, that glia appears to perform this important duty, effectively facilitating a vast network of tiny channels through which CSF can flow and clear out toxins. The glymphatic system, which activates during sleep, is the brain’s ultimate detoxifier Much like how the lymphatic system clears out metabolic waste from the rest of the body, the “glymphatic system,” as Dr. Nedergaard calls it, takes care of the cellular trash that otherwise builds up in a person’s brain and impairs neurological function. This even includes those infamous beta-amyloid proteins, which copious research has identified as being linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. “We here report that sleep has a critical function in ensuring metabolic homeostasis,” write the authors in their abstract. “[T]he restorative function of sleep may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products that accumulate in the awake central nervous system.” The moral of the story, in conclusion, is that sleep is an absolutely critical component of vibrant health. It is during these salient, unconscious hours that the brain is able to cleanse and restore itself in ways that it is unable to do while awake. So be sure to maintain a regular and adequate sleep schedule — your brain will thank you. NATURALNEWS

Do You Know That Brain Cells Use Sleep Time To ‘Flush Out’ Toxins, Restoring Healthy Brain Function

A healthy brain requires plenty of restful sleep, not only to support proper memory retention but also for physical maintenance and detoxification purposes. And new research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health further reinforces these latter points, having found that getting a good night’s rest is absolutely vital for brain cells to fully relax, allowing special fluid to rush in the brain and literally flush out material toxins during the night. It is a whole new area of brain research that scientists from the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York are pioneering, but it has the potential to revolutionize how the medical community views degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. If simple rest is really the missing ingredient for many people currently suffering the early stages of dementia, then the cure is pretty straight forward. According to a recent announcement by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc., and her colleagues were not expecting the results they eventually arrived at as part of their sleep study. Though it has been hypothesized that sleep somehow helps clear the brain and prepare it for each new day, little is understood about the mechanisms that drive this important process — that is, until now. As published in the journal Science, the new research identified glia, a type of brain cell, as the controlling mechanism that allows cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to flow through special channels in the brain and scavenge waste. And it is only while a person sleeps, says Dr. Nedergaard and her team, that glia appears to perform this important duty, effectively facilitating a vast network of tiny channels through which CSF can flow and clear out toxins. The glymphatic system, which activates during sleep, is the brain’s ultimate detoxifier Much like how the lymphatic system clears out metabolic waste from the rest of the body, the “glymphatic system,” as Dr. Nedergaard calls it, takes care of the cellular trash that otherwise builds up in a person’s brain and impairs neurological function. This even includes those infamous beta-amyloid proteins, which copious research has identified as being linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. “We here report that sleep has a critical function in ensuring metabolic homeostasis,” write the authors in their abstract. “[T]he restorative function of sleep may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products that accumulate in the awake central nervous system.” The moral of the story, in conclusion, is that sleep is an absolutely critical component of vibrant health. It is during these salient, unconscious hours that the brain is able to cleanse and restore itself in ways that it is unable to do while awake. So be sure to maintain a regular and adequate sleep schedule — your brain will thank you. NATURALNEWS

Do You Know That Brain Cells Use Sleep Time To ‘Flush Out’ Toxins, Restoring Healthy Brain Function

A healthy brain requires plenty of restful sleep, not only to support proper memory retention but also for physical maintenance and detoxification purposes. And new research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health further reinforces these latter points, having found that getting a good night’s rest is absolutely vital for brain cells to fully relax, allowing special fluid to rush in the brain and literally flush out material toxins during the night. It is a whole new area of brain research that scientists from the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York are pioneering, but it has the potential to revolutionize how the medical community views degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. If simple rest is really the missing ingredient for many people currently suffering the early stages of dementia, then the cure is pretty straight forward. According to a recent announcement by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc., and her colleagues were not expecting the results they eventually arrived at as part of their sleep study. Though it has been hypothesized that sleep somehow helps clear the brain and prepare it for each new day, little is understood about the mechanisms that drive this important process — that is, until now. As published in the journal Science, the new research identified glia, a type of brain cell, as the controlling mechanism that allows cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to flow through special channels in the brain and scavenge waste. And it is only while a person sleeps, says Dr. Nedergaard and her team, that glia appears to perform this important duty, effectively facilitating a vast network of tiny channels through which CSF can flow and clear out toxins. The glymphatic system, which activates during sleep, is the brain’s ultimate detoxifier Much like how the lymphatic system clears out metabolic waste from the rest of the body, the “glymphatic system,” as Dr. Nedergaard calls it, takes care of the cellular trash that otherwise builds up in a person’s brain and impairs neurological function. This even includes those infamous beta-amyloid proteins, which copious research has identified as being linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. “We here report that sleep has a critical function in ensuring metabolic homeostasis,” write the authors in their abstract. “[T]he restorative function of sleep may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products that accumulate in the awake central nervous system.” The moral of the story, in conclusion, is that sleep is an absolutely critical component of vibrant health. It is during these salient, unconscious hours that the brain is able to cleanse and restore itself in ways that it is unable to do while awake. So be sure to maintain a regular and adequate sleep schedule — your brain will thank you. NATURALNEWS

5 Things You Should NEVER Say To A Woman During s*x

Whether it’s your wife of five years or a chick you just met at a bar, s*x is an incredibly intimate experience—especially for the woman. So when you’re in the bedroom (or elsewhere), it’s important to avoid unnecessary commentary that could ruin the mood, or worse— make her not want to sleep with you again. From discussing your s*xual repertoire to assessing her climax, here are five subjects to stay away from during s*x. 1. “Not like that.” Remember in school when you were taught to give “constructive criticism?” This does not apply to your lady in the bedroom. It’s not very sexy or encouraging to tell a woman her skills are subpar in the heat of the moment. You should always frame it in the positive by talking about what you do like. How we say things to each other can make a huge difference in performance and s*xual confidence. Also avoid: “What are you doing?” 2. “My ex used to love it when I…” All women are different, so don’t lean heavily on past experiences—and definitely don’t discuss it. Besides, who’s to say that the previous women didn’t fake their pleasure just to get you to finish quicker? Talking about your prior s*xual encounters can drive a woman completely crazy—and not in a good way. She doesn’t need to hear about it, and if you bring it up, she’ll feel threatened and jealous. For a lot of women, that’s a dealbreaker.” Also avoid: “Let’s try this position that I did one time with…” 3. “I have to be out of here by 4:00.” Making allusions to the idea that you don’t have much time to work with is a major mood-killer. If you absolutely must talk about somewhere that you need to be, or the fact that you’re in a rush, at least wait until afterward! Also avoid: “I need to wake up super early tomorrow.” 4. “I wish you had more a*s to grab!” Here’s a newsflash: Women are often extremely insecure, especially when they’re unclad and most vulnerable. Pointing out things about other women’s bodies that you like, particularly ones that highlight what your partner doesn’t have, is a major no. Anything that’s going to make a woman self-conscious is a female-libido kill. She’ll shut down immediately.” Also avoid: “What’s that weird red bump on your back?” 5. “Did you come yet?” Contrary to popular belief, “an climax does not define good or bad s*x. So please stop asking if she came or saying that you want to see her come. That puts way too much pressure on her.If she did climax, she can choose to say something or not, but it’s important to remember that for a woman, having an climax does not equal having a good time in bed. It can be lovely…but it should not be the goal. Also avoid: “Are you going to come soon?

Foods that can Boost Your Sperm Performance

For long, it has been said that carrots are good for sharper vision but now it has emerged that they are also good for boosting the quality of your sperm. Researchers investigating the effect of fruit and vegetables on the health of sperm discovered that carrots had the best result. More so, a new study on the recipe for super sperm found many yellow and orange-coloured fruit and vegetables capable of making the sperm stronger. They had the greatest effect on ‘motility’, a term used to describe the ability of sperm to swim towards an egg. The sperm-boosting qualities can be attributed to pigments called carotenoids, which give such foods their familiar colour. The body converts these carotenoids into health-boosting antioxidants. Antioxidants help to neutralise free radicals, destructive groups of atoms that are a by-product of metabolism and can damage cell membranes and DNA. According to a report in the journal, Fertility and Saterility, sweet potato and melon can enhance the quantity and quality of sperm, but carrots were found to improve sperm performance by between 6.5 and 8 per cent. The report said: “In a population of healthy young men, carotenoid intake was associated with higher sperm motility and, in the case of lycopene, better sperm morphology. Our data suggest that dietary carotenoids may have a positive impact on semen quality.” A previous study from Harvard showed that men eating diets containing most saturated fat had the lowest sperm counts and poorer quality sperm. However, men who ate more ‘good’ fats including omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and some plants had better quality sperm than those eating less.

Still searching? 10 Reasons You Haven’t Found ‘The One’

Wondering why you haven’t met the one? You might be making any of these mistakes. 1. Unrealistic Expectations When a client shows up with a list of the 100+ extremely specific qualities (type of car someone drives, their shoe size, if they wear aftershave) that their date must have, I know we’re going to have a problem. To be a successful dater, you have to be open! If you count out every person who does not measure up on paper, you are probably missing out on someone truly wonderful. Be open — you never know where or when you will meet your match. 2. Workaholic Lifestyle If you barely have time to eat dinner alone, how do you expect to find time to go out on a date and enjoy yourself? When someone spends more time and energy on their work than on their personal life, of course they have trouble dating. Finding a balance is key. 3. History Of Unwise Partner Choices One of the first conversations I have with a client is about their dating history. When each person they mention falls into a dangerous category like “bad boy” or “party girl”, it’s easy to see why they may have been having trouble finding a relationship that sticks. 4. Social Awkward/Shy Personality Many people are not comfortable in social situations, which is okay. But the only way to become more comfortable is to dive right in. You only live once! 5. Limited Access To Potential Partners When someone’s group of friends are all married or coupled, or they have a job that requires they work from home, it poses an understandable dating challenge. This challenge also crops up among singles that live in small towns or rural areas. 6. History Of Choosing Unavailable Partners Constantly choosing a partner who is emotionally or physically distant makes it hard for any relationship to last. Long distance dating is not for everyone. 7. Being Stuck On The Idea Of Marriage Rather than going out and having fun and exploring a new date’s uniqueness, this person tends to be hung up on the prospect of a potential marriage. When you spend your first date wondering if someone is marriage material, you miss your chance to get to know them. It can take time to learn if someone is really right for you. 8. Old Fashioned Dater/Out Of The Dating Loop This issue comes up a lot for people who are newly divorced, separated or widowed. When you’ve been off the dating scene for a while, it’s hard to find a way back in. What worked in the past may not work now, so a new dating strategy has to be devised. 9. Hung Up On Comparing New With The Old It’s natural to compare the new people you’re dating to someone you’ve been with before, especially if you were with that person for a long time, and were happy. However, this comparison will only prevent you from getting to know another partner. No two people are exactly the same, and no two relationships will be, either. Often, someone new might have positive attributes you had not experienced before. 10. Overall negative outlook If you think you’ll never find someone, you’ll make that your reality. If you open your mind, heart, and eyes, there are amazing possibilities all around you! Be open and walk around with a smile; you never know where or when you will meet your match. YOURTANGO

10 Reasons You Haven’t Found ‘The One’

Wondering why you haven’t met the one? You might be making any of these mistakes. 1. Unrealistic Expectations When a client shows up with a list of the 100+ extremely specific qualities (type of car someone drives, their shoe size, if they wear aftershave) that their date must have, I know we’re going to have a problem. To be a successful dater, you have to be open! If you count out every person who does not measure up on paper, you are probably missing out on someone truly wonderful. Be open — you never know where or when you will meet your match. 2. Workaholic Lifestyle If you barely have time to eat dinner alone, how do you expect to find time to go out on a date and enjoy yourself? When someone spends more time and energy on their work than on their personal life, of course they have trouble dating. Finding a balance is key. 3. History Of Unwise Partner Choices One of the first conversations I have with a client is about their dating history. When each person they mention falls into a dangerous category like “bad boy” or “party girl”, it’s easy to see why they may have been having trouble finding a relationship that sticks. 4. Social Awkward/Shy Personality Many people are not comfortable in social situations, which is okay. But the only way to become more comfortable is to dive right in. You only live once! 5. Limited Access To Potential Partners When someone’s group of friends are all married or coupled, or they have a job that requires they work from home, it poses an understandable dating challenge. This challenge also crops up among singles that live in small towns or rural areas. 6. History Of Choosing Unavailable Partners Constantly choosing a partner who is emotionally or physically distant makes it hard for any relationship to last. Long distance dating is not for everyone. 7. Being Stuck On The Idea Of Marriage Rather than going out and having fun and exploring a new date’s uniqueness, this person tends to be hung up on the prospect of a potential marriage. When you spend your first date wondering if someone is marriage material, you miss your chance to get to know them. It can take time to learn if someone is really right for you. 8. Old Fashioned Dater/Out Of The Dating Loop This issue comes up a lot for people who are newly divorced, separated or widowed. When you’ve been off the dating scene for a while, it’s hard to find a way back in. What worked in the past may not work now, so a new dating strategy has to be devised. 9. Hung Up On Comparing New With The Old It’s natural to compare the new people you’re dating to someone you’ve been with before, especially if you were with that person for a long time, and were happy. However, this comparison will only prevent you from getting to know another partner. No two people are exactly the same, and no two relationships will be, either. Often, someone new might have positive attributes you had not experienced before. 10. Overall negative outlook If you think you’ll never find someone, you’ll make that your reality. If you open your mind, heart, and eyes, there are amazing possibilities all around you! Be open and walk around with a smile; you never know where or when you will meet your match. YOURTANGO

5 Ways To Turn A Woman On Without Physical Contact

No, this isn’t about where to kiss her, and different ways to touch her body. We are talking about achieving this without ever laying a finger on her. Non physical attributes play a big role in generating attraction with a woman, and here are 5 that can truly have an impact. 1. Intelligence For a lot of women, a smart man is a sexy man. Knowledge is power, and it can definitely intrigue a woman. Having the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation can have a very positive effect on a woman. 2. Being Considerate When you do something considerate, it can make a woman feel special. And that can sometimes materialize into a greater attraction. Being mindful of her feelings and doing small gestures to show her you’re thinking about her can easily win you some points. You’re pouring into her emotionally and that makes her much more receptive to you. 3. Ambition A man with no aspirations and no drive can be a huge turn off for a woman. Having passion and a purpose can really do it for her. It gives off the energy of a man who is about handling his business, and a woman loves to see that. 4. Assertiveness Most women (if not all) are not turned on by a man they view as too soft and passive. Knowing how to be assertive and putting your foot down at the right time (in the right way) can cause that woman to melt right before your eyes. That doesn’t mean go out and behave like an a-hole, or treat her like she is beneath you. It just means stand strong, handle your business, and demand respect. If she can’t respect you, then she won’t have a desire for you. 5.Appearance Even though men tend to be more superficial than women, don’t be fooled. She is paying attention, and she too wants something nice to look at. It doesn’t mean you need to have expensive clothes or flashy jewelry. Simply learning how to present yourself as well put together can do wonders. Know how to rock a suit, and that casual outfit. Don’t forget a nice pair of shoes. A lot of women are looking at your shoes whether you realize it or not.

4 Matchmaking Styles…Which is Right for You?

As you read through the styles, keep in mind that the better you know yourself, the more easily you will recognize a matchmaking style that will work best for you. 1. Nurturing- Matchmakers with a nurturing approach are great listeners. They are sure to make you feel great about yourself from the first getting to know you meeting through every date and feedback conference that follows. They provide kindly phrased, helpful advice to make it easier for you to open up and feel cared for throughout the dating process. If you are looking to work with someone who will approach you in a kind, gentle, and encouraging manner, than this style is one to look at for sure. 2. Direct- Are you a busy –let’s get this done– type of person? Do you like to know exactly what is on the table, and make fairly quick decisions with the input of a professional? If so, you may feel most comfortable working with a matchmaker who doesn’t adorn the facts, presents information to you in a timely, honest manner, and seems to know immediately who to set you up with. 3. Go-getter- Matchmakers in this style approach their work with energy, enthusiasm, and attention to detail. Although they bring plenty of energy to the table, a go-getter does not rush the process, taking time to check in with clients daily, and constantly examine new candidates. They offer their clients detailed advice on how best to proceed, and expect them to be proactive in return. This driven style makes them an efficient and effective matchmaker. 4. Holistic- Do you appreciate when someone takes his or her time getting to know you, excavating your past and truly understanding all that goes into making you the unique person you are? A matchmaker that works in the holistic style listens to their clients and takes them in fully. They then formulate a clear picture of who a client is from all that they have shared. Holistic matchmakers are comfortable taking it slow and not rushing you throughout the process.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

chest Pain; Symptoms And Treatments

chest pain (mastalgia) — a common complaint among women — can include chest tenderness, sharp burning pain or tightness in your chest tissue. The pain may be constant or it may occur only occasionally. chest pain can range from mild to severe. It can affect you just a few days a month, for instance just before your period, or can last for seven days or more each month. chest pain may affect you just before your period or it may continue throughout the menstrual cycle. Postmenopausal women sometimes have chest pain, but chest pain is more common in younger, premenopausal women and perimenopausal women. Most times, chest pain signals a noncancerous (benign) chest condition and rarely indicates chest cancer. Still, unexplained chest pain that doesn’t go away after one or two menstrual cycles or that persists after menopause and occurs in one specific area of your chest needs to be evaluated by your doctor. Symptoms: chest pain characteristics Clearly related to the menstrual cycle Described as dull, heavy or aching Often accompanied by chest swelling or lumpiness Usually affects both br**sts, particularly the upper, outer portions, and can radiate to the underarm Intensifies during the two weeks leading up to the start of your period, then eases up afterward More likely to affect women in their 20s and 30s before menopause as well as women in their 40s who are transitioning to menopause Treatments: For many women, chest pain resolves on its own over time. You may not need any treatment. If you do require treatment, your doctor might recommend that you: Eliminate an underlying cause or aggravating factor. This may involve a simple adjustment, such as wearing a bra with extra support. Use a topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication. You apply the medication directly to the area where you feel pain. Adjust birth control pills. If you take birth control pills, skipping the pill-free week or switching birth control methods may help chest pain symptoms. But don’t try this without your doctor’s advice. Reduce the dose of menopausal hormone therapy. You might consider lowering the dose of menopausal hormone therapy or stopping it entirely. Take a prescription medication. Danazol is the only prescription medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating chest pain and tenderness. However, danazol carries the risk of potentially severe side effects, such as acne, weight gain and voice changes, which limit its use. Tamoxifen, a prescription medication for chest cancer treatment and prevention, may be recommended for some women, but this drug also carries the potential for side effects that may be more bothersome than the chest pain itself. MAYOCLINIC

10 Weird Things That Happen To Your Body During S*x

From the second you get turned on to that awesome after-sĂ©x glow, your body is doing some amazing things to make sure you experience major pleasure. But we’re willing to bet you’re not aware of any of this as it’s happening. Well, prepare to have your mind blown by the impressive feats that happen while you’re busy getting busy. 1. You find everything sĂ©xy Sure, you know the basic things that get you raring to go (firemen, Ryan Gosling), but you might be turned on by a lot more than you think. Researchers from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario found that even though straight women reported only feeling aroused by men, their measures of physiological arousal (like váginal blood flow) told a different story. Most women in the study were aroused by every sĂ©xual stimuli they saw (nudĂ© male and female bodies, heterosĂ©xual and homosĂ©xual sĂ©x, even animal sĂ©x), while men’s arousal was much more predictable. The bottom line: Women have the ability to get turned on by a much broader range of situations. 2. You’re not easily grossed out There’s a reason that you’re less fazed by something like sweat or weird smells when you’re having sĂ©x. When you’re aroused, you’re less likely to view gross things as being disgusting, according to a study published in the online journal PLOS One. So that explains why you’re willing to put up with just-woke-up breath for the sake of morning sĂ©x. 3. Your brain notices every touch There’s way more going on up there than you might think. Researchers at Rutgers University used fMRI scanners to see exactly what happens in your brain when you’re aroused. They found that different brain regions were activated in response to stimulation of the vagĂ­na, cervĂ­x, clitorĂ­s, and nipplĂ©s. And because your mind is pretty crucial for arousal, stimulating several of these areas at once can lead to an even more explosive finish. 4. You get bigger where it counts When you’re arousĂ©d, your vagĂ­na literally expands to make room for your guy. The length of your vagĂ­na starts out around 3 inches–which is why it might seem pretty shallow when you’re just putting in a tampon–but as you get aroused, your uterus is pulled up, lengthening the vagĂ­nal wall to around 5 inches or so, says Debby Herbenick, PhD, author of Because It Feels Good. And if you’re with a particularly well-endowed guy, your uterus may get pushed back a bit farther, allowing for even more room. 5. You feel less pain There’s a reason that things like nibbling or hair pulling don’t hurt as much while you’re getting it on. Your pain threshold can increase significantly during arousal, according to a study published in the Journal of SĂ©x Research. While this might make pĂ©netration more comfortable, Herbenick warns that there could be a downside: “Some people say that they’ve hurt themselves and didn’t realize it until after sĂ©x.” 6. Your girls go through changes The next time you’re getting busy, take a second to check out your chest. As a result of increased blood flow to the area, you’ll probably notice that your nipplĂ©s are erĂ©ct and a little darker in color than usual. Plus, previous research shows that some women’s brĂ©asts swell during arousal and can actually increase in size. 7. Your body starts blushing Studies show that your facial and body temperature increases during sĂ©xual arousal, which explains why your face and chest might get a little red when you’re having sĂ©x. Plus the increased blood flow and heart rate causes a “sĂ©x flush” in some people, which appears as a red or pinkish rash on your chest that goes away after arousal subsides. 8. Your mind chills out If it seems like your brain turns to mush during an Ăłrgasm, you’re kind of right. The amygdala, the part of the brain involved in fear and anxiety, essentially shuts down when women have an Ăłrgasm, according to a study from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Even the body movements you make during Ăłrgasm are totally unconscious, according to brain scans. 9. Your muscles have a mind of their own During Ăłrgasm, your body experiences a period of myotonia–or muscle spasms–due to the activation of the vagĂ­nal muscles, according to studies by pioneering sĂ©x researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson. This causes the muscles in your legs, arm, neck, abdomen, and face to tense up. At the same time, involuntary vagĂ­nal contractions happen at regular intervals. Researchers still aren’t sure why these spasms occur and why some women don’t experience them at all. 10. Your bladder goes on hold When you Ăłrgasm, your body releases an antidiuretic hormone, which is why you may not be able to pee right after sĂ©x, says Herbenick. Just don’t put off hitting the bathroom too long–experts advise going after sĂ©x to help prevent UTIs. TON

8 Reasons It’s Awesome Being A Guy

Why is it awesome to be a guy? Why ISN’T it should be the question. There’s multiple reasons why it’s awesome to be a guy and we’ve got a list of 8 of them here. 1. True Friends – Yep, this goes without saying, but “Bros before Hoes” is something that originated because of the realistic, non fake friendship we have with our friends. Girls change friends and screw each other so much it’s ridiculous. To be able to say that your friends are the same friends you’ve had since high-school is usually something only coming from a male. 2. No Problems with Self-Image – Yeah, we like to look big and some of us wish we were taller, but how many times do you spend 30 minutes in front of a mirror before you go out? Hopefully none of you. Girls start using make-up in middle school and once you go in public as a girl wearing make-up, you only look ugly afterwards, therefore girls are constantly worrying about self-image and must maintain a certain “look” every time they leave the house. We just hop on up and go! 3. No Social Standards – I mean we can’t go running around in public unclad, but as a guy we’re rarely judged by anything else besides personal perception. Instead of people looking at our body ( As girls put upon themselves by the way they dress) for standards of an opinion, people make real, down-to-earth opinions on what they think of us as individuals. AND we can pee outside.. 4. No Periods – This goes without much explanation, but the fact that our private parts don’t bleed 7 days out of the month deserves a mention. 5. Sports – People actually give a S#$! about our sporting events. You can say people care about girl’s sports, but where is the money at? At a solid 50:1 Ratio of average athletic salaries for professional sports, I think this goes without much of a debate. 6. Respect – I’m not going to sit here and say what’s right and what’s wrong, but it’s naturally easier to win important decisions, jobs, and general election stuff as a male. 7. Girls – Ha, this might seem weird on this list, but as a straight male, I cannot see what’s attractive in liking a guy sexually, emotionally, or really anything. I’m not going to name off the ins and outs of everything we get to appreciate about a girl, but I’m glad to be on this side of the gender chain. 8. No Drama – When something is going down between two guys, it get’s settled quick and fast. Whether they work it out or get in a brawl, these little arguments don’t last forever and the only drama men find themselves in is drama forced upon them from dealing with girls. CAUSEWEREMEN

8 Reasons It’s Awesome Being A Guy

Why is it awesome to be a guy? Why ISN’T it should be the question. There’s multiple reasons why it’s awesome to be a guy and we’ve got a list of 8 of them here. 1. True Friends – Yep, this goes without saying, but “Bros before Hoes” is something that originated because of the realistic, non fake friendship we have with our friends. Girls change friends and screw each other so much it’s ridiculous. To be able to say that your friends are the same friends you’ve had since high-school is usually something only coming from a male. 2. No Problems with Self-Image – Yeah, we like to look big and some of us wish we were taller, but how many times do you spend 30 minutes in front of a mirror before you go out? Hopefully none of you. Girls start using make-up in middle school and once you go in public as a girl wearing make-up, you only look ugly afterwards, therefore girls are constantly worrying about self-image and must maintain a certain “look” every time they leave the house. We just hop on up and go! 3. No Social Standards – I mean we can’t go running around in public unclad, but as a guy we’re rarely judged by anything else besides personal perception. Instead of people looking at our body ( As girls put upon themselves by the way they dress) for standards of an opinion, people make real, down-to-earth opinions on what they think of us as individuals. AND we can pee outside.. 4. No Periods – This goes without much explanation, but the fact that our private parts don’t bleed 7 days out of the month deserves a mention. 5. Sports – People actually give a S#$! about our sporting events. You can say people care about girl’s sports, but where is the money at? At a solid 50:1 Ratio of average athletic salaries for professional sports, I think this goes without much of a debate. 6. Respect – I’m not going to sit here and say what’s right and what’s wrong, but it’s naturally easier to win important decisions, jobs, and general election stuff as a male. 7. Girls – Ha, this might seem weird on this list, but as a straight male, I cannot see what’s attractive in liking a guy sexually, emotionally, or really anything. I’m not going to name off the ins and outs of everything we get to appreciate about a girl, but I’m glad to be on this side of the gender chain. 8. No Drama – When something is going down between two guys, it get’s settled quick and fast. Whether they work it out or get in a brawl, these little arguments don’t last forever and the only drama men find themselves in is drama forced upon them from dealing with girls. CAUSEWEREMEN

5 Things People Are Afraid to Tell You About Getting Married

You’re engaged. One-hundred-and-thirty-one likes and 21 Facebook comments later, everyone has built you up to believe that you are about to embark on the most magical, exciting time of your life. How did you get so lucky? Man, people should be really jealous of you. Cut to three months later. You’re beginning to realize this process isn’t all its chalked up to be. You start scrolling through your iPhone to find people you can vent to. You are dealing with divorced parents and money issues, and somehow the 131 people on Facebook have all disappeared. No one is answering… which leads me to the first thing people are afraid to tell you about getting married: 1. No one cares about your wedding as much as you do. I know it’s harsh, but if you can wrap your head around this little factoid from the beginning you will be better prepared for some letdowns to come. You are the only person who is constantly thinking about your wedding. Everyone else has their own lives to worry about. They have jobs, families, and work as well. So while the wedding is at the forefront of your mind, it’s in the back of theirs. Expect to be let down, for people to not call you back, or to not show up when they say they will. If you go in with this mindset, the letdowns won’t feel so major. You’ll realize it’s not you, it’s just the nature of the beast. They have lives too. And you can’t fault them for that — which leads me to… 2. Being a bride doesn’t give you the right to be a straight up biatch. It’s like the world knows you are planning a wedding and really likes to kick you when you’re down. It’s easy to take your aggravation out on other people, but try not to. It’s not just your day. It’s your fiancĂ©’s day too. And don’t forget your parents, friends, and family who’ve shelled out a lot of cash to be there and make this day possible. So when you feel like you are about to snap, just picture a film crew around you and smile on the outside and cuss on the inside. 3. When it comes to money, check yourself before you wreck yourself. First and foremost, before you make any plans, take a long hard look at the kind of person you are financially. Are you the type of person who is okay with spending your savings of the past year on a party? Or are you the type who will look back and wish you had put that money toward a house? Be honest with yourself. Don’t be influenced by what other people say you should do or be pressured to have a wedding you don’t want to have. Go to the courthouse and take a once-in-a-lifetime trip instead. Be real and upfront with yourself from the beginning. You’ll be left without a major bill, and most importantly, regrets. This is crucial to your mental and financial well being, even if it is derived from a rap song. 4. Everyone else is eating on your tab, so you probably should, too. I hate when I hear brides say, “Well I didn’t really drink that much or have that much fun. I was too busy saying hello to everyone throughout the night.” This is the one night of your life where you are given a gift to travel back in time and eat with all of your friends and family. Basically it’s like going back to college, which is the greatest gift one can ever give. Take advantage of it. Be in the moment. Forget about the part where the cake didn’t turn out right and the napkins were peach and not rose. Have a drink. Let loose and have fun with your new husband. You guys set the tone. If you guys are having a blast, then everyone else is sure to have one as well. And lastly… 5. Don’t lose sight of what the whole shebang is about. It’s easy to get caught up in the budgets, programs, and seating charts. But don’t forget what it’s all about. You’ve found someone to kick it with for the rest of your life. And that isn’t a simple feat. Lots of people get caught up in the wedding, which lasts a day, and not the marriage, which lasts a lifetime. Even though every other person on Facebook is posting pictures of weddings and babies, don’t get caught up in the hype. And most importantly, never settle. This isn’t something to enter into lightly. But if you think you’re ready to take the leap, then do it. Drink, dance your a*s off, and pause for three seconds that night to just take everything in. Time can stop if you let it. HUFFINGTON

Tuesday 29 October 2013

10 Superfoods every Women should eat

If you find yourself thinking you’ll wait until the kids are older before you get back to the gym, or feeling guilty about swinging through the drive-thru one more time, consider this: 80 percent of your immunity comes from your gut, and therefore, your diet. Your physical and mental performance is directly affected by what you eat. If you need more energy and brainpower, you’ve got to make your diet more of a priority 1. Dark green leafy vegetables. This is what humans were designed to eat as the main portion of our diet. The nutrients are too numerous to list, but include lots of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, powerful phytochemicals, and more that will ensure optimum functioning for your body. This is where you’ll get your folic acid, hormone support, liver support, disease prevention, proper pH, and even some iron and protein. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and brussel sprouts are invaluable as well. 2. Lean meat, beans, and legumes. You must have a clean, healthy source of protein and iron. Grass-fed beef or lamb are good choices, as are many beans and lentils. Low in fat, high in fiber beans are very nutritious and a staple in vegetarian diets. Garbanzo beans, red kidney beans, black beans; easy to cook, inexpensive, versatile. 3. Whole grains. Important for fiber and energy, carbohydrates are downright dangerous to your health when they are over-processed and from GMO sources. Whole wheat does not mean whole grain. Consider some of the less used (and processed) ancient grains such as quinoa, spelt, and amaranth. 4. Fresh organic fruit. Full of flavonoids, antioxidants, enzymes, fiber (eat the peel!), and vitamins, fruit is the ‘sweets’ you were designed to eat (not sugar). On the superfood list: blueberries, goji berries, cranberries, cherries, kiwis, etc. 5. Nuts and seeds. EFAs, ALAs, fiber, good fats, these superfoods are disease fighters. Chia seeds and flax seeds (and meal) have lignans that fight chest cancer by inhibiting the growth and development of tumors. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and other nuts provide healthy fats necessary for everything from a healthy heart to healthy joints. 6. Avocado. Full of healthy fats, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, avocados will lower triglycerides, nourish your brain, and prevent wrinkles. One of the best anti-aging foods you can consume, avocados are versatile – add to a smoothie, spread on a sandwich, or top a wrap with slices. 7. Fish. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) found in fish such as wild-caught salmon and sardines are essential to your health. They are also a good source of low-fat protein. If you are concerned about the health of our oceans, you can get your EFAs from things like flax and walnuts. 8. Chocolate. That’s right. If you stick to this list, you’ll need a reward. Why not some antioxidant-rich dark chocolate? A good-for-you treat, a little goes a long way and will help satisfy your sweet tooth. 9. Spice it up. Cooking at home allows you control over the ingredients you consume, and the opportunity to make your food extra nutritious by adding some time-honored flavorings known for their health benefits. Cook with garlic, onion, mushrooms, cinnamon, turmeric, rosemary, and others. All have wonderful flavors and immune-boosting properties. 10. Spirulina and chlorella. Not necessarily easy to eat, these amazing superfoods are worth their weight in gold to your health. Add to smoothies or take as a supplement to fight and prevent disease and maintain optimum health. For more information, check out the links below. naturalnews

The Top 5 Ways To Get The Girl of Your Dreams

Well, let’s be up front about this first, girls don’t even understand themselves, so if you’re spending time trying to understand them, you’re fighting an impossible battle. Here’s 5 ways you can improve on your ‘game’ 5. Your Facial Expression- Like other points proven here, girls never want the guy who is obviously into them. Especially in front of her friends, if you have this dorky, over-excited smile on your face every time you talk to girls, they not only feel uncomfortable, but since girls care about what people think of them, they can never like you because you just publicly humiliated yourself in front of her friends. You are no longer a ‘cool’ option to date or go home with. Have some swag in your look. Sit back. Act like you’ve been there before. She’s just “some other girl” trying to hit on you. 4. Utilize Her Friends- One of the secret techniques I’ve learned over time is keying in on the exact same thing from the last point. You have to make her feel like “some other girl,” and nothing does this better than paying more attention to her friends. Next time you find yourself in a group conversation and you see the girl you want, look her straight in the eyes, then instantly start laughing and making jokes with her friends. The longer you can keep talking to her friends with her “out” of the conversation, the better. Make sure every 20-30 seconds you glance over and lock eyes with her, yet continue to enjoy your conversation with her friends way more than you are with her. She will be confused beyond belief and because girls ‘for some crazy reason’ love the feeling of not knowing and confusion, you will become her one and only focus for the night. 3. Timing- Got to give credit to ‘ The Girlfriend Activation System ‘ for this one, but it’s so true. If you go in for the first kiss too early, you’re screwed. You wait too long, she loses interest. Without taking too much away from TGAS, just know that no matter what else you choose to do, if you screw up on timing, you’re back to square one. 2. Do Something BIG- Sometimes it’s as easy as just doing that one thing no one else would do. Whether you’re the guy who wore the speedo to the ‘Hawaiian Themed Party’ or you’re the guy who walked up to her bought her a drink and walked off. Remember the situation when you’re at these places. Guys go to pick up girls and girls go to be flattered by guys trying to pick them up. Face it. She has options so why should she pick you? Sometimes you’re just one gutsy situation from getting her to never forget you. 1. Be Mysterious- Yep, the one common thing about everything else in this list all key in on this one concept. You need to have something that she doesn’t understand about you. She asked you a question and you give her a two word answer then smile at her. Done. Game Over. She’s yours. Girls only want what they can’t get or don’t understand. Why do girls never have long, sad, depressing stories after break-ups with good guys? Because she figured him out. He opened his heart to her and she liked it for two weeks then left. But when a guy acts mysteriously, she doesn’t get it. “Why me?!” ” He was the best thing I ever had!!” Of course he wasn’t He treated her like shit. But she only feels like shit because she “lost” to something she didn’t understand. To avoid writing too long on a merely impossible subject, just remember you always have the advantage. She doesn’t understand herself so why waste your time and energy trying to figure out something that hasn’t been figured out.

10 Signs You Should quit With Your Boyfriend and move on!

Relationships can be tough and knowing when to break up with a BF can be even tougher. So how do you know when you’re spending your time with the wrong guy? We’ve got 10 signs that you should stop hanging on to your beau and kick him to the curb. 1. He’s not a Mr. Nice Guy. Nice guys should always finish first! Don’t keep a BF who disrespects teachers, acts nasty to parents, calls you names or disses your friends. Trade that meanie for a nice guy and you’ll end up in a much happier relationship. 2. He packs on the pressure. Your BF should never pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do, and you should never do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If your BF really cares about you, he’ll respect your decision even if that decision is no. 3. Too much fighting, not enough fun. Relationships should make you happy, not get you down all the time. If there’s no fun left and all you do is fight, it’s time to either fix the problem or walk away. 4. He hasn’t got the time. Does he blow off your date nights to hang with his friends, ignore your calls or give you the cold shoulder? If he doesn’t make an effort to set time aside for you, then why are you putting so much effort towards spending time with him? 5. He doesn’t support your goals or have any of his own. When you tell him about your goal of singing the national anthem at a football game, becoming a veterinarian or getting straight A’s, your boyfriend shouldn’t roll his eyes and laugh in your face. Your guy should never put you down or make you feel like you can’t make your dreams come true, no matter what they are. You should both have your own goals and should want to succeed together. 6. He gets controlling. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be telling you what you can and can’t wear, where you can and can’t go or who you can and can’t hang out with. Time to say ‘BYE’ forever to that control freak. You are your own person and can make your own decision; you don’t need a boy telling you what to do. 7. He ALWAYS makes you pay. We’re not saying a guy should pay for you every time you go out; going halfsies is great and it’s even okay if you volunteer to pay for him every now and then. But if he always makes you pick up the lunch tab, buy his coffee or grab his movie ticket, that’s not okay. 8. Drama with your fam and besties. A guy should always try to get along with the people who are important to you. If he doesn’t care about being nice to your parents or if he avoids being around your friends, then you have a problem. You’re family and friends care about you; if they don’t like your new beau, hear them out! They probably have a good reason. 9. He flirts….with other girls! Your boyfriend should be flirting with you, not your whole class. Being friendly is okay, but if it goes beyond that, your sweetheart needs to get his flirting under control or it’s time to move on. One more thing: if your BF cheats, kick him to the curb, pronto! 10. He can’t control his temper. It’s okay to get angry; it’s not okay to yell and curse at someone. And it’s really not okay to throw things or get violent, ever. If your BF can’t handle his anger in an appropriate way, he’s not the right guy for you.

Monday 28 October 2013

Top 5 Dating Tips for Both Men and Women

Here are the top five dating tips for both men and women: 1. Be Open Minded: The number one rule we have heard from both sides of the fence is to go into every date with an open mind. Your ideal partner, based on your personal checklist, may be completely different from the person that you could be truly compatible with. Everyone has this warped sense of who their perfect partner should be, but when interviewing countless older couples who have been married for more than 50 years – their life partners were completely different from the person they initially imagined. 2. Don’t Research Before a First Date: In these days of Google and Facebook, it’s easy to be tempted to do a little research before you even go out on a first date. Don’t do it! You’ll get a false impression of the person, and can make strong judgments without even knowing him/her yet. 3. Don’t Bring Baggage: Avoid talking about old relationships, negative experiences, etc. Have those conversations only after several dates. There is little to gain by dwelling on the past. 4. Be Honest About Yourself: You can avoid specific topics early on, but don’t lie about things. Starting a relationship based on lies is never a good idea. 5. Leave on a High Note: Keep a first date short, and it’s always better to leave on a high note. Meeting for coffee or a meal is great, but don’t make long drawn out plans for another date – excuse yourself and say goodbye. Better to leave the person wanting more.

5 Steps to Make Bad s*x Better

When’s the last time you moaned, “Oh yeah, that’s it, right there, keep going!” and weren’t talking to your massage therapist? If you can’t remember, then it’s been too long. Unfortunately, bad s*x can sometimes happen to good people. Fortunately, anyone can learn how to make bad s*x better! 1. Believe in Yourself Even the most confident women can sometimes forget just how amazing they are. Jodi Lipper, co-author of How to Love Like a Hot Chick, says many women tend to get LSE (low self-esteem) about their body, and that can hinder their s*x life. “You are hot and you have nothing to apologize for!” she says. “He wants to have s*x with you, which means he is attracted to you, so let it all go and let yourself enjoy the moment.” 2. Express Yourself Your mouth is made for communication, among many other things, so use it! If there’s something off when you’re getting it on, speak up. Tina B. Tessina, PhD, is a psychotherapist in California who says the best s*x is a result of open and honest communication. “Often, the best beginner for a lovely s*xual encounter is a good conversation. When you express both your fears and expectations, and the air is cleared, you and your partner can both relax. Once you are relaxed… it’s not such a long distance into the bedroom.” Tessina suggests setting a regular date to “catch up” on all the little things you may not have had time to discuss during your busy week. She says a pleasant, unhurried dinner or breakfast date is the perfect time to share your feelings about each other, your relationship, or any s*xual snafus. 3. Laugh at Yourself You both know when the s*x is bad (I hope!), so let go and keep a sense of humor about it. Lisa Bahar, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Southern California, suggests figuring out a way to make each other laugh before getting in the sack again. “Therefore the positive feelings are in flow and the body is in a more open and embracing mood,” explains Bahar. “Then do something very unpredictable that you are comfortable with. If you blow it (no pun intended), laugh!” 4. Pace Yourself While a hot quickie is definitely a sprint, great s*x is a marathon. You want better s*x? Take. It. Slow. “In order to steam up your bedroom, you need to put it on a slow-boil earlier in the day,” explains David Klow, a marriage and family therapist in the Chicago area. “Consider it a slow-cooker in which you are building connection before the physical encounter. If we are focusing on work and taking care of children all day, then it can be difficult to simply switch gears towards s*x.” Klow suggests practicing the art of seduction (even if you’ve been married for years) by taking time throughout the week to build towards your next s*xual encounter. Flirting, engaging in a deep conversation, or enjoying a romantic meal can all be part of getting ready for s*x. The key is to make your relationship a priority by taking your mind off work, chores, and to-do lists and instead putting it on kissing, caressing, and more! 5. Enjoy Yourself This step may sound obvious, but it’s one many ladies forget to take. As women, we often wind up trying to please everyone around us without even realizing it, which means everyone else’s needs are met… except yours! If you’re a people-pleaser, then it’s time to switch gears and please yourself (in more ways than one)! “You have the power to make this experience memorable and delightful for both of you,” says Lipper. “Take a little bit of control and help guide things in the right direction.” Think about what it is you like, communicate that to your partner, and then let go and enjoy the ride! The concept of “bad s*x” is a complicated one. The bad news is that it takes work to improve a less-than satisfying s*x life. The good news is the work will be fun! Simply follow steps one through five – and then repeat as often as you like because practice makes perfect. GALTIME

15 Creative Questions to Ask a Date

Are you ever at a loss for words on a first date with a virtual stranger? You’re not alone! Unless you’re endowed with the gift of gab, you and your date might end up in a staring contest, while you listen to the crickets in the background. Okay, it might not be that bad for you. But trust me, it’s not always easy to be clever when you’re nervous. I’d like to help you out before that next big dinner or coffee by offering with some creative first date questions you can use if you need to stir up conversation. Use one or two on your date, and the conversation should begin to flow. 1. What’s a secret skill that you have? 2. What was your favorite childhood toy? 3. What’s the best present you ever gave someone? 4. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in elementary school? 5. If your house was on fire, what’s the first thing you’d grab to save? 6. What’s your dream travel destination? 7. When you were little, what did you dream of being when you grew up? 8. What’s one of your favorite books/movies? Why? 9. What was your worst job? 10. What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you? 11. Growing up, what was your favorite board game? 12. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 13. What was your best birthday ever? 14. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? 15. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you? What questions would you add to this list? GALTIME

6 Things You May Be Doing to Sabotage Your Marriage

Here are seven things you may be doing to sabotage your relationship. Maybe with a few adjustments your sabotaging days can come to an end: 1) A Lack of Trust- If you don’t trust your spouse, things simply won’t work. Maybe you feel like trusting someone too much leads to trouble, but not trusting them enough can do the very same thing. 2) Unreasonable expectations- Maybe you want your spouse to do things for you that just aren’t possible based on current circumstances. Be reasonable in what you want, because wanting far more than someone can give at the moment can push him or her away. 3) Not expressing your true feelings- Being silent, or fronting about how you really feel, does a lot more harm than good. You have to be authentic in your relationship if you want it to work. 4) Nagging- Speak your mind, get your point across, but do not nag. You think it’s helpful, but nagging doesn’t help anyone involved – not even you. 5) A lack of intimacy- A lack of intimacy never fixes anything. It simply leads to a greater lack of intimacy. Withholding affection from your spouse is a sure way to cause a major disconnect in your relationship. 6) Making assumptions- Don’t ever assume you know what someone is feeling, or where they stand. Maybe you assume because you feel like it’s easier than asking, but assuming rarely works out well. Just ask. When you make assumptions it puts undue stress on your marriage and can lead to a whole new set of issues. BMWK

8 Mistakes Men Make When Approaching Women

Think you know all there is to know about picking up women? You will be surprised at these 8 mistakes most men make when trying to approach a woman they like. 1. Starting Out On The Defensive Ironically, the mistake a lot of men make when it comes to approaching women simply fearing the worst. This isn’t always true (at all), but once you start believing it is you’ll immediately be on the backfoot, trying to think of solutions to problems that really, haven’t even arisen. The last thing you want to do is see any woman as a ‘challenge’ or as though you need to learn any ‘tricks‘ to persuade potential partners to talk to you. Doing this will be what puts women off, not the things you were initially worried about. Forget what you’ve heard, approaching a woman is not about game-playing. Women will always rather get to know a friendly guy who means what he says than someone who’s trying to play it cool. 2. Wrong Place: Everywhere you go is not a pick up zone — you have to thoughtfully work out where you can actually approach women you don’t know. There is no point striking up conversation with a potential partner if they are already in a situation where they don’t feel like flirting: you’re dooming yourself to failure. For instance, t’s a safe bet to stick to bars, when women are more often than not feeling their best and already in the mood for socialising and open to getting to know people. The buzzy atmosphere of a bar also means that you can casually make conversation with less fear of rejection. Pick the right place where you know she isn’t feeling stressed out or busy. 3. Not Being sensitive to the situation: Sometimes, women just want to go out drinking and dancing. So seeing girl out having a good time does not necessarily mean they want to be approached by men. Be prepared that chances are that most people won’t be that interested in hanging out with strangers when they’re out to have a laugh with their mates. And if you get the vibe that you’ve interrupted a night that you’re not welcome on (if she’s not continuing the conversation, if she’s more interested in her friends) then just amicably excuse yourself to the bar and carry on with your night. 4. Being too drunk: Being with a man who is in control is important to women. Women don’t want to be with a guy we have to force feed water during a night out, help go to the loo or keep from getting into fights at the bar. You’re also way more to get distracted from the woman you’re trying to talk to by other women, slur your words and just be generally unapologetic and annoying. Until you’re well into a relationship, avoid getting too drunk. 5.Using Pick-up Lines: Sorry, guys, but everything you’ve learned about using pickup lines to start a conversation with women is dead wrong. There is nothing cheesier, less interesting or more of a turnoff than a guy who uses a standard opening line. Why? It shows he lacks confidence, period. It shows he’s literally spent time reading up on the best way to approach a woman and that he needs other guys to tell him what to say and how to act. Whatever you do, a simple hello is better than a bad line. 6. Not Asking Direct Questions The worst thing a guy can do is come up to us and talk about himself for the entirety of the conversation. If you have to talk about how amazing you are, it’s probably because you’re not. Asking questions about her life shows you’re a considerate guy, and there’s more of a chance we’ll feel a connection — which will make it much easier to get a date. 7. Being Too Touchy As a general rule — whether its approaching a woman you don’t yet know, or progressing things further once you make it to the bedroom, just echo the movements she makes towards you. Wait for her to make the move to make contact with you, and then do that too. Build up to different parts of the body, but do it following this routine. But regardless, don’t do this in the supermarket because although you might be getting good vibes from your partner in crime, you will creep out the other shoppers. 8. Concentrating Too Much On Her, Not You Often, a guy will concentrate too much on what a woman’s reaction to him is rather than on the conversation taking place. If you’re overthinking what you’re supposed to say and where your hands are supposed to be (in your pockets? By your sides?), she’ll know. And it will get awkward. If anything, try thinking of approaching a woman as starting a conversation with a good friend — be casual about it, be a good listener and let her talk. Another way to think about it: If it works out you’ll gain a date. If it doesn’t, what are you really losing?

3 Biggest Mistakes Women Make in the Bedroom

Who doesn’t need to spice up their bedroom routine every once in a while? You love your partner and assume he’ll initiate s*x, so it’s all good, right? Not so fast! Did you ever think about what YOUR role is…what you could be doing to turn up the heat? Mistake #1: Comfy Clothes I know, ladies, that you want to be in those those comfortable nightgowns, those comfortable jammies that you wear. But, honestly, the quickest turn-off to your partner or spouse is your comfy clothes. So, if you want to spice things up in your love life, shed those comfy clothes and find a nice, hot bra or a nice nighty, something you can be slinky, sexy and comfortable in that will be a TURN-ON to your partner. Mistake #2: NOT Taking the Lead Don’t wait to get asked to dance, meaning you’ve got to take the lead. You don’t have to wait for your partner to ask you to have s*x or make love with them. Get involved, get into bed, take the lead and get your partner into bed with you. You’ll both have a lot of fun and enjoy yourselves. Mistake #3: Criticism It’s to be avoided at all costs. Nothing will turn off your partner faster than you telling him what you DON’T like and what you don’t want taking place. On the other hand, what will be a complete arousal and turn-on is letting him know what he CAN do to please you and what will excite you if he does it. So, tell him what you like, wear those sexy clothes and, most importantly of all, take the lead so that you can have the fun you’re looking for! GALTIME

7 Reasons Why s*x Is Healthy For Your Body And Mind

Below are some of the important health benefits of s*x. 1. Reduces chronic pain Next time you have a headache, just say yes. Stimulation of your clitoris and vaginal walls triggers the release of endorphins, corticosteroids, and other natural painkillers. As a result, you’ll feel less pain from headaches and sore muscles during s*x. The benefit, which begins before you climax, can linger for up to 2 days. 2. Lowers chest cancer risk During arousal and climax, your levels of “happiness” hormones rise. Two of these — oxytocin and DHEA — may help keep br**sts cancer free. One study showed that women who have s*x more than once a month have a lower risk of developing chest cancer than those who are less sexually active. And Greek researchers found that men who had at least seven orgasms a month in their 50s had a significantly lower chance of developing male chest cancer. 3. Gives your heart a workout Cardiologists rank intercourse as a mild-to-moderate-intensity exercise that enhances heart health as well as brisk walking does. As with any workout, the more vigorous you are, the more your heart benefits. The positions you try matter too; being on top is especially cardiac-friendly because it usually requires more effort. climax delivers a bonus: At your peak moment, your heart rate may hit 110 beats per minute, comparable to what you might achieve when walking quickly or jogging. 4. Protects his prostate Catholic priests have an elevated chance of dying of prostate cancer, and studies point to celibacy as a factor. In 2003, research found that those who averaged at least four ejaculations a week had a one-third lower chance of developing prostate cancer than those who had fewer. When you drain the pipes, as it were, you have less clogging. 5. Lowers stress Got a big presentation coming up at work? Spend some time in bed beforehand. A 2005 study found that men and women who had engaged in intercourse in the 2 weeks before a stressful day had an easier time while doing public speaking and some verbal arithmetic. During their presentations, their systolic blood pressure (the first number in a blood-pressure reading) increased less and then dropped back to its normal level at a faster rate than that of people who had no s*xual relations or had other forms of s*x, including noncoital interactions or self service. One theory about why this occurs is that intercourse requires more complex brain activity; another idea is that it stimulates a number of important nerves not triggered during other s*xual activity. 6. Revs your immune system It’s not just apples — s*x helps keep the doctor away too. Research has shown that people who engaged in s*x once or twice a week had 30% higher levels of infection-fighting antibodies than did their abstinent counterparts. In 2004, German scientists produced similar results: Blood tests showed that arousal and climax in men increased levels of certain pathogen-fighting white blood cells. The effect is comparable to that of other stress-busting activities, such as exercise and listening to music, which also boost secretion of certain proteins that defend the body against infection. 7. Keeps down below healthy A healthy s*x life can prevent dryness — and the pain that comes with it. Scientists found that postmenopausal women who had s*xual relations more than 10 times a year had less evidence of vaginal atrophy than those who reported less frequent s*x. That’s a sign of healthy tissues. Arousal brings blood to the v**ina, which delivers nutrients and oxygen. Keep using this part of your body, and you’ll help prevent the tissue from becoming thinner and less elastic as you age, so intercourse can remain comfortable and pleasurable.

Loss Of s*x Drive In Men: Natural With Aging?

It’s natural for men to notice a gradual decrease in s*x drive (libido) as they age. The degree of this decline varies, and most men maintain at least some amount of s*xual interest well into their 60s and 70s. Sometimes, however, loss of s*x drive is related to an underlying condition. For men, depression and stress often contribute to loss of s*x drive. Sometimes the culprit is a decrease in male s*x hormones due to an endocrine disorder. In other cases, loss of s*x drive may be a medication side effect. If you’re concerned about loss of s*x drive — especially if the loss happened abruptly — consult your doctor. He or she will likely do a physical exam and lab tests to help determine what’s causing the loss of s*x drive. Once any underlying factors are identified, your doctor can suggest appropriate treatment options. For example: If loss of s*x drive is related to depression, psychotherapy alone or in combination with antidepressant medication may help. If you’re diagnosed with an unusually low testosterone level, treatment options may include testosterone replacement therapy. If a certain medication is contributing to loss of s*x drive, your doctor may suggest an alternate drug. Remember to be open and honest with your doctor. The more you can tell him or her about your loss of s*x drive, the more effective treatment is likely to be. MAYOCLINIC

10 Superfoods For Babies And Toddlers

Babies and toddlers do not eat much food because their tummies are tiny. That is why it is important to feed them foods that are packed with nutrients. Superfoods are natural foods that are high in nutrients and antioxidants packed with health giving properties. They are easily digestible and keep the body and mind healthy and working great. These 10 superfoods are essential for babies’ and toddlers’ growing bodies. 1. Avocado. Avocados are the best first food for your baby. They are a perfect consistency and they contain an abundance of nutrients including high levels of Omega-3s. You can simply slice open an avocado and feed it straight into your little one’s mouth. If you would like a smoother consistency, add a little chest milk or substitute and mash. 2. Beans. Beans are super nutritious. They are very high in antioxidants containing 10 times the amount of antioxidants as oranges. They are high in fiber, which prevents your baby from becoming constipated. They are high in iron, protein and vitamin B. They should be soaked overnight before preparing to decrease cooking time. 3. Blueberries. Blueberries are super nutritious. They are higher in antioxidants than any other fresh fruit and very beneficial to your baby’s brain, urinary and nervous systems as well as their heart and eyes. They are also high in fiber, and vitamins A and C. 4. Coconut. Coconuts contain medium chain fatty acids which have significant health benefits and are similar to the ones found in human chest milk. They help boost the immune system, improve digestion, and balance the blood sugar. 5. Chia Seeds. Chia seeds are higher in antioxidants than blueberries and have more calcium than whole milk. They are very high in Omega-3s, magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium, and protein. 6. Dark leafy greens. These leafy greens are rich in antioxidants and high in iron and folate. They are a top superfood because they contain large amounts of vitamins C, and K as well as calcium. Vitamin K and calcium are great bone-builders. 7. Eggs (cage-free/organic). Eggs are full of high quality nutrients for your baby. They contain choline, a B-vitamin that plays an important role in the development and function of the baby’s brain. Eggs are full of protein and Omega-3s as well as vitamin D, folate, the antioxidant lutein and many minerals such as zinc, iron, and selenium, a great immune booster. 8. Oats. Oats are a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and they are also rich in phytochemicals, vitamin E, zinc, iron, magnesium and selenium. Oats are a good source of protein and a great way to start the morning. Use plain oats and add your own toppings such as nuts, fruit or a drizzle of agave nectar. 9. Quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein making it perfect for vegetarian babies, it is high in lysine, an amino acid important for tissue growth and repair. Quinoa has a good amount of fiber and is high in nutrients such as manganese, magnesium and has a very high iron content. Quinoa is a gluten free grain and is an alternative to whole grain rice in many baby food recipes. 10. Sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are among the most nutritious vegetables available. They are rich in phyto-nutrients and high in vitamins A and C. They have a naturally sweet flavor and creamy texture making these vegetables appealing to babies and toddlers. NaturalNews

Sunday 27 October 2013

Things The Average Man Thinks While Having S*x

Recently, the lovely Anna Breslaw detailed a woman’s thought process mid-fellatio. Let the record show that all (none) of the women I’ve been with have told me I’m very good at sĂ©x-having, but I feel it’s only fair I share a list of what the average man thinks about when he’s going down on you: 1. I should have looked up “clitĂłris” on Wikipedia before this whole thing started. 2. Is she still watching TV? I can’t tell if her eyes are closed or if she’s still watching Conan…wait, is she looking at me? No, her eyes are closed. Are they? Yeah. Wait, no? 3. Does she want me to touch her bóóbs? I think I can reach her bóóbs from here. Nope, I can’t. I’m just kind of awkwardly clawing at her rib cage. Abort. 4. Oh, fĂşck. I have to cough. Will she notice if I cough directly into her vaginá? No, don’t run the risk. Suppress it, dude. 5. Dammit, she did want me to touch her bóóbs. Now she’s touching her own bóóbs. Wait, this is awesome. STOP STARING AND KEEP GOING. 6. Are we going to have sĂ©x soon? (Full disclosure, this one is pretty much being thought the whole time. It’s also being thought when a man isn’t giving oral, like when he’s engaging you in casual conversation, or eating a hot dog, or sleeping. Men are thinking this about every woman they come into casual contact with all day). 7. Whatever happened to Ashanti? Is she still making music? I have to remember to Google her later. 8.My beard is going to smell like vaginá later. I think I’m ok with this. I know I’m ok with this. (NOTE: This only pertains to men with beards) 9. Lying on my stomach with an erĂ©ction isn’t ideal. Where the fĂşck do I put my man-hood right now? Ok, I’m going to try to just point it down…nope. Everything happening to my dĂ­ck is awful right now. Would she notice if I cut a hole in her mattress and made myself a cĂłck burrow? 10. I STILL CAN’T TELL IF YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED FROM THIS ANGLE. ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? SHOULD I WINK OR SOMETHING? 11. Ok, she’s arching her back. Her right leg is twitching. I’m the man right now. Don’t lose focus. Do not forget to look up Ashanti’s career trajectory later. 12. SHE IS LITERALLY CRUSHING MY HEAD WITH HER THIGHS WHERE DID SHE GET THIS STRENGTH FROM SHE IS PUSHING MY HEAD INTO HER VAGĂ­NA IF THIS IS HOW I AM GOING TO DIE THEN SO BE IT I WILL LEAVE THIS WORLD AS I CAME INTO IT. 13. She came? Yeah. Yeah? Ok, yeah. I’m allowed up now. 14. Alright, I’m going to wait for about two seconds and then just try and put my penĂ­s in her vagĂ­na. No fear.

10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Lieing

Sometimes your boyfriend might act a little shady or tell you something that makes no sense and you can’t help but wonder, is he lying to me? Catching a liar in action can be pretty tricky. Falsely accusing someone can start a big fight, but at the same time, you don’t want to seem too naive. So how do you know for sure if your boyfriend (or anyone) is lying to you? 1. He’s Not Acting Like Himself- Usually when someone lies, they feel a little uncomfortable and worried about getting caught. If your BF is lying to you about something big, chances are his attitude will change a little bit. If he’s usually really open with you and very happy and he’s suddenly being secretive and jumpy, that may be a sign that something is up. Ask him what’s going on – if he denies that anything is wrong or gets annoyed with you quickly, it’s totally possible that he’s keeping something from you. 2. He Doesn’t Look At You- Pay attention to your boyfriend’s body language whenever he’s telling you something that you think he’s lying about, or whenever you ask him if he’s lying. Will he look you in the eye? If he’ll look anywhere except at you, that’s a good sign that he’s not being honest. It’s hard to look in the eyes of someone you care about and boldly lie. If you think he’s full of it, say, “look me in the eyes and say it.” If he can’t do it, he’s probably lying 3. His Story Is Never The Same- Lying can be difficult, especially if you’re lying about something complicated. Pay attention to the details your boyfriend gives you when he’s telling you something. Wait a few days, then ask for the same story again. If some things don’t add up, it could be because they didn’t happen (or maybe he just has a really bad memory – you know him better than I do!). If this happens more than a few times, it could mean he’s making stuff up and isn’t good at keeping track of everything 4. He Gets Super Defensive- How does your BF react when you accuse him of lying? If he gets super, super defensive, it might mean he’s lying and is freaking out about getting caught. This one is tricky, because it’s completely natural to get defensive whenever you’re accused of fibbing, whether you did it or not. However, if your BF’s response is over-the-top, it could mean he’s in panic mode 5. There Are A Lot Of Long Pauses- According to Cosmopolitan, long pauses before an answer are a sign that he’s not telling you the truth. See what happens when you say something like, “Where were you last night?” If he pauses for a minute before answering or repeats the question before responding, he could be giving himself time to come up with an answer. 6. He Accuses You Of Lying All The Time- Sometimes when people feel guilty about their own lies, they try to shift the blame a little bit. If your guy is constantly accusing you of breaking his trust, it may be because he feels bad about breaking your trust. Or, if he counteracts your probing question with one of his own, he could just be trying to distract you. 7. He Never Gives You Any Details- Do you think your BF is lying about who he was hanging out with earlier? Try to ask some innocent-sounding questions like, “what did you do?” “did so-and-so say anything about what happened in class the other day?” Don’t grill him for details, but ask a few questions. If he keeps saying, “Um, I don’t know” or “I don’t remember” or if he blows up about it, it’s probably because he doesn’t have any real details to give you. 8. He’s Super Weird With His Phone- I would never advise you to take a secret peek at your boyfriend’s phone, but keeping an eye on how he acts with it is okay if you suspect he’s lying. Does he constantly keep it with him, even if he’s just running to the bathroom? Do you notice him deleting every single text he gets? Does he freak out if you touch it when it goes off? If he’s crazy private about his phone, it could be because there’s stuff in there he doesn’t want you to see 9.He Has A History Of Lying- I don’t like judging people based on their past, but sometimes you really can find out things about a person based on what they’ve done before. If your BF has a history of lying to you, what makes you think that this time is going to be any different? If he’s lied to you once or twice about little things, that doesn’t mean he should never be trusted. But if he’s fibbed about some major stuff before, he could very easily be doing it again 10.You Have A Gut Feeling- Honestly, in the end, you really need to go with your gut. Like I said before, you know your boyfriend better than I do. You can go through all of the steps above and still not find out for sure if he’s a liar. But if you have a serious gut feeling that he’s being dishonest, then you probably have that for a reason. Trust yourself – dig deep down to see if you really believe he’s lying or not. Sometimes we have these feelings because we’re right. Source: ShutterStock