Wednesday 16 October 2013

5 Things Super Happy Couples Do Every Day

I’m sure most would agree that marriage takes a bit of work. But, what “thing” worth having doesn’t? We all have our good days and just okay days. Sometimes it takes a while to get out the valley of “bad” days as a married couple. Do you know a couple that seems to be really happy? Have you ever asked a couple that you admire, just how they do it? Here are 5 things super happy couples do everyday. 1. Make time to connect. This includes talking to each other without holding or sitting in front of anything with a screen (i.e. laptop, cell phone, TV, iPad). 2. Remind each other that you’re sexy. 3. Share a guilty pleasure. As couples, you should have a favorite show or other secret fun you can indulge in. 4. Enrich yourselves as individuals. You should learn to enjoy yourselves individually by doing what each one of you enjoys doing. 5. Get spiritual together.


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