Monday 28 October 2013

6 Things You May Be Doing to Sabotage Your Marriage

Here are seven things you may be doing to sabotage your relationship. Maybe with a few adjustments your sabotaging days can come to an end: 1) A Lack of Trust- If you don’t trust your spouse, things simply won’t work. Maybe you feel like trusting someone too much leads to trouble, but not trusting them enough can do the very same thing. 2) Unreasonable expectations- Maybe you want your spouse to do things for you that just aren’t possible based on current circumstances. Be reasonable in what you want, because wanting far more than someone can give at the moment can push him or her away. 3) Not expressing your true feelings- Being silent, or fronting about how you really feel, does a lot more harm than good. You have to be authentic in your relationship if you want it to work. 4) Nagging- Speak your mind, get your point across, but do not nag. You think it’s helpful, but nagging doesn’t help anyone involved – not even you. 5) A lack of intimacy- A lack of intimacy never fixes anything. It simply leads to a greater lack of intimacy. Withholding affection from your spouse is a sure way to cause a major disconnect in your relationship. 6) Making assumptions- Don’t ever assume you know what someone is feeling, or where they stand. Maybe you assume because you feel like it’s easier than asking, but assuming rarely works out well. Just ask. When you make assumptions it puts undue stress on your marriage and can lead to a whole new set of issues. BMWK


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