Tuesday 31 December 2013

How To Get A Boyfriend: 3 Powerful Steps

Hi ladies, i know sometimes you really love a guy and really wonder if likes you because he doesn't even notice you. Well today's discussion will be on how to get that guy of your dream.
Are you Pinning after someone special? Read this now and amp; get your chemistry flowing.
1. Guys Are Cats
The first thing to say on the subject of learning how to get a guy want you is that you need to realize that men are just like cats. Sounds a little weird? Hear me out! Ever seen a cat chase after a toy that is just sitting there? I certainly haven’t. However, when it’s dangled in front of them but still remains slightly out of reach, they literally go crazy for it.
They jump around, chase, sprint and pretty much will do whatever it needs to do to catch this “just out of reach” toy.
Bizarrely, guys are exactly the same. If you are easy to win over or not a challenge and just wait there for a guy to “catch” you, then you can be pretty sure that he’s not going to be that interested in you. But if you are fun, exciting, playful, flirty, just out of reach, then he is going to be a lot more likely to desire and chase after you.
2. Let’s Be Honest For A Second…
The second thing that I have to say on the topic of learning how to get a guy to like you is maybe not something you want to hear… but it’s vital. There are certain attraction triggers that will make guys like you and see you in a totally different light.
Here are the 3 most important:
Are You Healthy? Going to the gym in of itself doesn’t make you healthy. Eating right isn’t the only important factor to being healthy. Being thin is a goal of many women, but again this may not necessarily make you healthier. But combining these 3 things, going to the gym, maintaining a healthy weight and eating right is going to massively contribute to being much healthier.
You see, guys aren’t really looking for a skinny woman, gym bunny or a nutritious eater. They are naturally attracted to someone who is healthy. Being lean is the result of being healthy. So ask yourself, “Am I doing everything possible to be healthy?”
Do You Dress To Impress? The next thing I want to talk about is how you dress. I am absolutely not talking about being fashionable. Being fashionable is certainly fun, but if you are keen to make a guy want you and chase you, then you should think more about dressing attractively to accentuate your good points. I can honestly tell you this as a guy: men just don’t care about fashion nearly as much as women do. As a result, we often don’t even notice the latest trends or what’s hot. So to reiterate, rather than dressing fashionably, dress attractively. The difference is often subtle, but it’s crucial to making a guy want to be with you.
Are you a fun person to be around, a depressing person to be around, or a boring person to be around? The majority of guys don’t want to hang around a girl that’s boring or depressing, no matter how attractive she is. They’d prefer to run a mile, to be perfectly honest.
So when I say that you should be a fun person and a positive person to be around, I don’t mean that you should be some sort of psycho-happy-all-the-time person. I’m saying that you should do your best to see the good in the world and be at least a little bit more positive.
3. Are You Available All The Time Or Do You Have Your Own Life?
The final thing I have to say on getting a guy to like you is that you absolutely need to have your own life when it comes to dating, and even just attracting a guy. Again, this comes down to the fact that guys don’t want what they can easily have (remember the cat analogy above?).
So rather than always being available to hang out with a guy, make sure that you have your own life, interests and fun things to do (and invite him to). This will make you seem way, way more valuable in his eyes.


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