Friday 21 February 2014

Why Women Should Pay For Dates

Here are some interesting reasons why ladies should pay for dates, relax, read and enjoy….
1. Because it’s considerate: At least offering to pay shows a guy that you are not “on the take.” If you are thoughtful about his financial situation now, then you will be even more considerate as the relationship progresses. Many men won’t accept the offer, especially not in the beginning, but it’s an honorable gesture. Men like to feel valuable, desired, important, respected and loved.
2. Because it is the opposite of gold diggin’ behavior: Women always complain about being labeled as “gold diggers,” then turn around and take a page from the ol’ gold diggers’ wine me and dine me manual. If you show a man you are in it for him not the perks, then he shouldn’t doubt your intentions.
3. Because you’re not simply entitled: A man doesn’t owe you anything simply because you are female. While I do believe in allowing men to earn your affections, that should not be limited to paying the tab.
4. When you don’t have a sincere interest: If you know this guy falls in the “something to do” category, don’t make him pay for that lesson. Stop giving him false hope that he can earn your affections when you know you already have designs on another potential boo.
5. When it costs too much: When you choose a date location that you know is well above his pay grade, simply because you want the experience, then you should foot the bill. Don’t make him feel like a failure because he can’t finance your escapade.
6. It sets the tone: Nothing says “partnership” more than a woman willing to pay her dues. And, I don’t know about you, but I have no intention of being anything less than an equal partner in my relationship.
7. Cause you’re a grown woman: These days many women earn more than their male counterparts, yet still want to be less financially accountable. Yep, I believe a man should be a provider to the best of his ability. But that does not excuse you from being a contributor to your own well being.
Now let me be very clear about one thing: Under no circumstances am I instructing or condoning paying a man’s bills, ever! This post is not meant to be an invitation to put gas in his car, loan him money for his cell phone bill or help him with child support. All I’m saying is, giving a little will get you a lot. Think about it.


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