Tuesday 3 December 2013

Stop being A Boy! You Are Now The Husbands!!

I know we all want to remain young forever but even if you have to 'claim' this let it be far away from home. As soon as you are married, you need to keep the boy's character and behaviour behind you. Marriage is a life changing experience for everyone. The transition from bachelorhood to married life is tough for most men and their better halves. You may not realise that something that is insignificant to you might be so important for your wife. The best way to avoid dampening of the new romance is to accept and understand that you are no longer a bachelor, you are no longer a boy or the usual guys. So, here are some characters and habits that you should think about changing as you become a ‘husband’. 1. Stop Coming Home Late: Most times as a guy you might choose to hangout with friends after a heavy day work, which can be a best method of easing out stress but now that you are married get back home early and spend those wonderful time with your wife. She needs it, she need you around to keep her happy. This will help you both to form amazing unbreakable bond. 2. Playing of video games: If you are used to relaxing in front of the television or the gaming console after you get back home from work as most guys will say, it is a habit that you must put an end to except if she enjoys it with you. Better still as a husband you should think about interesting ‘bedroom games’, not those video games. Start paying attention to your wife, unless you want to spend your nights cuddling your television set! 3. No More Constant Contact With Ex! Now that you have made your choice and choose her to be your life partner, you have to disable any form of contact with your ex(s). Instead make her feel she's the best woman on earth and you are the luckiest man to have her as your wife. 4. Keep All Female Friends For Only Business: Before you married her you might have alot of female friends that you spend alot of time with either for the purpose of business or gist, but since you are married now you should keep those friendship on a corperate level and spend less time with them because the more time you spend with them the more the decrease in the trust of your wife of the actual type of relationship you are having with them. If you can begin change this various habits today believe me, you are going to be having an enviable marriage. Watch out for the next article which will be talking on the ladies aspect of this issue, why she become a woman once she's married and stop being a girl. Finally do subscribe to this blog to get automatic updates on my latest articles. Thank You.


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